@jim-bell Hey Jim you up for another game this weekend on the 28th?
Looking for a Player In Maryland
@sleepykoala i live north of baltimore. still looking for players reach out to me at rssllmorris@gmail.com
I have formed a group in Annapolis. We currently play 1942.2, but looking to move to 1940 soon.
@SleepyKoala new resident to northern AA, would enjoy meeting local Players and participating in local games…
@jitworks do you need more players?
@rssllmorrissll Where are you based mate?
@jitworks bel air. Use my email in the thread to continue conversation
@jitworks Still looking for players in Annapolis? Would love to join you, I’m there myself.
@ScottH409 Still interested in a game.
@jitworks So sorry I didn’t respond sooner - the notification went to my email. Email me at scotthall409@yahoo.com so we can set up something!
ScottH409 and rssllmorris, I am based in Pasadena and looking for a game, would you mind if I also sent you emails through your provided addresses?
Hank - that would be great!
@HankScorpio Go ahead and use email
Another ‘Dena player here 👋🏼
Annapolis Axis and Allies group facebook site at: https://www.facebook.com/share/ZYeBF96aap4QMihv/?mibextid=K35XfP
We meet monthly. -
@HankScorpio I send you a private message with my email address.
@SleepyKoala are u still looking. armetta@comcast.net
@Midnight_Reaper are u still looking for players, armetta@comcast.net