I’ve never liked A&A’s version of marines. The attack on a “2”, but only in amphibious assults, didnt ring true to me. Yes, marines specialize in amphibious assaults, but why would they be better in combat in one of the most difficult environments than when they fight in a more traditional situation? If they kick butt in an amphibious attack and warrant a “2” then they should kick similar butt in standard attacks instead of reverting to a “1.”
So, for Pacific40 and Alpha +2 my proposed marine addition is:
Attack 2
Defend 2
Move 1
Cost: 6
Special 1: For every marine unit involved in an amphibious assault the player may use an onshore bombardment even if the bombardment comes from a ship that participated in a battle previously that turn. Thus, if an attacking player has 2 Marines in an attack as well as a battleship and 2 cruisers (and the ships helped clear the way for the amphibious landing), the attacking player gets 2 onshore bombardment attacks (one may not be used since there arent enough marines to get all 3 bombardments).
Special 2: Marines do not benefit from artillery support.
Comments/critiques are welcome. The goal is to make a marine that is tough, and valuable in a unique way to amphibious assaults. The cost is the thing I am having trouble with - and keep thinking a cost of 6 isnt unreasonable. Marines bring a unique ability to the table that is potentially very valuable, so making them cost that much for a aituational benefit seems (possibly) appropriate. Then again, 6 is pretty expensive – maybe 5 would be better?