A man’s dice are his own pride and joy and not to be played with by anybody.
Hope they work for you Garg.
Will North Korea launch nuclear missiles towards the U.S.A
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Nov 4, 2009, 8:32 PM
The last post had to be removed because somebody brought a political figure in the mix in a manner that would lead to political discussion and we don not allow that here.
Sorry but stay on topic. Also, words like S**t are not good either.
This whole thread is political.
This whole thread is political.
Yes, but it has not devolved into the bashing, blame-slinging, so-and-so politician is an a%#hat, sort of stuff that got the political discussion board shut down. It has remained civil and avoided any sort of ‘partisan bent’ and been mostly a strategy discussion.
This whole thread is political.
Yes, but it has not devolved into the bashing, blame-slinging, so-and-so politician is an a%#hat, sort of stuff that got the political discussion board shut down. It has remained civil and avoided any sort of ‘partisan bent’ and been mostly a strategy discussion.
Yes butt that korean retard jim jong sung II want to nuke us, man, he want to nuke us straigt to h*ll, and how bizare it must be, we are not allowed to call him names, because we must be political correct and not offend nor insult any criminal lame retard moron whatsoever, even if it is pretty obvious that it was just this kind of BS appeasement policy that got the world deep into st in 1939, and I figure that all this lame st is gonna happen again, ass it did last time, butt this time you cant blame it on europe.
This whole thread is political.
Yes, but it has not devolved into the bashing, blame-slinging, so-and-so politician is an a%#hat, sort of stuff that got the political discussion board shut down. It has remained civil and avoided any sort of ‘partisan bent’ and been mostly a strategy discussion.
Notice who isn’t posting anymore? Isn’t it a coincidence that the knee-jerking, conspiracy theorists of a certain political bent aren’t here to vomit all over the threads right out of the gate?
I guess ***** did change some things. ( Edit: leave out political commentary please)
The sheriff is a ninja!
This whole thread is political.
Yes, but it has not devolved into the bashing, blame-slinging, so-and-so politician is an a%#hat, sort of stuff that got the political discussion board shut down. It has remained civil and avoided any sort of ‘partisan bent’ and been mostly a strategy discussion.
Yes butt that korean retard jim jong sung II want to nuke us, man, he want to nuke us straigt to h*ll, and how bizare it must be, we are not allowed to call him names, because we must be political correct and not offend nor insult any criminal lame retard moron whatsoever, even if it is pretty obvious that it was just this kind of BS appeasement policy that got the world deep into st in 1939, and I figure that all this lame st is gonna happen again, a** it did last time, butt this time you cant blame it on europe.
Go Aldertag
Notice who isn’t posting anymore?
Give ma a clue Jermo.
Notice who isn’t posting anymore?
Give ma a clue Jermo.
You have been clued.
Yes butt that korean retard jim jong sung II want to nuke us, man, he want to nuke us straigt to h*ll
Who’s WE, kemosabe? You live in Norway.
even if it is pretty obvious that it was just this kind of BS appeasement policy that got the world deep into st in 1939, and I figure that all this lame st is gonna happen again, a** it did last time, butt this time you cant blame it on europe.
I’m thinking the appeasement policy for North Korea is vastly different from the policy for Germany. North Korea is nowhere near the threat that 1939 Germany was. Your hindsight is 20/20 here.
At the time, nobody knew what Hitler was capable of doing. Fact is, war was inevitable whether Hitler was appeased or not. The reason he was appeased at all was because Europe had just gone through a war 20 years earlier that devastated a good portion of central Europe and killed millions of people. Nobody wanted another war except Hitler.
Also, Germany had the most modern and best trained military in 1939. A good portion of North Korea’s military is dated Soviet hardware.
Plus, Germany had Poland to cut it’s teeth on. North Korea has South Korea(defended by us) and China(defended by China) to start with. If it was a game of Civilization III and I was North Korea, I’d just quit and start over.
China is not at all happy with Kim Jong Il’s sabre rattling and they have given every indication that they would kick him in the neck before he did anything stupid, like launching nukes.
First: didn’t read all the posts.
Second: If NK has the capability to nuke us… then they would have the capability to nuke anyone at any time. With that thought, they should fear to nuke us… for they know the repercussions they would receive from the rest of the nations.
It’s the same reason why we wouldn’t nuke them…
Nuclear weapons are a leverage tool for whole nations. It is terrorists whom we should fear… not a communist nation. I believe that NK’s leadership would only use nukes in an ‘scorched earth’ strategy… sort of like a self destruct plan of action if we were to invade. Think about it. This is a nation where its people are being held hostage… just ask their relatives in the South.
Jesus Christ, IL, it was obviously a joke.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Nov 17, 2009, 10:39 PM Nov 17, 2009, 10:37 PM
I am deliberately trying to keep these threads open, so if people start with “jokes” others start with so called jokes about ex presidents and other people may not like that joke and problems arise. It’s a slippery slope and nobody can be sure that one post of a current president will lead to various other opinions and we get in trouble. If you just stick with NK, it should be fine.
What did I miss?
What did I miss?
An unnecessary edititty.
What did I miss?
It turned out that USA is not that different from North Korea when it comes to free speach.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Nov 18, 2009, 7:54 PM
Butt you don’t spell “free speach” like that. :-D
And you don’t spell butt like an @$$ :-D
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Nov 19, 2009, 5:09 AM
The spelling of “Butt” has a special meaning to me and a few other posters from other sites who also post here. It was a hidden joke of sorts.
I think we found that Sir Mix-a-lot plays board games.
This whole thread is political.
Yes, but it has not devolved into the bashing, blame-slinging, so-and-so politician is an a%#hat, sort of stuff that got the political discussion board shut down. It has remained civil and avoided any sort of ‘partisan bent’ and been mostly a strategy discussion.
Yes butt that korean retard jim jong sung II want to nuke us, man, he want to nuke us straigt to h*ll, and how bizare it must be, we are not allowed to call him names, because we must be political correct and not offend nor insult any criminal lame retard moron whatsoever, even if it is pretty obvious that it was just this kind of BS appeasement policy that got the world deep into st in 1939, and I figure that all this lame st is gonna happen again, a** it did last time, butt this time you cant blame it on europe.
I also like the way he says a** it did last time. I wonder if that was on purpose? :-D