• @victoryfirst
    The Japanese Strategy should mainly focus on China from Early 1940 to Early 1941.

    During this period, the only naval units that Japan should produce are Transports.

    These Transports should be moved in position for a Large Scale Offensive in the Pacific - following the American Declaration of War against Japan, Italy and Germany.

    The Imperial Japanese Navy that exists from Early 1940 (game start) should mainly focus on the defense of the Japanese Homeland from Late 1941 as well as the coast line to Asia while protecting a small group of Transports that bring fighting troops to Asia.

    From Early 1942 the Japanese Navy can be gradually expanded - in order to meet the threat from Allied Naval Task Forces.

    If US troops land in Asia or Soviet Far East, it will be easier for Japan to eliminate them.

    If the US troops - as well as ANZAC troops - capture the islands in the Pacific, it is much more difficult - and costly - for Japan to re-capture these islands.

    Japanese occupied islands should be fortified - and Caroline Islands should be strengthened with a few Infantry units - and also have a few Fighter units to serve as the back bone of the defense.
    One Fighter unit could even be used to scramble to prevent Naval Bombardment.

    The Japanese Naval Base at Caroline Islands should be destroyed to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The Strategy Guide Global 1940 has been updated.

    There was a flaw in the German Strategy Guide, which has been corrected, so that the German U-Boat attacks in Early 1940 now are corrected.

  • @the-captain How often do you see JPN take New Guinea or DNG ? I’m hesitant to do it, as JPN will get negative dough after USA/ANZAC takes it back.

    Killing that 5 dollar bonus is good though. I’m thinking maybe New Britain instead

  • @barnee

    Mostly, Japan attacks the Philipines - with a massive invasion force - in Early 1942 or Late 1942.

    When the Philipines are heavily defended by USA, it’s costly to capture - and it will certainly slow down further Japanese advance in the Pacific, due to heavy losses.

    Only in rare situations will Japan attack New Guniea and/or DNG, since these are hard to get - and costly to reinforce & defend.

  • The CaptainT The Captain referenced this topic on
  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    We expect to release Strategy Guides for:

    • Italy
    • ANZAC

    Most likely during Late 2022.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The Strategy Guide Global 1940 will eventually include a Strategy Guide Global 1943 as well.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The recent Global 1943 Game (see Global 1940 & 1943 Game Report Thread, No. 3 Game Report) will be part of the developement of the Global 1943 Strategy Guide.

  • @the-captain Escorts really seem the way to go. Buck cheaper than DDs and defend the same. Get boosted to 3 with a Trprt. Still block. Only attack at 1 but you usually want Air support then anyway.

    Unless you’re facing a lot of subs you need to kill, I can’t think why one wouldn’t prioritize them over DDs

  • @barnee
    Escort units are very usefull in both Anti-Submarine Warfare as well as Convoys.

    Escort units can also be used to protect Transport units when the Transport units are send out on a mission without support from other Warship units.
    The presence of an Escort makes the survival of Transports more likely.

  • @the-captain said in Strategy Guide Global 1940:

    scort units can also be used to protect Transport units when the Transport units are send out on a mission without support from other Warship units.

    yea I really like this. I don’t do it all the time, but if the enemy has to respond, depends on there forces.

    It’s mostly a war of attrition. Can slide by sometimes :)

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @barnee hmm … seems the picture post is gone. Anyway was gonna edit and say i could leave LCVs in TTys and keep moving forward with my combat troops until LCVs could be relieved

    Screenshot from 2022-11-05 07-51-42.png

  • @barnee

    That’s why they were so successful during the war. Good that you learned the lesson that the RN and USN learned. Too bad for the IJN.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The Landing Craft unit represents both soldiers & machines etc - so this is why a Landing Craft unit would also block a Blitz Movement - but would be lost when the territory becomes Enemy Occupied.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @the-captain so a solo LCV in Russia could have a Partisan placed there and kill the LCV ?

    oops my bad. just saw your other reply

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21


    1. A Soviet Partisan unit cannot spawn if there is an enemy Landing Craft unit in that territory.
    2. An Axis Landing Craft unit can move into an Axis controlled original Soviet territory - during the Non-Combat Movement phase - even if that Soviet territory has one or more Soviet Partisan units in it.

    In this case, the Landing Craft unit would be lost if the Soviet Partisan units are transformed into regular Soviet Infantry units since these Soviet Infantry units would take control of the territory and thereby occupy the terrirory.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The Rules Clarification to the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion has been updated.

    The latest update adresses some questions asked in this Strategy Guide Global 1940 thread.

    The Rules Clarification might be helpfull when reading the Strategy Guide Global 1940.

  • @the-captain
    These House Rules look awesome and I can’t wait to start trying out Section 1 on Saturday. Question - Does artillery paired with any type of infantry (including SS Infantry) increase their attack value by 1? I know they’re still infantry, but…

  • Hi @mkgionet

    Yea SS Units only boost other SS Units. So Regular Artillery wouldn’t boost the Waffen Boys. It does boost the Wehrmacht Panzergrenadier to 3 though.

    Something I usually forget lol

    Let us know how your game goes :)

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Hi @mkgionet

    I hope you’ll enjoy your Global 1940 game today.

    We’re truly looking forward to your feedback.

    You can post your feedback at the Global 1940 & 1943 Game Report Thread that we have created for especially this purpose.

    Let me know how you deployed the iconic Waffen-SS units. They are needed for sure on the Eastern Front to take up the fight against the Soviets - and especially the Soviet Guard Infantry units.

    Have fun:+1:

  • @the-captain Thanks Captain! After 11 hours (4turns) of hard-fought battle neither side has a clear advantage. Germany is on the doorstep of Moscow but likely doesn’t have enough to take it next turn. The German player has not decided to take advantage of the SS infantry and instead focused on purchasing massive amounts of tanks at the reduced price of 5.
    Question- Can Japan build a major industrial complex in Kiangsu? Japan starts the game in control of it, but technically it belongs to China?

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