I think this is a good question.
I tend to have more fun playing the Brittish then anyone else in A&A in general.
In P40 they really have it rough !
Because of the higher degree of historical realisim in this game (which I think is a big plus) compared to original A&A I don’t think the Brits can ever really do well for themselves here. (ultimately they will be whittled down, Fortress Singapore will fall as the empire fades – just as in real life)
I think how they play is crucial to an allied victory !
The Brits job is to take on and distract the Japanese Airforce for as long as possible - if they do this well, the US / ANZAC forces will drive thru and win the day …eventually.
Here’s how (assuming a J3 attack planned by Japan)
UK1: Buy 1AA (remember you are going to take on the JAF) 2INF and 1 ART
Sprint out to the 2 4IPC DEI Islands – ending income = 29 (with NOs)
Grab your original Calcutta based AA and begin a committed trudge up the Burma Railroad.
UK2: Buy another AA Gun, 1 Tank 1 Mech 3INF 1ART (you will need the speed to counter attack from India
Grab the last DEI Island
Declare War on Japan !
enter Asia along the Burma Rail (probablly as an attack - as Japan will have already taken it from China in J1 and maybe again in J2)
support with your fighters and land them either in Hong Kong or Schezhan if open Set up the first AA Gun in China and follow along with the second one.
Income now 37 with NOs and about to plumment (38/40 if Siam or FIC is an easy grab)
UK3: buy your last AA gun (I have found you need one in evrey Burma Rail territory or the Japanese will just air clobber the spot without it and use tanks (from an asia based factory to fight where you have the guns) more boots (agin some 2 move pieces (maybe even a Tac Bomber to support your tanks)
Doing this and capatalizing on China’s ability to create new troops in just captured areas can really cause a headache for Japan.
China can grow like a cancer if Japan leaves territories captured but undefended (which it sort of has to do if is going to make headway against the Brittish army.
Don’t get me wrong Japan can eventually take the Britts down if America doesn’t get any help in there (and it can be hard for America to do) – but by then Japan is facing a strong America with Macarthur bearing down on Manilla to RETURN !