@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
Invitational Classic 2nd edition
@elche @dawgoneit can you please let me know the link to your match?
Here is the link to the game where I was the axis vs dawgoneit.
I won as the Axis on turn 4
The link to my game with Dawgoneit where he is the axis and I am the allies.
@elche @dawgoneit @Ragnell804 @The_Good_Captain
Dear all,
I have updated the table - please check that there is no error or anything missing.
Ragnell804 is speeding through the tournament, as he will pretty much not be able to play, in April.
As we do not really stick to the game plan, I replaced the tables by match day by an overall table. And for fun I also added the nation’s ranking :-)
Enjoy your running games!
The US apparently already have 6 points
@Martin Dawgoneit Axis VS Ragnell804 Allies. Classic A&A
Ragnell804 Allies. wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/40700/dawgoneit-axis-vs-ragnell804-allies-classic-a-a/48 -
Please find another update. As always, please kindly check for any error I might have made. Game on! :-)
I updated the Nation’s ranking, as it did not make sense.
Before, all games were counted, even the ones when a US player played against a US player and when a German player played against a German player, leading to an advantage of the US.
Now, only the international games with mixed players are taken into consideration.
@elche @dawgoneit @Ragnell804 @The_Good_Captain
After a speedy start, the tournament games have slowed down a bit. Still 9 games to go. The country rating is currently a draw.
Game on - it will be an exciting finish! :-)
Elche wins with the Allies against Martin
@dawgoneit @The_Good_Captain @Ragnell804 @elche
Dear all,
We can already congratulate The Good Captain for the undisputed victory of our small tournament! There are still games going on or to be started, but no player will be able to reach TGC’s current 7 points. Congratulations - very well played!
The US have also taken the lead in the nations’’ ranking.
In the 15 games played so far, the Axis have won in 47% of the cases. This shows that restricting Russia from attacking on turn 1 makes sense with the Allies still having a slight advantage.
As always, please check and let me know in case I did some mistake with the results or with the table.
TGC has indeed “only” 6 points, but this does not change the situation.
@Martin @elche @dawgoneit @Ragnell804
Thanks Martin. Lots of fun. I am in the middle of my game with Elche and will make a few comments once we are finished. =)
@The_Good_Captain @Martin @elche @dawgoneit @Ragnell804
Elche has conceded, and TGC has won all of his games except for one. Congratulations again to your victory!
I still have to play my second game with elche. And I am not sure if Dawgoneit cancelled all of his games, but I believe so.
One thing: I lost my spreadsheet with the game results and the table, as I accidentally deleted it from the One Drive folder. I can reconcile it, as I luckily posted the screen shots below, but maybe one of you has downloaded the table and can send it to me be email or A&A post?
And last but not least: I had proposed earlier this year that we consider launching a Classic league starting 2025. I volunteered to keep track of results and tables. As it turned out, this would indeed be too much for me, taking care of job and family. I could ask Gamerman if he would be willing to add another table to the current one, where he already keeps track of OOB, BM, and PtV.
@Martin @elche @dawgoneit @Ragnell804 @kwaspek104
That was a lot of fun, thank you all!
Hopefully, we can do this again next year. Regarding balance, I feel very strongly that games need to be played with the “Restricted Attack” optional rule but also that neutral territories need to be impassable.
In every game as the Allies, I invaded Spain early in the game. I have played hundreds of games of classic in the last five years and have not seen this strategy fail. It cripples Germany and almost guarantees an Allied win. Nobody used Spain against me when I was the Axis (Elche did but it was around turn 18 - far too late).
At a minimum, I strongly recommend playing this game with “Restricted Attack” and Impassable Neutrals.
I also recommend allowing tech starting on game turn 4. The affect of doing this is that it prevents the long, drawn out, slow death of one side or the other. When the ‘loser’ realizes he is losing, he can roll for tech and hope to catch heavy bombers to try to get back in the game. Otherwise, games go on and on and on (I would use the game between Elche and I as an example). Tech speeds up the game which is especially important in tournament games. In my experience, it does not break the game or create a lucky winner…so long as it is not accessible unit turn 4.
Finally, I recommend using the optional rule “No New Complexes”. I feel strongly (and its been my experience) that they favor the Allies and don’t do the Axis much good. The Allies don’t need the help that the complexes provide. I understand this adds a lot of “flavor” so I’m totally fine to play with them - but if the Allies know how to use them early in the game, its difficult for the Axis to recover.
In conclusion, I hope we have a tournament next year and I think perfect balance is achieved by using:
1) Restricted Attack
2) Impassable Neutrals
3) No tech until turn 4
4) No new complexesI think the first two are a necessity. I think the second two make the game perfectly balanced but are not a necessity.
Thanks for the games and hope to play again next year.
**If anyone wants to see what Spanish Harlem looks like and why its so awful, see this video and go to 8:44. If you use Spanish Harlem against me as the Axis, I will lose the game. It just cannot be beaten.
I have never played a game of Classic before, but seeing you guys having fun with it makes me want to play lol. Anyone interested in some “getting a noob up to speed with Classic” games? 😂
I would love to take part in the next invitational!
@VictoryFirst I’ll play
@The_Good_Captain @elche @dawgoneit @Ragnell804 @VictoryFirst @kwaspek104
Apologies for my late reply! Thank you ever so much for your feedback, TGC, and all the suggestions! I am not a tech fan when it comes to competitive games. But if both players agree, everything is possible :-) Thank you also for the video link! :-)
It appears that there are 10+ players interested in playing in some kind of A&A Classic League, starting 2025. This could be organized in a similar way as the1940 OOB, BM, and PtV leagues. Let’s see how we can organize this. I was volunteering to keep the records. But as it turned out during the year, this is too demanding time wise. And I should not delete the table by accident again, LOL.
We shall see if we can add a “Classic” tab to the ELO sheet of the 1940 game version variants, or if a 3rd party app such as a Chess manager shall be used. Any input is welcome.
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Topic moved to the “Tournaments” section.