Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @barnee

    Nooooo!!! The Axis were so close. 😔 Better luck next time.

  • Global 1940 House Rule Expansion Game Report
    via TripleA

    This is our 4th game.

    Axis: barnee
    Allies: VictoryFirst

    Link to our game thread:

    Save file: exp-game-4-victory-F4.tsvg

    Round: Late 1941 (Round 4)

    Eastern Front:
    This turn, the Germans declared war on the USSR. They made a powerful Barbarossa and captured a lot of Russian territories. However, the Russian counter-attack was also strong, capturing most of the territories back. Only the attack on Rostov failed - all units got wiped out.
    The Germans moved the minor factory to Romania with their engineers, and formed 2nd Panzer Army in Berlin.
    The Soviets took deep defensive positions in their territory, deadzoning multiple areas. They saved 51 IPCs, unfortunately one buck too short for maximum Red Army Conscription that will be coming up next turn.

    Heavy fighting took place in Africa. The British attacked Alexandria with a large force, trying to weaken the Italian army. However, their rolls were slightly subpar. Both sides lost a lot of units, but eventually, the British had to retreat. The UK purchased more fighters, and they also moved an Elite Infantry to French West Africa using an Air Transport, to reinforce Egypt on a later turn.
    The Italians, on their turn, tried to make a risky attack against the weakened Egypt with everything that could reach. However, their rolls were not good enough, so they ended up retreating after one round of combat. Still, they took out 4 inf, while their losses were 3 LCVs, 1 inf, and 1 tank, making good use of the Landing Crafts that absorbed most of the hits. Edit: one more Italian artillery was killed due to a rule oversight.
    French forces also reinforced Egypt, strengthening the defense.
    The Italian assault against the Middle East has proven to be successful, resulting in the capture of several territories and the British are unable to push them back.

    The Germans purchased three more U-boats this time. The Americans produced four destroyers to reinforce their Atlantic fleet.

    Japan made successful attacks against the Chinese border territories, capturing most lost territories back. The Chinese then recaptured Yunnan and took defensive positions in the mountains.
    The UK forces in India were forced to retreat from China, but are continuing to build up to possibly start a new offensive.
    The Japanese factories in China are running at full speed, producing combat units.
    Japanese troops continue to march through Siberian territories. The Russians are unable to hold the line and are forced to retreat.

    Seeing the American threat coming from the north, the Japanese reinforced SZ 6 with a large fleet. The Americans responded by producing another 3 carriers and 6 submarines in the Pacific. An attempt to capture Iwo Jima with the help of a cruiser failed.
    Australian and American submarines have scattered across the Pacific, making it very hard for Japan to start an offensive southward. ANZAC also made a sneaky landing in Formosa, collecting an extra 2 IPCs.
    Since their income is now so high, the Australians decided to build an extra factory in Queensland.

    Income Totals:
    Germany: 47 / 64
    Japan: 37 / 45
    Italy: 19 / 31

    USSR: 25 / 30
    US: 52 / 91
    China: 6 / 12
    UK: 53 / 59
    ANZAC: 22 / 32

    Axis: 103 / 140
    Allies: 158 / 224


  • 2024 2023 '22


    Still a little nervous for the Axis.

    I like your new style of reporting based on theatre, rather than by nation. Works at least just as smoothly.

  • @barnee You asked for a Game Report Post, so here it is:

    Global 1940 with Expansion Rules - sections 1-4 (no optional rules)

    Germany - mkgionet
    Italy - Cathy M
    Japan - Pat H
    UK - Mike K
    Russia - Alex M
    USA - Josh S

    Report through Early 1942

    Germany succeeded in clearing the Atlantic (except for US coast) of all Allied ships until Late 1941 when the US fleet finally entered the war taking back Gibralter. That emboldened the UK to build back its fleet in Early 1942. With Germany unsure if the USA would enter the Mediterranean a small fleet was hastily built off the coast of Southern France and so the USA turned north.

    Italy succeeded (with a bit of help from the German air force) to clear the Mediterranean of Allied ships but took a major defeat in Northern Africa, practically being kicked out of the continent.

    Several German armies were formed to start a relentless march towards Moscow. At one point there were two Army groups formed. One still remains intact with 10 infantry, an SS army, and a Panzer army. As soon as Late 1942 begins multiple armies will be on Moscow’s doorstep. Surprisingly Russia chose not to build any mines, and they’ve received very little help from their allies. No units have been given to them yet via Lend Lease. Yes, those are Anzac troops in Bryansk that just arrived by rail from Egypt.

    Japan focused on (and succeeded) in eliminating China, winning a significant battle against a sizeable Anzac navy that’s been greatly reduced. Russia and Japan are still at peace, though troops are starting to gather on the China/Russia border.

    UK rules the middle east and most of Africa, though only a fairly small amount of ground troops remain. UK is making a stand in India, time will tell if they make a move to try and resurrect China.

    The USA has focused more of their attention on the Pacific, but have had a hard time organizing their units and coming up with a definitive plan of action.

    See attached pictures - more to come when play resumes on 5/27/ Armies.jpeg 5.18.24 Atlantic.jpeg 5.18.24 Central.jpeg 5.18.24 German front.jpeg 5.18.24 IPC and Victory Cities.jpeg 5.18.24 Pacific.jpeg

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    That is Awesome !!!

    This is the Largest Multi Player Game Report Ever Posted !!!

    I Dig it :)
    Looking forward to the rest of it :)

    What is your Groups play history ? Have you played together much ?

    Edit 2
    Oh the Brits have Greece ?

  • @barnee Thank you, me too!

    Over the course of the last few years we’ve been playing the Global 1940 game in-person. In the previous 3 games we’ve added one section of the expansion rules to get where we are now - playing sections with sections 1-4. Mike, Pat, Alex, Josh, and myself have played together for most of those games, with Cathy being a newer addition.

    No, those are Italy’s troops in Greece.

  • @mkgionet

    Nice! Looks pretty tied and even. Hopefully that’s a good sign that the new rules are balanced.

  • @mkgionet

    Those Army Marker Flags look awesome.

    Do you have Army Group Flags as well ?

    We’ll follow your interesting game closely.

  • Hi @mkgionet

    Please remember:

    When you have completed 5 board games with the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion you will automatically be rewarded with Handpainted Units - se the thread:

    Handpainted Free Units on this forum.

  • @The-Captain Those flags were made by one of our players (Alex) quite some time ago, long before we ever knew about the “army” rules. We never had a great use for them though, except for decoration. We’ll need to make more though as I think they work well at representing army formations.

  • @The-Captain

    Actually they are playing ftf, so they’d qualify after this one. No triplea for them :)

  • @mkgionet
    looks great, big credits to the Italy player in this game

  • @The-Captain Game Report #2 continuing from 5/20/2024 Post of first 5 rounds

    Germany - mkgionet
    Italy - Cathy M
    Japan - Pat H
    UK - Mike K
    Russia - Alex M
    USA - Josh S

    Report Late 1942 through Early 1944

    Germany continued pushing until Armies were in Smolensk ready to invade Moscow. However, Russia launched a powerful counter attack from the north and south completely wiping out all German troops in Smolensk. The German invasion of Moscow sadly just fell short. Germany was able to capture and hold many Russian territories but the front line kept getting thinner and thinner, and then was getting pushed back in the south. At this point the German front line is practically non-existant.

    While Germany concentrated on Russia the large US fleet off the coast of France landed in Norway and setup a Minor Industrial Factory - big problems for Germany. The UK also started to expand thier navy. A daring attack by the Luftwaffe made a dire situation better by completely sinking that US fleet. More US ships came up from the southern Atlantic to destroy the German navy. Now how will Germany fend off UK’s fleet? Perhaps Italy can retake Gibraltar and free the remaining German navy that’s trapped in the Mediterranean. Italy hasn’t really been able to make any progress, but has been able to hold their own.

    Russia and Japan are still at peace. Russia moved their factories underground after Italian bomber raids. They finally received (3) fighters through Lend Lease, though still haven’t received any tanks.

    The US has focused almost all of its attention on the Pacific, where Japan has taken many islands and now threatens Australia. With Germany on the retreat it appears the only way the Axis has a chance to win this war is in the Pacific.

    Likely this game will finally end on Day 3, which won’t take place until 6/29 - stay tuned!5.30.24 Armies.jpeg 5.30.24 Atlantic.jpeg 5.30.24 Australia close up.jpeg 5.30.24 China.jpeg 5.30.24 IPC.jpeg 5.30.24 Pacific.jpeg 5.30.24 Russia.jpeg 5.30.24 Victory Cities.jpeg 5.30.24 Western Europe.jpeg

  • @mkgionet

    Sweet ! Awesome Game !!! Great Report !

    Looks as if you are using the oob victory conditions ?

  • @mkgionet

    Great game,

    Do you use both the OOB Victory Cities as well as the Expansion Victory Conditions (Economic Victory: Axis = 148 IPC, Allies = 189 IPC) ?

    Anyway - interesting to see if the OOB or the Expansion Victory Conditions come first…

    Did the US build a Minor Industrial Complex in Norway - and upgrade it to Heavy Industry 1 Unit ?

    How many Waffen-SS units does Germany have on the game board - and where is the German 3rd Panzer Army stationed…?

  • @mkgionet

    Nice. Am worries for the Axis.

    Really like your victory cities chart. Simple but effective.

  • @The-Captain Yes, we use the OOB Victory Cities as well as the Economic Victory conditions. Both seem like a fair way to win.

    Yes, I heavily defended Europe mainland so the US decided to take over Norway instead and build a Minor IC that they upgraded to a Heavy Industry 1 Unit.

    It’s hard to see the German 3rd Panzer Army flag with the angle I took the picture (my bad). It’s currently protecting the coast and located in Normandy/Bordeaux.

    At the moment there’s only 1 Waffen-SS unit in Holland/Belgium, and unfortunately Germany isn’t setup to make any more in the upcoming turn.

    Thanks for your compliments & interest!

  • @mkgionet

    yea, only original Factories can be upgraded to Heavy Industry and only the original owner can upgrade it, so Norway can’t be upgraded.

    Since you guys playing ftf, I know a while back, The Captain had some rulebooks he was giving out.
    I think maybe you had to pay postage but otherwise production cost was free. I don’t remember for sure.

    I have a couple windows open, with one on the table of contents and the other to scroll for the answer.
    The Captain says they always have the rulebook present when they play as well.

    It’s somewhat complex, as you already know, so it’s easy to miss stuff. I’ve been playing or working on the triplea mod almost daily for the last three years, yea i don’t do much in life anymore lol, but just had a couple errors pointed out by Victory that we had been playing wrong.

    Anyway, just a long winded way of saying i don’t mean to sound critical of your game play :)

    Rock On

    P Out

  • @barnee Thanks Barnee, we totally overlooked that. Will downgrade it now so we can at least play correctly moving forward. We have all the rules printed out but it’s easy to miss something when there are so many.

  • @mkgionet yea it’s easy to miss stuff. I still do after three years :)

    Captain got a revised rule book out as well, in case you don’t have that one.

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