In my opinion, I think a naval base in Norway is only really worth it if the Allies commit into moving forces in that direction (i.e no large amphibious war in the Mediterranean).
Regarding tactical bombers:
While Norway is definitely a good target from Germans ones if the Allies build a naval base there, I actually don’t see many places where tactical bombers would be effective:
Axis Europe:
London: Situational, but its naval base is less used than I’d expect (the base the US mainly uses as a jumping-off point is mainly Gibraltar).
Gibraltar: Very useful, but unless you invade Spain it’s hard for tactical bombers to hit there. The Axis need to control Algeria, Morocco, or have a carrier.
Egypt: I don’t find the naval base there used much after the first few turns (though if you eschew Taranto and preserve the British fleet it’ll probably see more use). Still, I find it easier to temporarily disable the Suez Canal by going after Trans-Jordan. Similar to Gibraltar though, it’s often out of the way for the Axis to have tactical bombers hit there. Unless you’re having an ongoing offensive campaign in sub-Saharan Africa or the Middle East or furiously trading North Africa, there’s not much else for a tactical bomber in Tobruk, Syria, Ethiopia or Iraq to do.
The Gibraltar issue actually covers most of the other useful targets:
Eastern and Western United States, Queensland, Hawaii, Western Germany, Southern Italy, Tokyo, Caroline Islands, and the Philippines.
In each case, particularly in the Pacific, tactical bombers don’t have long enough range to attack from land bases, so you’ll need carriers to operate within striking range from the enemy. If you can afford that, your opponent either has no navy (or a very badly misplaced one) or is so weak you can probably just conquer the territory instead.
Normandy Bordeaux’s naval base, much like London, is situational, but I concede that it could be a good target.
Malaya and Calcutta are both easy to attack from land bases and should be exploited by either side. Also French Indochina if the Japanese opt to build one there.
Bottom line is that owing to their range limitations, I find that tactical bombers just aren’t that effective at bombing enemy bases. They’re probably better off cooperating with fighters to support 2-3 move naval unit attacks or 1-2 move land unit attacks (an added bonus is that such attacks also usually eliminate a significant threat to the tactical bomber’s landing area).
Now, strategic bombers (or even better, the Rockets technology) don’t have this range problem and should be used to attack naval bases when appropriate. I’ve seen the Rocket technology be used quite effectively by Japan, Germany, and the US. Their many air bases allow rockets to strike many of the useful naval bases I outlined above.