anyone else ever tried playing AAP40 with alpha 3.9 rules?
Schedule of previews of AAP40
Pictures of the pieces finally. In 11 more days, we should all be holding them.
(Rank = 94)
there is a small review of AAP40 on boardgame geek, not too much new info
Looks like the same pictures djensen took.
the pictures are from jensen, the review is from someone else
I was hoping to see some new pictures.
insn’t the picture of the entire board new? -
yeah, I don’t think that I have seen that one yet.
The tactical bombers are larger than the fighters so that they’re easier to tell apart.
The large Tacs are going to look very funny on a carrier.
any pictures yet of a tac. on a carrier posted yet?
The tactical bombers are larger than the fighters so that they’re easier to tell apart.
The large Tacs are going to look very funny on a carrier.
Hey Aldertag, I was thinking the same thing.
WHy has Aldertag made a new account :P If only to smite people. :evil:
The latest preview is up. In this one I go over some of the rules. I’ll try to get to the rest of the rules tomorrow night.
This is a lot of work.
Krieghund, please let me know if I made any mistakes in my explanation of the new rules.
This is fantastic!
It will help alot of new players understand the game because you truncated the information for an easy read.
Yeah, I wish I had done this before playing the game. We missed a few things.
This is fantastic!
It will help alot of new players understand the game because you truncated the information for an easy read.
Krieghund, please let me know if I made any mistakes in my explanation of the new rules.
Nice work! I saw only one mistake: you listed the maximum damage for a major IC as 6. It should be 20.
Major ICs need to be on territories with an IPC value of 3 or higher
Nice catch, Craig. I missed that one.
Nice work! I saw only one mistake: you listed the maximum damage for a major IC as 6. It should be 20.
Nice work, Kevin ( you may call me “Raz”). I spelled coffe over my keyboard when I read that 6 IPC damage, if that was true facts it would be end of SBR. Also that majors can be build on 2 IPC territories, that too was weird. Someone should monitore Djensen’s rewievs, since he obvious dont have the grip on it, man. And please dont smite me for telling the true.
Thanks, that was a copy and paste error. It was a little late.
Industrial Complexes
The rules and prices for industrial complexes have changed in such a way to make them a more interesting aspect of the game. There are two types of industrial complexes: minor and major.
* No new industrial complex may be placed on an island. The rules list Australia as an exception, maybe because some people consider Australia and island an not a continent or maybe both.
* The pieces are no longer plastic but instead are cardboard counters.
* Minor industrial complexes
o Can only produce 3 units each turn.
o Can only be placed on territories with an IPC values of 2 or higher.
o Can be upgraded to a major industrial complex for 20 IPCs but only on a territory worth 3 IPCs or higher.
o Maximum damage from a strategic bombing is 6.
* Major industrial complexes
o Can only produce 10 units each turn.
o Can only be placed on territories with an IPC values of 2 or higher.
o Maximum damage from a strategic bombing is 6._Please check the rule book again on these two facts.
Major ICs need to be on territories with an IPC value of 3 or higher and the maximum damage should be 20 since the SBR mechanism is for you to be able to do double the damage of the IC.
See SBRs in the Conduct Combat section of the rules._
* Aircraft that launch from a territory with an airbase gain 1 extra movement.
* Airbases enable aircraft in the territory to scramble to defend an adjacent sea zone when that sea zone is attacked.See Scramble rules for which territories are applicable.
Only applies to airbases on islands.
* Does Australia count as an island?
See your earlier clarification for ICs concerning Australia being a continent, not an island.
Become non-operational when hit with 3 or more points of damage.
Make sure to note that the NB and AB can be repaired in the same Purchase Phase as the one in which you plan to repair a capital ship. Example: you move a damaged CV to a sea zone adjacent to a Naval Base you control. The enemy SBRs the naval base to the point the it is inoperable. On your next turn you can spend enough IPCs to make it operable so that during the same Purchase Phase you would be able to repair your CV.
A new carrier aircraft such as the Avenger would have been appropriate for all the Allied forces, as the RN used them extensively (my Dad used to repair them in the FAA).
I’d also have liked to see a peg ‘n’ hole system to anchor them to the flight decks.
According to the post, a minor IC can be “upgraded” to a major IC for $20.
If minor IC cost $12 and major IC cost $30 why would the upgrade be $20 and not $18 (30-12=18)???
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