Quick answer is that bids seem to keep going up with bids over 20 now common.
just the dollar amount.
Did you go for the Atlantic with Germany? Or did you go for Russia ?
If Germany decides to go for the Atlantic, the German u-boats will counter the first fleet of the US.
Which means that Italy has 5-6 rounds to push into the Middle East, together with Germany.
The 8 paratroopers together with landing crafts standing on Greece together with Italy paratroopers and landing crafts are a huge treat danger to the —>
If possible take Greece with Italy.
So when you build a airfield or harbour the allies will not see it coming.
My experience till so far with the axis is:: leave russia, take out Novgorod. When the army conscription kicks in. Retreat. Reorganise and with new forces attack again.
Butt before this, you should be in the Middle East and Egypt with the axis.
The first games when I play the house rule expansion the allies dominated .
Butt now it’s really a 50/50.
I think because of the logistics it’s harder to win with the allies
@Cornelis-Post said in Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports:
When the army conscription kicks in. Retreat.
this seems to be true for me too. Not advancing anyways :)
@Cornelis-Post Thanks CP! Excellent advice. I was not aware of the Greece Airbase idea but yes, that is brilliant and will incorporate going forward. I was doing hybrid a bit for German strategy with 5 U-Boats a turn, building landmines on G1 to get them dug in at Normandy before US Navy arrives but getting diced badly on G1 in every battle resulted in me needing to build 2 fighters and nine U-Boats. So with purchasing first PG, the U-Boats, landmines, and replacing Luftwaffe losses, the little bit of money left went to building some infantry in France as there were none there after the G1 dicing and he had UK paratroopers sitting in London after UK1. Update on my current game which is at Italy 6:
Germany: Took Novgorod on G5 along with dropping a para in Caucasus to grab the 7 IPC’s. But not moving past Eastern Poland except for holding Novgorod with help of the Baltic fleet. Med is lost and with his chosen Allied strategy was never a possibility. Was only able to get the bonuses from Gibraltar and no Allied Med ships for one turn.
US: Pacific strategy unchanged with starting navy assets in SZ10. 100% of his purchases going towards Italy invasion. He currently has North Africa and Gibraltar but has not invaded the mainland yet. Took Brazil on US3.
UK: Continuing max infantry in India. Took Iraq and destroyed Italian forces in Tunisia on UK5. Combined US/UK Fleet parked in SZ’s 91 and 96.
Soviet Union: repositioned his forces to take away another Caucasus para assault. 85% of his forces in Bryansk to cut off any advances across the front.
Italy: started building all infantry in Southern/Northern Italy on I4 which has resulted in holding off invasion for now. Did take Greece on I2. Could have done it I1 but wanted to wait until air forces could participate. No forces in East for can-openers as invasion is imminent so all ground forces in homeland except one infantry in Greece and 2 AAA in Paris. Moved the Strat Bomber to Western Germany so that it lives on after Italy death.
Japan: J5 took Singapore, last money island, Gilbert Islands, NG, and DNG then J6 repositioned navy to Carolines, built IC in Korea and transported Combat Engineers to China for future movement of minor complexes to Yunnan and western China provinces. My current plan for J7 is to take Hawaii and start mass production of 6 tanks per turn in Korea.
you might consider investing in some Italian Paras. Get them to Romainia or Bulgaria if they need to defend.
You might be able to take Caucasus and stalingrad after Take Over of Italy
@Cornelis-Post Your Greece paratrooper gambit continues to be very intriguing to me at a minimum and possibly even brilliant but question as to how this plays out.
Is that the general idea?? It seems to me that the effectiveness of the gambit could be maximized with Germany taking Greece on G2 which would allow them to build minor IC on G3 in order to support the G4 paratrooper drop with navy/army assets mobilized in Greece starting G4. I see that being enormously effective in the Med but keeps the Nazis from investing as much in Battle of the Atlantic or Barbarossa prep right?
Will be offline for next few weeks but wanted to inquire about this before I go. Thanks
This strategy depends also what is the allies doing.
You should not build a minor factory in Greece, just use your rail way capacity.
The most important thing is:
Italy and Germany should move as one.
So for example if Italy in round 1 takes Alexandria Germany can send in round 2 some fighters to support Alexandria. So Italy makes a move and Germany follows. In this way the allies cannot counter attack because you would be to strong in this stage of the game.
So round 1
Germany builds up 5 sup
6 waffen ss infantry and 2 waffen ss artillery.
Italy builds 2 landing craft and 1 paratrooper in Rome.
Round 2 Germany likely will have 85 ipc
So you should build:
8 paratrooper/ can jump to Italy. Or Romania.
1 panzer general.
2 landing craft /// strategic rail movement to greece
5 subs // 3 in the mediterranean, also Remember if you move you’re “remaining” italian ships to seazone 93 to eliminate the French ships, you can use the factory with Germany to build subs or a carrier in that seazone to counter the remaining British fleet.
The best thing which could happen is that the British attacked the Italian fleet in round 1
The Russian plan is to take out Novgorod as fast as possible, butt in round 5 you need to retreat till you’re own borders this is okay.
By that time Germany can build up a huge force, and push again.
@Cornelis-Post Hey CP. I am back online now from summer vacay with wife & kids. The end result of our game was that Axis did win. Japan became a monster, Germany turtled and survived. We have been playing the HRE without landing craft. Combination of not being clear on how to use them and then had to figure out what units to use for representing them because all of our games are with the OOB board using OOB pieces. So we have an amateurish system such as using French infantry as paratroopers and putting roundels under infantry to designate an elite infantry. I have an A&A Classic game so we are going to use the Classic transports as LCV’s going forward. We are going to play a few games with the LCV’s and after we get used to that. I will post a game thread with pictures etc. Probably this Fall sometime. A few things that are still head-scratchers for us as we learn HRE are:
I never have success with Japan without taking money islands but it seems as if you guys don’t always focus on capture of them.
We never have success with Barbarossa. It always ends with Germany unable to make much progress as long as Allies play reasonably well with UK/USA in continental invasions, etc. Our only Axis wins come from Japan eventually making a two front war that SU can’t keep up with when their income drops below 20.
USA focusing most resources on KGF and UK piling as much stuff on Calcutta as possible to include 10 LM’s seem to be strategies that play well. But it’s really hard for us to determine how to play ANZAC and Soviet Union along with the fact that to a large extent they are having to react to what Axis are doing.
Bottom-line the HRE is possibly the best WWII board game ever. Too bad Captain can’t monetize that in a huge way because I think he deserves some monetary benefits for his outstanding efforts with this. OOB G40 just isn’t even fun anymore.
@Trout Great to hear about the axis win💪🏻
Yes the HRE is truly outstanding good.
I’ve played the game like 30-50 times and I still make new strategies.
The landing crafts and paratroopers are the best units available on the board definitely.
Also when you play with the axis Italy can conquer a country, or island. And Germany can move his planes in the country in the upcoming round ( also with air transport, Germany can move a panzer unit with air transport.)
So for example Italy takes Alexandria in round 3.
And germany buys 6 air units at round 3. Germany can launch an invasion with 6 units and all airplanes to Afrika.
The UK must retreat.
So after a few games the balance will become 50/50 for the axis and the allies.
So also the allies must plan very carefully what to do.
We are also working on a YouTube channel.
This year we are planning to explain the rules on YouTube, and after some strategic opening moves.
It’s nice to see more people enjoying the game 😎
On my 10th game against other opponents instead of just myself :)
I have always thought the Middle East to be key. OOB included. Not a revelation, as I think most would agree with that.
As Axis, Italy and Germany can both reinforce and potentially take Egypt with Paratroopers and Air Transports.
Also, more easily for Italy, with LCV’s and Naval Transports.
I believe it to be key to keep the British from having free reign in Africa, which would allow them to reinforce the Cauacasus or India.
However, this will take resources away from the War in Russia and allow the Allies to engage with there resources against the Reich and Italia sooner than otherwise.
I’m not sure of the best approach, but I don’t think it can be ignored.
Most important to remember is, that the Soviet Union grow stronger and stronger during the first 5 rounds.
The combination of those 3 - not to mention the 10 IPC and Free Tank unit that the Soviet player receives when Germany attacks - make a Massive German Offensive plan in Africa impossible.
The German & Italian War in Africa and the Middle East must be fought with skill and determination on a scale that doesn’t allow the Soviet Union to grow into a Power House.
Sunday the 4th August (tomorrow) we have a game here. Keld Rasmussen (Senior Axis & Allies Veteran Member with more than 30 years of loyal membership) will play the Allies - and I play the Axis.
I’ve planned a Combined Axis Strategic Plan that adresses the above.
A Game Report will be announced asap after the game has ended.
That’s true, in my last game with Barnee, I formed the DAK and attacked Egypt with a large invasion force. However, I have never been able to make a good push into Russia. The only thing I could do was trade Leningrad back and forth. The Russians were ultimately super strong and could afford to help reinforce the Middle East as well as parts of China. It’s a strategy I don’t want to employ ever again because the Germans never really got going in the game. They managed to capture Cairo in the end, but just barely. If things had gone a little differently, my attack would have failed and all those resources I spent in Africa would have been wasted.
Looking forward to the upcoming game report! I am interested to see how you deal with Africa as the Axis 😁
As part of the Strategic Planning for Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion, the Global 1940 No. 16 Game Report reveals parts of a Combined Axis Strategic Plan.
@The-Captain Any update on Italy Strategy Guide release?
Moving over from CE unit. One thing that I have had trouble with, is if S.S.R. keeps the Siberian Army East. Back off a space from Amur.
Yanks go Big in Pacific. Max build India and ANZAC.
Then attack all at once the same turn. Now, JPN can delay that, but UK ANZAC can hit early if they want.
Sooner or later, they’ll all be at war. Keeping the Siberians in the East is key to it imo.
Seems SSR can rebound with the 26 conscripts to hold the Reich at bay long enough for it to go down.
Moving the China JPN Fctrys isn’t something I’ve considered though :)
Were you replying to Trout? Are you on the right thread? I’m a bit confused on your response.
Hi @Trout
Game Report No. 16 at the Game Report Thread shows the Italian Strategic Plan.
The Italian Strategic Plan is part of a Combined Axis Strategic Plan where Germany, Japan and Italy are working together towards the Strategic Goal.
The Italian Strageic Plan can also be used even when Italy is “fighting alone” without a Combined Axis Strategic Plan.
Italy should always consider to plan for a German Take Over Of Italy - even if Italy has reached all or some of the National Objectives.
When Germany takes over Italy, it has a massive impact on the War effort on both the Eastern Front as well as the Western Front.
Also, Rome does not have to be “protected” anymore - Rome can be lost - and re-captured with no military or economic consequence.
In this way Germany is strengthened on a massive scale.
@The-Captain I think I am missing something. When I read Game Report No. 16, I didn’t see any Strategy Guide. I did see some remarks about making sure you set things up for German Takeover which I find to be a very powerful thing for the Axis to execute. And some remarks about Italy assisting with Sea Lion feint or attack.
Hi @Trout
The strat guide is in the first HR link https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/37535/the-captain-s-global-1940-house-rules-collection
4th one I think
Game #16 is referring to how one might use Italy
@barnee I give up. I don’t see a Strat Guide for Italy in that place either. Italy in my mind is the hardest nation to figure out what to do with. Combination of weak in addition to awesome location and mucho 5-point bonuses. So it seems to give tantalizing possibilities for the Axis but I have yet to figure out the best way to use them. Throw everything into the Med where the bonuses are? Give up on the Med and instead take up Atlantic Wall duty along with Soviet can-openers? The only thing I have figured out for sure about Italy is always ALWAYS do the German Takeover. The rest continues to be a mystery though.