Is the promised Reprint of AA50 actually AAP40 and AAE40???

  • A couple of months ago, a senior Volunteer Forum Leader who has some direct contact from WOTC stated that WOTC has offically promised a reprint of AA50.  A date was never confirmed and we are currently working to get them to confirm a date for us.

    However, in the back of my mind, I am wondering if AAP40 and AAE40 games (which include the grand global game) ARE their answer for the AA50 game reprint.  I truly don’t believe this, but then again this is WOTC!!!  It would be sad if it was since I like AA50 also. :-(

    What do you think??? :?

  • Questioneer,

    Thank you again for the hard work you did to get AA50 reprint this far.

    I would follow up with the “senior Volunteer Forum Leader” and the “direct contact” to see if there is a timeline for AA50.  I would like to see AA50 reprinted with the AA 1942 sculpts (of course with Italy added) and the FAQ/Errata added as part of the official rulebook.

    Keep up the good work.

    +1 karma.

    If that doesn’t work, prod the chimp!  POKE, POKE.  Sorry couldn’t resist the temptation.

    IL’s got me doing the chimp thing too.

  • IL’s got me doing the chimp thing too.

    WOTC has a history of identifying with chimps. It started a long time ago and to save costs they started to hire them.

    actually see this:

    and no i did not make this up.

  • So all this monkey business started with Avalon Hill?

  • Yes they employ them and soon the chimps will take over the streets and Charton Heston will have to return and fight them yet again.

  • @Imperious:

    Yes they employ them and soon the chimps will take over the streets and Charton Heston will have to return and fight them yet again.

    He would have to come back from the dead first, then kick some chimp a**!

  • holy monkeys batman!

    if only AH still had prices anywhere close to that!  By those prices the two new '40 games and '50 would be like $19?!  isn’t inflation wonderful…

  • Do you feel chimp-pathetic for those pathetic chimps?

  • Hmm… didn’t get any serious thoughts on my question but you guys got belly hurting from laughing so much!!! :lol:

  • Questioneer,

    Seriously, I would follow up with the forum guy, also not sure how many people know game distributors or game shop owners but I would think they would know if something new is coming out.  I had one hobby shop owner trying to sell AA50 (used) and was telling me that it’s OOP.

    POKE THE CHIMP, that’s a good name for a board game.

  • POKE THE CHIMP, that’s a good name for a board game.

    How about Choke the Chimp.

  • @Brain:

    POKE THE CHIMP, that’s a good name for a board game.

    How about Choke the Chimp.

    Let’s keep this PG!  :-D

  • @gnasape:


    POKE THE CHIMP, that’s a good name for a board game.

    How about Choke the Chimp.

    Let’s keep this PG!  :-D

    I didn’t say spank the monkey.


    This was back on June 17th and there is nothing new. I say its time for a lynching

  • Seriously, I think that with the '40s coming out that there a good chance that they think that is no need for a technical reprint of '50.  And so if they mean that the '40s are the reprint, then sure, I can absolutely see that.  It’s just a bigger, badder, twice as expensive version of '50 and if that sold out quickly, then sure the '40s will also as they are likely single prints as well.

  • Read this link:

    It says the 50th anniversary edition will be reprinted. I do not see how you can be confused by these words.

  • Brain Damaged,

    Yes we know that, Questioneer was vital in starting the AA50 reprint drive (if not single handedly kept the drive alive at the various AA forums).

    We want to know when?

    Also it can be possible that the chimps at WotC/AH might have asked the boss:

    WotC/AH Chimp: Screech, screech (translated “Hey boss, there’s a drive at the various forum asking WotC/AH to reprint AA50?  How do you want us to respond?”)

    Boss Chimp: Scratch, screech (translated "Tell them it will be reprinted if it gets them off our backs, I can deal with fleas but not people.  Hey can you get the flea on my back?)

    WotC/AH Chimp: Scratch, scratch (translated “Good idea boss. With the new AAP40 and AAE40 coming out soon, they might forget about it.  After all AAP40+AAE40 = AA50 Deluxe.  Can I eat the flea off your back?”)

  • Misrepresentation opens them up for a lawsuit.

  • @Brain:

    Misrepresentation opens them up for a lawsuit.

    Please don’t bring up talks of lawsuits so lightly…

    People want a reprint of AA50, WotC/AH might have said that a reprint is in order but didn’t say when, it could be years from now, or heck, it could be AA100 for all I know.

    AAP40 and AAE40 has been announced so it’s understandable that AA50 reprint is on the back burner, all I want to know is when?

  • all I want to know is when?

    You might have more luck consulting your horoscope than those chimps.

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