Chile was taken by Anzac. Anzac swimming in money with only being able to place 3 units a turn so plopped a NB down to get them an extra space towards Africa or Europe
UK took Spain so US could land there next turn. Next turn they dropped a NB on Spain so US could reach Denmark in one move from Spain.
After Calcutta fell, dropped a NB on Java so Fleet could reach Sydney in two turns instead of longer.
Foolish of me. Russia was looking like a boss after Round 1 so bought an AB to drop in Caucasus because you can reach Egypt, Berlin, and Calcutta in 4 spots from there. It’s a great location for an AB, but terrible if Russia owns it as they don’t really have mucn of an air force
US took Holland. UK had 4 transports in channel and followed the can opener with 4 inf and 4 tanks in Holland. Next turn US drops a complex in Holland to churn out 3 tanks a turn rather than use transports and multiple turns from DC to get there.