Best are Stallingrad, The Fighting Lady, Avengers: End game. captain Marvel and The Longest Day, these are best so far, infact I saw all of them by using coupons through Florida Ticket Station, if you need to watch them, you can easily buy tickets from there.
What would an Axis and Allies movie look like?
Any ideas for the plot?
@superbattleshipyamato 😂 would the actors be the plastic men becoming sentient realizing they are in the suicidal meatgrinder known as the the russian front in the 1942 games?
I was thinking something like people being scientifically or magically transported to the minds of Hitler, FDR, Churchill, etc. then having to duke it out.
It ain’t Axis and Allies unless it’s the big picture.
An Axis and Allies movie would likely be a war epic that follows the events of World War II, highlighting the strategic battles and political alliances between the Axis powers (Germany, Japan, and Italy) and the Allied powers (United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union).
Overall, an Axis and Allies movie would be a high-stakes, action-packed war drama that brings to life one of the most significant events in human history. -
Let me guess, you used AI to get that result. I identified GPT’s writing style.
No worries.
The camera pans over a stylized map of the world in the early 1940s, the eve of World War 2. We see animated troop movements and naval maneuvers over the Atlantic and Pacific, as the major powers make their opening moves.We get glimpses into the war rooms and cabinets of Roosevelt, Churchill, Hitler and Tojo. Passionate arguments are made about how to gain the upper hand in the early stages of the spreading conflict. Egos and ideologies clash, but there is uncertainty too - no one knows how this global struggle will ultimately play out.
Cut to boots-on-the-ground perspectives from soldiers and civilians in Europe, Asia, the Soviet Union and the Americas. We follow characters from these key countries, showing how the grand strategies of generals and leaders play out in human terms. Some choose to resist, others seek to profit, most are simply caught up in the upheaval against their will.
As alliances form, the action intensifies. Epic tank battles rage across the Russian steppe, u-boats stalk merchant convoys in the Atlantic, and carrier fleets launch aircraft across the Pacific. The fate of nations hangs in the balance with each campaign. Technological and tactical innovations, hard-won lessons and bitter defeats all shape the course of the war.
Old empires crumble, superpowers emerge, and nothing will ever be the same. A new global order is forged in the fires of a total war that reaches a scale never before seen in human history.
All of this plays out to a grand, emotive score. The visuals aim to capture both the human experience and sweeping historical significance of these world-changing events. By the end, the audience has glimpsed both the personal and global consequences of this monumental conflict.
Roll credits.
I think someone beat you to it lol
Sounds good.
Well, it’s 5 years old, I couldn’t comment anyway. Nice ideas there.
Would be a major marketing coup. One doesn’t have to go to hollywood to make movies these days. Internet allows you to bypass.
Wonder if Renegade would be interested ?
Obviously, one would want it done up in style, which would take talented people and a lot of work, but …
Really? I guess that’s true. I agree, I hope Renegrade comes up with something.
This is an interesting idea. I’ll give it some thought.
Welcome back!
@superbattleshipyamato Thank you
What if the movie played like the Jumanji movie, where a player makes moves and then there is live action scene played out.
Have the actual events of World War Two have been the results of an Axis and Allies game.
I think there’s potential there. I was trying to think of a way the characters would replace the minds of World War 2 commanders, and this is the perfect way to do it.
@abworsham4 That one 1980’s War Game movie but it’s a board game that looks a lot like Axis and Allies (or Global War 2025)
I envision more of a Toy story / Night at the museum, where the pieces animate. With a Red v Blue bent. Making jokes about rule intricacies.Picture a large Japanese naval group discussing their impending sneak attack.
A lone British destroyer sails up,
“Hi everybody, my names Karl”.
Stuff like that.
Cheers. -
Charlie the ANZAC infantry: “…but the house rules say-”
Tucker the American Armored Unit: “To hell with the house rules!”
I also thought of that. I think that’s a good idea.