• I want Rio De Oro to be a major power and have it’s own roundels ( historical of course) and its own battleship and man with spear sculpt.

  • Simple fix
    In the global game UK controls two minor powers, ANZAC and Canada
    These powers have seperate incomes and can only construct units drawing from IPCs with the apporpriate roundels (ANZAC or Canadian) Use ANZAC peices to represent both Canadian and ANZAC units.

    ANZAC and Canadian units will never be in the same theatre, so they can be the same color, they can even take the same turn
    it allows for can openers in europe, but limits UKs attack potential a little bit, so its a fair trade

    If you REALLY need canada in the game, this is the easiest way to do it
    I expect all canadian territories to add up to about 10 IPCs, so there you go, thats all ANZAC has

  • Customizer


    I want Rio De Oro to be a major power and have it’s own roundels ( historical of course) and its own battleship and man with spear sculpt.

    It can have a spitting camel, and that’s about it.  I don’t think even a single Spanish infantry would be stationed there.

    To be fair, the case for Canada is about equal with that of Anzac, with South Africa & India under consideration.

    I would just place them all in the UK camp (with Anzac coming under US control Spring 1942).  Do UK players really want to have to manage 4 or 5 separate economies?

    Presumably there will be convoy boxes in the Atlantic, these will in part represent the transfer of income from colonies to the UK, so why not simply combine them into one power?

    Perhaps if certain convoys are closed down, the UK loses Canadian income?  Should CBs be marked as representing income from particular countries, lost when the link is broken?

  • I think what will hapen is that Canada will be part of Brittan.
    They operate in the same theretre, just on the other side of the ocean. It would make to UK weaker and the game longer.

    Just look at the votes.

  • @i:

    i guess :cry: :cry:
    well not what do i do for six months?

    Make your house rules for Canada.

  • Well if Canada comes with its own controller marker (which i believe it does) a simple house rule will make Canada a major power or not :-). You do not have to go by it but if you really want Canada as a major power just throw it in there and work it out with you and your buddies. I mean come on once these games leave the factory its up to the players to decide what will happen. (with the exception of tournaments)

  • Historians are still debating whether it was or not

  • Where will you draw the line? Canada and other minor countries should be optional rules not house rules.

  • What happened to this world, cant joke anymore. :?

  • I have heard the argumiment that if the ANZACs are a power, so should Canada. I am from AUs, so I may be on the ANZACs side but my 2 cents are-

    The ANZACs are a power because-They a remote island, that could not recive any help from Brittan, or help Brittan. So the the IPCs should stay in Aus. It was also at direct theat of invasion and was doing the exacpt opposite of India (they where aiming for Singapor, we where helping the us in the phillipans).

    Where as Canada was fighting the same war as the UK, just as an extra. They helped the war a lot, but not as a really indepidant power.

    Anywhy, just my 2 cents. Always house rules.

  • @Brain:

    Where will you draw the line? Canada and other minor countries should be optional rules not house rules.

    Optional… as in I can trade my French infantry in for more Japanese tac?  :-D

  • A&A D-Day had white Inf, Art, and Tanks (possibly Fighters and Bombers as well, can’t recall) that you could use to represent Canadian units.

    Some boxes of revised (2004) came with minty green UK units too. These might be employed as South Africans? Indians? Hey, I’m all for adding new flavour to the game. You could even keep their economies and movements integrated and just put these bad boys on the table for aesthetic purposes :)

  • @Make_It_Round:

    You could… just put these bad boys on the table for aesthetic purposes :)

    What I’ve always done for that one Canadian Armoured unit in Eastern Canada!  :wink:

  • In my game im just guna make it its own power. The UK pieces from revised are a lighter color than the ones used for pacific and probably Europe, for the new pieces i will just use the new U.K. ones. And I heard somewhere that it was going to have its own territor marker as well.

  • @democratic:

    I have heard the argumiment that if the ANZACs are a power, so should Canada. I am from AUs, so I may be on the ANZACs side but my 2 cents are-

    The ANZACs are a power because-They a remote island, that could not recive any help from Brittan, or help Brittan. So the the IPCs should stay in Aus. It was also at direct theat of invasion and was doing the exacpt opposite of India (they where aiming for Singapor, we where helping the us in the phillipans).

    Where as Canada was fighting the same war as the UK, just as an extra. They helped the war a lot, but not as a really indepidant power.

    Anywhy, just my 2 cents. Always house rules.

    Besides, Aussies rule in tennis.

  • My prediction. Canada is out.

  • @Brain:

    My prediction. Canada is out.

    I think WOTC will have Canada as a separate power….

    …when the Leafs win the Stanley Cup.

  • How about giving the Canadian player also the much smaller (land mass) UK - that woudl make the Canadian player a major force …

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12

    3 reasons why Canada should be a separate power:

    1)  Canada made at least a s large a military contribution to the war as ANZAC and a much larger supply/training contribution. If ANZAC gets its own economy so should Canada.

    2)  Canada already has a unique roundel represented on the Pacific map so unless Canadian IPCs must be “claimed” like Dutch IPCs then there is no reason for the distinct roundel other than if Canada is to be its own power. Furthermore, Larry has stated that “All Canadian provinces will be represented” giving Canada more territories than the continental US, Anzac or Italy.

    3)    If the UK was ever conquered by the Germans, Canada (as well as ANZAC) would have fought on along side the United States. Considering the heightened possibility of a successful Sealion, it is essential that Canada be a separate power to represent the continued production that would have come out of Canada if the UK fell.

    I predict Canada will look and act much like ANZAC with a few infantry, a couple fighters, destroyer, a transport and about 8 IPCs at its own disposal. –It could be a great Sub-hunting power… who knows.

  • @Canuck12:

    3 reasons why Canada should be a separate power:

    1)  Canada made at least a s large a military contribution to the war as ANZAC and a much larger supply/training contribution. If ANZAC gets its own economy so should Canada.

    2)  Canada already has a unique roundel represented on the Pacific map so unless Canadian IPCs must be “claimed” like Dutch IPCs then there is no reason for the distinct roundel other than if Canada is to be its own power. Furthermore, Larry has stated that “All Canadian provinces will be represented” giving Canada more territories than the continental US, Anzac or Italy.

    3)    If the UK was ever conquered by the Germans, Canada (as well as ANZAC) would have fought on along side the United States. Considering the heightened possibility of a successful Sealion, it is essential that Canada be a separate power to represent the continued production that would have come out of Canada if the UK fell.

    I predict Canada will look and act much like ANZAC with a few infantry, a couple fighters, destroyer, a transport and about 8 IPCs at its own disposal. –It could be a great Sub-hunting power… who knows.

    Not only that but they contributed to the D-Day invasion, in my book that deserves some spot light… I know I keep saying this but does anyone know if Canada will have its own controller marker?

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