• You cant invade them in this game.  I think you are correct but I dont think it will matter till global game.

  • Mongolian neutral territories on AAP40, they do not have any IPC value correct, the number actually indicates the number of neutral infantry defending if invaded, is this correct?

    Mongolian territories have no IPC value.  When attacked, the indicated number of infantry are activated and placed on the map.  Infantry from the opposing side are used

    You cant invade them in this game.  I think you are correct but I dont think it will matter till global game

    they can be invaded.  Russia cannot be invaded

  • You are right.  my bad.

  • The rules for neutrals on page 8 is a bit confusing to Razor (and he blame this on Cal Moore)

    The rules says Mongolia’s neutrality is violated the first time Japan attack it, and now the 6 Mongolian infantry will pop up. From that part the rules becomes confusing. The rules says, that if the Japanese attack was unsuccessful, the surviving Mongolian infantry cannot move, but must stay in their territory. So if Japan kill the 2 inf in Buiant-Uhaa, the surviving 2 inf in Olgiry cannot move ? The Mongolian infantry is not allowed to move inside its own country ? This crap rule is even worse than the Special Chines rules.

    And what if Japan kill all the Mongolian infantry, and later Uk liberates Mongolia, will then the 6 Mongolian infantry pop up once again, or are they killed one time for all ?

  • @Razor:

    The rules says Mongolia’s neutrality is violated the first time Japan attack it, and now the 6 Mongolian infantry will pop up.

    Not exactly.  The rules say that a territory’s neutrality is violated when it’s attacked.  If you attack Ulaanbaatar, only its neutrality is violated and its infantry is activated.  The rest of Mongolia remains neutral and unactivated.


    And what if Japan kill all the Mongolian infantry, and later Uk liberates Mongolia, will then the 6 Mongolian infantry pop up once again, or are they killed one time for all ?

    A neutral territory’s neutrality is considered violated the first time a foreign power attacks it, at which point the indicated number of infantry will be activated and placed on the map.

  • wow that is weird!

    If that is the rule it does not make much sence, but i guess thats how it is played.

  • I think it is to represent that the infantry that activate in Mongolia are resistance troops that only care about their lands and nothing more, they are only there for their own defense, not for anything else.

  • @Imperious:

    wow that is weird!

    If that is the rule it does not make much sence, but i guess thats how it is played.

    It makes sence to me. MONGOLIA is not any disciplined patriotic community country like the European countries, but more like different tribes living in adjacent territories. Its much like Afghanistan today, where the different tribes dont support each other, but are actually raiding and looting each other on opportunity. After Kev explained this, Razor love the neutrals even more. He barely cant wait to attack a  neutral South Sweden territory in the soon to come Europe game, and watch the swedes in Northern Sweden do nothing do help the south, he he

  • It’s a awful rule … seems easterns are smited again … just I hope that doesn’t work the same in AAE40, I’d hate see a portuguese or spanish colony attacked and Spain or Portugal still neutral. Or even worst, if Spain is 2 or 3 territories, Catalonia attacked and rest of Spain uncared  :|

    Is there some 3 IPCs penalty for attacking neutrals as in Classic?

  • The Spanish citizens definitely wouldn’t react the same as the Mongolians.

  • @Funcioneta:

    It’s a awful rule  … just I hope that doesn’t work the same in AAE40,

    I think the rules are streamlined. It will not make sence to have different rules to neutrals in Europe and neutrals in Asia. Anyway, what happens when a neutral with several territories is attacked by a Great Power ? I guess the minor neutral dont have enough military power to counter-attack the aggressor. The neutral milits/insurgents/Homeguard just have to sit and wait in their own territory, and protect their homes. Yes, this is what actually happens.

    I love the neutrals rule.

  • @Razor:


    It’s a awful rule  … just I hope that doesn’t work the same in AAE40,

    I think the rules are streamlined. It will not make sence to have different rules to neutrals in Europe and neutrals in Asia. Anyway, what happens when a neutral with several territories is attacked by a Great Power ? I guess the minor neutral dont have enough military power to counter-attack the aggressor. The neutral milits/insurgents/Homeguard just have to sit and wait in their own territory, and protect their homes. Yes, this is what actually happens.
    I love the neutrals rule.

    You could be right. Razor.

  • @Funcioneta:

    Is there some 3 IPCs penalty for attacking neutrals as in Classic?

    Not in the Pacific Rulebook.

  • @Razor:

    I think the rules are streamlined. It will not make sence to have different rules to neutrals in Europe and neutrals in Asia. Anyway, what happens when a neutral with several territories is attacked by a Great Power ? I guess the minor neutral dont have enough military power to counter-attack the aggressor. The neutral milits/insurgents/Homeguard just have to sit and wait in their own territory, and protect their homes. Yes, this is what actually happens.

    I love the neutrals rule.

    Think about Greece: they were neutral and got attacked by italians. Greeks pushed back italians to Albania and germans had to come in rescue of italians. So I’d say use UK units in case Greece survives a italian attack

    Yeah, Greece probably is going to be only 1 territory, but it has no sense UK attacking Sahara, Angola or whatever and Spain or Portugal not doing nothing about. If allies attacked any spanish territory, you can bet Franco was going to retaliate and join axis

    You know, is very odd when AI attacks Azors in TripleA, big world map, and Portugal stays merrily neutral  :|

  • This Mongolian thing does not make sence. It is still a nation and to attack it the other “parts don’t just sit around and wait to die”

    Neutrals would be entirely activated once the border is crossed. Their is nothing in any History book that says they would act like some city state society where some cities are at war and the others are just watching movies.

    I really hope this is not a new tradition for other neutrals.

  • Yep, Mongolia was a commie state in 1940, not some sort of tribal alliance. No Gengis Khan from XIIIth century in WWII  :lol: I agree, IL

  • yeah yeah yeah, you are both correct, now lets move on.

    What I cannot find in the Rulebook (big surprice) is what kind of units will pop up in Mongolia after Japan attack it. Will Mongolia use US infantry or UK infantry ? And what if US and UK infantry are present in China, in territories adjacent to Mongolia, and after being allied with Mongolia, they want to move in, wich is completely legal too. How do I tell the difference between the US inf that are representing the neutral, and wich are not allowed to move, and the regulare US infantry that may move ? I must remember who are who ? Or put a National token under one of them ?

  • I think the reason behind this is very simple, just who exactly is supposed to control the neutrals’ movement? Think about it, if Japan attacks Mongolia for instance, the allied player, caring nothing about the state of Mongolia would just love this so he can activate all the units and use them as free cannon fodder. Yeah the reason for neutrals not being activated or moved is simple, we as players would take advantage of that. Plus we would have to make a turn for neutrals, track their moves, have a control marker or a different colored unit and all this other stuff that would make the came hopelessly complicated with the materials we have at our disposal. I like the rule because at least now you can invade if you want, but instead of a monetary penalty you now have to fight and it is simple and uncomplicated. That is what we all want, right guys?

  • @maverick_76:

    I think the reason behind this is very simple, just who exactly is supposed to control the neutrals’ movement? Think about it, if Japan attacks Mongolia for instance, the allied player, caring nothing about the state of Mongolia would just love this so he can activate all the units and use them as free cannon fodder. Yeah the reason for neutrals not being activated or moved is simple, we as players would take advantage of that. Plus we would have to make a turn for neutrals, track their moves, have a control marker or a different colored unit and all this other stuff that would make the came hopelessly complicated with the materials we have at our disposal. I like the rule because at least now you can invade if you want, but instead of a monetary penalty you now have to fight and it is simple and uncomplicated. That is what we all want, right guys?

    For the OOB rules? Yep. Plus, as an added benefit it gives us something new to build on for house rules. I agree, it’s what I want.

  • @maverick_76:

    Yeah the reason for neutrals not being activated or moved is simple, we as players would take advantage of that

    No, that cannot be the reason, there are more exploits in the game, and you cannot call that a exploit anyway: attacking a neutral must have some sort of penalty or we are going to see Switzerland attacked each game

    The simplest way would be give the other side the whole country. In case of Mongolia USSR would be the best option (both due history and gameplay) and the 2nd better China (well, at least if there were no fancy walls  :-P). Since none of both are available, the best option would be making Mongolia fully impassable in AAP40 and only attackable in global game, giving mongolian units to USSR (and to Japan if allies attack). A table for other neutrals would be nice. Ex:

    • Spain + colonies: axis attacks -> USSR controls; allies attack -> Germany controls
    • Portugal + colonies: UK/Germany
    • Greece: UK/Italy
    • Sweden: UK/Germany
    • Mongolia: USSR/Japan
    • Switzerland: UK/Germany
    • Turkey: UK/Germany
    • Argentina: USA/Germany
    • Mexico: USA/Japan

    And so on …  :-)

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