• 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

    please take the infantry off Malaya and W India. I think I might fulfill your assignment.

    Assignment as understood by pupil. Make teacher quit by round 3. Hold Moscow, London, Egypt. Do the impossible, hold Calcutta.

    If this is the assignments, let’s proceed with class.

  • @crockett36 Sorry, If these ARE the assignments, let us proceed with class.

  • The goal of the bid is to overwhelm an area so the opponent is forced into defense instead of offense. That creates more holes in their gameplan that you can exploit. I will post a few options of what I would do with the bid to totally mess up the Axis in the first 2 rounds.

  • Capture the med.tsvg
    Overwhelm the Med:

    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Scotland: 1 fighter
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Egypt: 1 fighter
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Alexandria: 1 fighter
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Malta: 1 fighter
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to United Kingdom: 1 fighter
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Gibraltar: 1 fighter
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 111 Sea Zone: 1 submarine
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 110 Sea Zone: 1 battleship
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 106 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 91 Sea Zone: 1 destroyer
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 98 Sea Zone: 1 carrier
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Anglo Egyptian Sudan: 1 artillery

    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Szechwan: 1 artillery
    • EDIT: Adding units owned by Chinese to Kweichow: 1 artillery

  • Overwhelm China.tsvg
    • Russians buy 3 fighters; 0 PU unused
    • 1 fighter placed in Russia
    • 1 fighter placed in Volgograd
    • 1 fighter placed in Caucasus

    • Chinese buy 4 artilleries and 1 infantry; 0 PU unused
    • 1 infantry placed in Yunnan
    • 1 artillery placed in Szechwan
    • 1 artillery placed in Kweichow
    • 1 artillery placed in Shensi
    • 1 artillery placed in Suiyuyan

    • British buy 2 armour, 3 artilleries, 1 destroyer, 1 fighter, 3 submarines and 2 transports; 0 PU unused
    • 1 submarine placed in 98 Sea Zone
    • 1 submarine placed in 91 Sea Zone
    • 1 submarine placed in 111 Sea Zone
    • 1 destroyer placed in 106 Sea Zone
    • 1 artillery placed in Anglo Egyptian Sudan
    • 1 armour placed in Burma
    • 1 armour placed in Malaya
    • British undo move 7.
    • 1 artillery placed in Burma
    • 1 armour placed in India
    • 1 fighter placed in West India
    • 1 transport placed in 39 Sea Zone
    • 1 transport placed in 37 Sea Zone
    • 1 artillery placed in Egypt

    • ANZAC buy 1 transport; 0 PU unused
    • 1 transport placed in 63 Sea Zone

  • Trickier to use: RAF
    Chinese buy 1 infantry; 0 PU unused
    1 infantry placed in Yunnan

    British buy 1 artillery, 11 fighters and 1 submarine; 0 PU unused
    1 submarine placed in 37 Sea Zone
    1 artillery placed in Anglo Egyptian Sudan
    1 fighter placed in Alexandria
    1 fighter placed in Egypt
    1 fighter placed in 98 Sea Zone
    1 fighter placed in Malta
    1 fighter placed in Union of South Africa
    1 fighter placed in West India
    1 fighter placed in India
    1 fighter placed in Burma
    1 fighter placed in Malaya
    1 fighter placed in Scotland
    1 fighter placed in United Kingdom

    ANZAC buy 1 transport; 0 PU unused
    1 transport placed in 63 Sea Zone

  • @arthur-bomber-harris excellent. I will take a look.

  • @arthur-bomber-harris I like the build up China. It has presents a more historical opening than oob. beefier China, India and Atlantic. Would the transport in 37 provoke a j1 and is that your purpose?

  • @arthur-bomber-harris said in ABH and Chrocket36, A+130:

    Trickier to use: RAF
    Chinese buy 1 infantry; 0 PU unused
    1 infantry placed in Yunnan

    British buy 1 artillery, 11 fighters and 1 submarine; 0 PU unused
    1 submarine placed in 37 Sea Zone
    1 artillery placed in Anglo Egyptian Sudan
    1 fighter placed in Alexandria
    1 fighter placed in Egypt
    1 fighter placed in 98 Sea Zone
    1 fighter placed in Malta
    1 fighter placed in Union of South Africa
    1 fighter placed in West India
    1 fighter placed in India
    1 fighter placed in Burma
    1 fighter placed in Malaya
    1 fighter placed in Scotland
    1 fighter placed in United Kingdom

    ANZAC buy 1 transport; 0 PU unused
    1 transport placed in 63 Sea Zone

    Really appealing too!

    Did you see the results of 2021 tournament? A bid of 50 in the finals and the Axis still took it down. By reports, it wasn’t even close. Making 130 look a lot less impractical.

    I have come up with a counter proposal. Why don’t I play the Axis so that I can see your battle plan for the Allies.

    Have you seen the interactions in “Handicapping like in golf” thread? This is why I think the bid is always proAxis and if kept the same will result in 1. better players almost always choosing the Axis if they want the W. 2. Creativity always flowing in the direction of the bad guys because the best players frequently choose that side. 3. At best, two great players end up having an Allies squeak by bearly marathon match.

    What I’m proposing is the higher the bid, the more the points gained, the more the glory and honor with no discredit for losing to a lower tier player. This is a slight change. Creativity flows to the Allied side, BUT the best players are still playing the Axis! Hmmph!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

    How’s the tournament going? I’ll go with RAF. Seems to keep the opening and give a lot of flexibility. Ready when you are.

  • The tournament is going well. The next round of the bracket is very tough if I make it that far.

    Here is a conservative G1 opening for the RAF build. Key for your Allied plan will be to have a factory in Persia on UK2 and perhaps a second factory in Iraq on UK3 so you are building 6 units/round in the Middle East.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

  • If you are trying to prevent an attack on Yunnan on J1, you need another fighter in the bid. That turns it into a 50/50 fight and too risky for the Axis. Otherwise the attack is 84% odds for Japan.


  • @arthur-bomber-harris if I may be so bold, average attacker left is 3.1. J won’t take the territory and will lose a plane. I’ve got more than enough replacement planes spread over the British empire. Is this worth it? 6 ipcs paid back from the 21 lost. Japan down a fig?!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

    Russia 1 abh vs corckett game 3.tsvg

    edited the planes to Leningrad.

  • The battle in Yunnan is very dicey. The average outcome isn’t very common. If the Japanese get one more hit than normal on the first round of combat and the Russians get one fewer than normal, it is a massacre for the Allies. If the opposite happens, the Axis has to flee after the first round of dice rolling.

    There is always the advantage for the attacker that he can see the progress of the battle and decide to retreat if things go poorly.

  • @arthur-bomber-harris The average outcome isn’t very common. That’s funny, man!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '19 '18

  • Why place the US Pacific fleet off of Wake? Where can they reach that you wouldn’t be able to go from Hawaii?

    I think that you can place much of your fleet off of E Australia and not worry about a Japanese attack, but I haven’t done the math.

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