We’ve played a handful of games now with 42 and an almost always standard rd1 move is to take out the British navy with a sub, plane and bomber. It almost always works. No one has tried the Russian attack on Norway yet but I understand a lot of people on here favor that attack. I think it’s crazy as it’s still hard to win, and you’re losing a plane and armor in the process.
I agree, that’s what I tried my first game and it went well. Sure, attacking Norway would kill the attack but it would also mean either a weak West Russia or a poorly defended Caucuses. Russia shouldn’t be losing a fighter in the attack though. It’s a little dicey so I don’t think this will be popular.
Getting into Africa right away is a must. The new strategy of a rd 1 russian sub build off caucus can cause Germany huge problems. I don’t know the answer to that move yet.
I think the answer is to attack Egypt anyhow, if you’re comfortable building more navy go for it, I’m not. The other piece is to try to take advantage of the units they didn’t buy because of the sub. Can Karelia be stacked?
If West Russia has roughly 6 pieces or less than that’s definitely attackable.
Are your opponents attacking West Russia only or that and Norway, Ukraine, or Belo? Just 6 units in Wrus, is a good counterattack.
I think the AC build in the baltic is even more feasible in 42, if you still have that navy (since Russia can take it out now with one fighter). So if you get to keep it on you turn it really slows down UK and puts them on D right away.
It hasn’t dawned on me to attack it with Russia on R1. I don’t think I will since they’ll lose the fighter half the time and I think I would WANT them to build naval units.
In summary, I favor -
-attack the UK navy/Russian sub with 1 sub, 1 bomber, 1 fighter
-attack West Russia if it’s vulnerable. Also caucus, if it’s empty/very weak for some reason
-attack karelia with whatever you feel like. Should be an easy fight.
-If you still have Norway, leave some guys there to protect your bomber from the UK transport off Canada.
-take out UK Cruiser with 3 planes
-take out UK destroyer off Egypt with battleship.
-take Egypt with 2 guys, 2 tanks and 2 fighters.
Yep, I’d agree with those. “Should be an easy fight.” Are your opponents defending Karelia? The most I ever see left there is one infantry. You can’t count on having two fighters to attack Egypt with, Ukraine is a popular attack.
NCM -moves subs in the baltic out, move guys from Algeria up, move stuff towards russia, make sure France is defended adequately.
Having the subs around to threaten Allied shipping makes things a lot harder for the Allies than in Revised. France can be left fairly empty as long as the transport is killed in z2 and you have at least 1 sub in z7, the only things that can attack France are 2 fighters and a bomber.
Buy an AC if you still have Baltic navy and 8 inf. If you don’t, buy all men.
Unless things are a lot better than Revised, I don’t think I’ll be buying a Baltic Carrier. Who knows, maybe after a few games I’ll be eating my words but I think a carrier gives Russia too much breathing room and any money spent on boats would be better spent on troops, tanks, and planes.
I think I’ve got a good grasp on the first round moves from Revised. What’s more in question is the midgame decisions and purchasing strategy. What has greater strategic value? Holding WE for a fighter base against Allied shipping or advancing against Russia at WE’s expense? What should Germany’s Luftwaffe look like, whatever they have after round 1, or a steadily built up AF of 6-8 fighters and 2-3 bombers?