Looking for A&A Europe and Pacific 1940 (2nd Ed.)
Hi, I’m looking for A&A Europe and Pacific 1940 (2nd Ed.) but they are sold out everywhere… Any chance that they will start printing again?
@stoffel said in New Axis & Allies games may become hard to find:
Hi, I’m looking for A&A Europe and Pacific 1940 (2nd Ed.) but they are sold out everywhere… Any chance that they will start printing again?
Looks like they’re still available here:
@pizzapete thx for the tip, but they only deliver in Germany… I live in Belgium
P Panther moved this topic from News on
BoardGameBliss.com has one of each currently in stock and will ship overseas, but they are in Canada so expect shipping to be high (plus VAT once it gets there).
As for re-prints, I would hope that it’s likely as the latest ‘flagship’ game, but with the way things are right now, there’s no knowing for sure.
I just checked our supplier in Denmark.They have Pacific 1940 2E - but Europe 1940 2E is not available right now.
@the-captain Nice! What’s the price and how can I order?
Use this link. Our contact person is Niels - he’s the GM.
Danish Axis & Allies Community -
They still available?