Here’s a Facebook group for anyone looking to find Axis and Allies players in Australia:
Axis And Allies Nederland
@snurkert hi…sorry my englisch is not very good, i got the mails in dutch so i thought you where writing in dutch. But yoy are right, after playing 8 hours yoy can predict whose gonna win, so we usualy stop then. I got al the versions exept guandal channal, mabye i buy it at amazon but still about 400 euro, i made a picture off all the games, but dont kniw how i send you a picture…greetings ron
It’s nice that you have an addict for your Axis & Allies.
I have the same - in the basement - with a fireplace and arm chairs in one end - and the Axis & Allies Game Table in the other end.
So, the Axis & Allies Game Board is always ready for a game.
Naturally, it is nice to determine who is winning the game
In order to be able to play the Global 1940 game within 8-12 hours we have set up some Winning Conditions.
I have attached these Winning Conditions here:
Winning The Game.pdf -
That is one cool Situation Room!
And I like the winning conditions. -
I hope that you can meet up with Cornelis & Jan from the Netherlands - they are constructing their own Axis & Allies War Room.They were inspired after their 4 Days visit to us, here in Denmark (6-7 hours drive by car).
@the-captain hi…i will watch the side if there are meetings…👍
You can share the photos if you like, always fun to see others collection -
@snurkert hi…i gonna look how too post, do you know how, any tips
If you still search for players I want to try a game with you. Amersfoort is 20 km away.
Hi @sipke,
You can also contact Cornelis Post on this forum - he’s not far from you.
Sorry for this late reply. Have been very busy.
Yes, lets meet up and play. Send me a PM to get touch.Same invite for other players in the vicinity: send me a Private Message to get in touch.
Hey beste Axis en Allies spelers,
Ik speel samen met een kameraad Axis and Allies 1940 global ( Captain’s version)
onze locatie is Urk in Flevoland. Wij staan er voor open om bij andere spelers op bezoek te gaan, of dat jullie bij ons willen komen.Als je een echte Axis en Allies liefhebber bent, en meer strategieën uit je spel wilt halen.
dan is de upgrade een echte coole extra voor je spel.
deze is zeer eenvoudig toe te passen en je hoeft hier niks extra’s voor te kopen.
Ik zie graag jullie reacties tegemoet,m.v.g.,
Cornelis Post
Onderstaande link de upgrade. -
@Emielson lson are you.still playing…I’m interested:)
Hi @gpagase
you can play online with triplea too :)
@Panzerstahl-Helm is a native German speaker and multi lingual. I can’t speak as to whether he would be interested in playing, but it would be another option if you’re not comfortable using english.I only know a little mexican and a few words in German myself :)
Edit 2
Ahh i should have reread your post sooner :) Looks as if you’re comfortable with english :) -
Hi everyone. I live in Alphen ad Rijn and happy to play online if anyone interested. My preferred map is BigWorld_1942_v3
Hi. I live in Alphen ad Rijn and happy to play online if anyone up for it. My preferred map is BigWorld_1942_v3
Big World a cool map and fun game. Not many play it though. You might find a game in the triplea lobby. I’ve seen it played there somewhat frequently.
I’m on a Global 40 kick of @The-Captain s mod
basically only game I play these days :)Pretty sure you’ll like this, if you like Big World. OOB G 40 map, so a little different, but I Highly recommend giving it a try :)