Hello, looking for players in Vitoria or Vila Velha in the state of Espirito Santo.
Olá, procuro por jogadores em Vitória ou Vila Velha no Estado do Espírito Santo.
Hey everyoneI am located a little south of Baltimore, and I picked up global 1940 in lockdown and am looking to finally get a game in with it. If you would rather play another version of axis and allies, I would be happy to do so!
@sleepykoala i live north of baltimore. still looking for players reach out to me at rssllmorris@gmail.com
I have formed a group in Annapolis. We currently play 1942.2, but looking to move to 1940 soon.
@SleepyKoala new resident to northern AA, would enjoy meeting local Players and participating in local games…
@jitworks do you need more players?
@rssllmorrissll Where are you based mate?
@jitworks bel air. Use my email in the thread to continue conversation
@jitworks Still looking for players in Annapolis? Would love to join you, I’m there myself.
@ScottH409 Still interested in a game.
@jitworks So sorry I didn’t respond sooner - the notification went to my email. Email me at scotthall409@yahoo.com so we can set up something!
ScottH409 and rssllmorris, I am based in Pasadena and looking for a game, would you mind if I also sent you emails through your provided addresses?
Hank - that would be great!
@HankScorpio Go ahead and use email
Another ‘Dena player here 👋🏼
Annapolis Axis and Allies group facebook site at: https://www.facebook.com/share/ZYeBF96aap4QMihv/?mibextid=K35XfP
We meet monthly.
@HankScorpio I send you a private message with my email address.
@SleepyKoala are u still looking. armetta@comcast.net
@Midnight_Reaper are u still looking for players, armetta@comcast.net