@hengst This house rules forum is full of ideas. To avoid scripted games you need a varaiety ways to win or lose a game in a reasonable amount of time ,eg 8 to 12 rounds.BBR and 3G40 are rulesets that encourage you to win by achieving various victory objectives.(not just victory cities)
3G40 changes turn order,merges Anzac into UKPacific,and sticks pretty close to oob rules.BBR is more complex than oob and is real popular.Both are designed to play in 1 day and to be able to declare a winner.
Various house rule pieces ( and where to find them)
chips are .75 inches
Someone’s falling down on the job.
You need to check out what is going on with the FMG A&A pieces. He is preparing to release a set of Italian pieces. Then he plans to release the other natioins as funds become available from the sale of the earlier sets. His sets will come with some unusual pieces such as a new aircraft piece representing dive bombers. Later he will consider a wider range of new pieces and other projects. Check out his dice for a Christmas present. Look in the Variants section for the sticky thread about the FMG project.
These are for actual pieces that you can buy right now.
What models do you think would work for the Russian Navy? Davco doesn’t seem to have anything….
Just use British or stay with the plastic ones
Who is the manufacturer? I did a search and cant find anything called bd6 that is a cleaner. Id like to take a look at the MSDS on that - company should have it available on their site if they have one.
Quick Question. We have a custom game that will incorporate many of the roundels within this link for various countries. I am at the office so can not get the exact measurement of the OOB roundels so was hoping someone could provide some insight. Are they simply 1" in diameter?
Thank you in advance! I would be happy to share the custom game with any interested parties once we do the final playtest tomorrow night.
.75 inch
No one has posted here in some time, but I’ll throw out a question anyways: Has anybody ever purchased WW2 pieces from Table Tactics for a game called Engage? There are a few pieces that I haven’t seen before such as a Russian tank destroyer, and an Italian either tank destroyer or mechanized artillery unit. The infantry pieces don’t work for a&a. If I could buy individual units like the two listed above I would, but you have to get them in a set. HBG doesn’t sell them. Has anyone else seen/purchased them?
THEY ARE ALL TOO LARGE FOR AA. I bought them all. Only thing useful was to cut the guns off the infantry and you got fortification units. Other than that it is a sad waste of potential.
Thanks IL, you saved me some money. Just have to wait until HBG gets their Russian, German set out.
Table Tactics pieces are cool but OOP. HBG or FMG outta reach out and see if they can’t get get TT’s mold and produce new edition colors for the AA series. I loved TT’s original AA pieces. shame they don’t sell them anymore.
In trying to create my own house rules for a Desert War game (using A&A and other minis), I need to evaluate the MECHANICAL reliability of the tanks which participated in those battles…(as you surely know, in some instances, more vehicles broke down due to the harsh desert conditions than during the battle)…could you give me a help ?..(scale : 1 - 6, for “six” being the most reliable tank)
Crusader I/II
M13/40 Carro Armato
Panzer III
Panzer IV -
Italian tank is unreliable
@hbg Interesting :upside_down_face: