@SuperbattleshipYamato I like the ideas/rules you mentioned. I will follow through on triple a.
Global 1940 US & UK Lend-Lease
@the-captain i had forgotten about this. I’ll have to add as an option :)
The 3 air and naval are total correct ? Same as ussr ?
Good idea, didn’t notice the part concerning naval units, showing that it’s different from the finished/final Lend Lease rule. That’ll be a good inclusion.
Hi barnee,
The USA can send 3 Air units and 3 Naval units as part of the US-UK Lend-Lease Program.
When playing the Global 1943 Expansion, those Air & Naval units have already been send to the UK and are now part of the UK forces. -
@the-captain right on. So only for 1940 Game Start. I’ll add as an option next update.
Added as a Game Option for latest triplea update. Version 1.87 October 27 2023.
This has no affect on Game Play. It just adds a “Game Option” for a simple way for Players to agree to using the Optional rule. It may be expanded in the future. Is On by Default at Game Start.
I Hope to add LL specific units that will only allow placement in the correct zones. Hopefully they can auto change as well.
The above Rules are included in the Game Notes as well as a link to this thread.
Awesome! 👍👍
The US & UK Lend-Lease rule will be included in the the 4th Northern Europe Axis & Allies Wiking-Con which will be held in Denmark in Early 2024.
Game Reports will soon after be posted at the Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Report Thread
@The-Captain said in Global 1940 US & UK Lend-Lease:
From the beginning of the US player’s turn in Late 1941 the United States can send up to 3 Air Units (all types of Air Units are included) to the United KIngdom.
Even if the United States is not at War.Does this include Strategic Bombers ? Or even Heavy Bombers when they’re avaiable ? Or just Tacs and Ftrs like the commies get ?
It includes all types of Air units - except Carrier Based Fighter units.
So, yes - Strategic Bomber units are also eligible for US-UK Lend-Lease
Great Thank you
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