I’ve been playing wrong this entire time???
Thanks for clarifying though. I’ll take that into my next physical game.
Hello,first time post so be gentle LOL. I have purchased several alternate pieces for the game but would like some advice on how to use them (attack/defence/movement etc).Based on Global 1942 Axis & Allies triple AAA online version. So here we go. This is what I have bought & my thoughts on how to use them & reasoning.
-Heavy artillery Att 3 Def 2 Mov 1 Special ability can attack/adjacent territory without moving unit at a hit of 1. Creates a situation where you can soften up enemy before attacking. Cost of 5
-Hedge hogs Att 0 Def 2 Mov 0 Cost 1 Can be placed on any controlled space.One per space per turn
-Mobile rocket launchers Att 2 Def 2 Mov 2 cost 4
-Bunkers Att 0 Def 3 Mov 0 Special AB takes two hits cost 5
-Large Bunker Att 0 Def 4 Mov 0 Special AB Increase def of up to three units by one.Troop/Artillery/coastal gun only Cost 8
Hi @rhino Welcome to the site ! Looks pretty cool :) Have you done any test games with them ?
@barnee Not yet. I have actually not played the board game for over 15 years ( My group drifted apart & then I moved to a small comunity) So I have been forced to play online games. I have recentley met a local that wants to play. Thus my renewed intrest intrest in the board game. Actually never played the staight up combined Europe/Pacific 1940. Always wanted to experiment so have purchased about 600 dollars in 3d printed pieces.
Thought about my post & realised that my cost per piece does not line up with the board game version. Because I am adding pieces I am using the Global 1940 (not 1942) Triple AAA as a guide. This game has a lot of the extra units I am using. The lower end units are cheaper than the board game. Troops 2 Marines 3 Tank 5 Artillery two for 7 Armored cars two for seven. Some cheaper planes. Stuka is only 8 att 3 Def 1 wich is realistic because they could not defend.
Find this creates quicker game play. Not all my pieces have arrived. Should probably play straight up the first game anyways. Thanks
Hi @rhino
Great to have you here on the forum:+1:
Your idea is interesting.
We look forward to your Game Play Test Results after multiple G40 games.
You might also find some inspiration in the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.
You’ll find the rulebook under the House Rules section.
Good luck & have fun:+1:
@Rhino said in [Global] Alternate pieces & rules for Axis & allies:
Some cheaper planes. Stuka is only 8 att 3 Def 1 wich is realistic because they could not defend.
This caught my eye. While I’m all in favor of nerfing a German specific unit for a change, I think you and I might interpret the “defense” stat differently and I am intrigued by how you might read it, and play it. To me, tactical bombers remain useful in defense because they do almost exactly what they do while attacking. Blow up bridges, blast roads, find enemy columns and chew them up, only doing it while the army is moving backwards, not forwards. Or, do you use the “defense” stat to measure an aircraft’s ability to avoid being shot down during interception? Because that is definitely correct for a Stuka, as I’m sure you know. If so, I’m interested in how you play that rule. I want to improve rules on aircraft interception in my own games, I’m not satisfied with the box rules.
I just found someone local to play with. We are going to play straight up Global 1940 until we get used to it before adding house units/rules. So will let you know how it goes. So I have only been playing online games at Triple AAA. A version called WAW 1940 is what I am basing my unit/changes on. I agree with what your saying in regards toTactical bombers. But you also had a wide range of capabilities in regards to each country. Say for example the British mosquito & ME-110. Stuka was a dive bomber that by the end of the war was obsolete.
So not perfect but I like the fact that you can buy it for 2 less than a fighter. Attacks the same defend only at 1. It helps Germany out early. To be truthfull I am going to end up creating my own game. Try to fix some issues that I think make no sense & create more even game play that encourages creativity.
-Such as the map. Like the map online WAW 1940. But would alter to increase size of Europe at the cost of shrinking the far eastern Soviet union Japan. Most of the game play is in Europe. Would rather have more room to play than have a perfect map. (especially with expanded units)
Adding to the Axis side (done WAW 1940) Finland,Romania & Thailand makes for more intresting play & variance.
-Adjusting the game to reflect the early difficulty caused by U-boats in the Atlantic. Basically verry little action after first turn when in reality it took about 2.5 years to create & perfect the convoy system etc.
So I know a long reply. But basically the Stuka is a unit that is specific to its country. It is my intention to have units that are specific to each country.
Wish you where local & we could spitball some solutions.More options leads to less standard game play. Boring when the game is played the same every time. Good luck in your gaming
I had a few ideas on this too, since HBG and CCM 3D print various pieces:
light cruisers 2/3/2/10
heavy cruisers 4/3/2/14
light aircraft carriers: 1/2/2/12 one AC
tank destroyers: 3/2/2/5
med tank: 2/2/2/4
heavy tank: 4/3/2/8
self propelled artillery: 3/2/2/5 can blitz
medium bombers 3/1/4/10 can strat bomb
Feel free to add ideas, or comment / modify mine