@jim-bell Hey Jim you up for another game this weekend on the 28th?
Axis And Allies Nederland
@the-captain hi sorry late respons…i gonna do that thx…maybe in the summercwe can come together to play
Hi ron,We would like to meet with you guys and play.
We are coming to the Netherlands this October - to play with our friends in the Netherlands (Cornelist Post & beserker).
You can contact Cornelis Post on this forum - and maybe we can find out something:+1:
@the-captain hi…looking forward to october…we gonna make it happen👍
In pre-covid times, when we played A&A 1940 Global, a single game took months 😉
We gathered once every 2 weeks and played the whole afternoon. In an afternoon we usually complete one or two turns.
How is that with you guys? Does this game also takes so much time? -
@snurkert hi…als we 1914 doen zijn we ook 8 uur verder…1940 en europe en die oudere versies een uur of 5 …maar we zijn wel een dag bezig
We play one round in 60-75 minutes. Mostly all players have prepared their own strategy - and know what to purchase and do for the first 2-4 rounds.
Early in the game its around 75 minutes per round - later, when most units & formations have been build up and are in position for massive attacks, it takes around 45-60 minuts per round.
You can see some of our games (Game Reports) with pictures and descriptions, at the Global 1940 Game Report Thread - on this forum at the House Rules Section.
@the-captain hi…ik ga ze bekijken…lijkt me leuk…altijd leuk om te kijken naar andere spel tactieken
Hi ron,
I’m not able to read & understand the Netherland language - please, write in English language.
You can also find our Global 1940 Strategy Guide - in the House Rules Section.
The turn times you mention resemble ours. That’s cool.
So, under normal conditions, it’s not really feasable to finish a game in a day. Although the last game we’ve played ended in turn 4 by US capturing Japan, but this was an exceptional case. -
We always play Two-Player Games - 1 player controls all Axis Nations and the other player controls all Allied Nations.
This is the most easy way to coordinate a Game Date - and by far the fastest way to play, since you don’t have to discuss with any allied players:relaxed:
All meals are prepared in advance for breakfast, lunch & diner - and we consume all meals while playing.
So, we start at 08.30 - and a game mostly lasts for 10-11 rounds, which means that we finish at around 22.00 or 23.00.
By this time, if the game is not completely over, a Victory is within sight anyway.
When we plan for our Multiplayer Axis & Allies Weekends - we start playing Friday at 19.30 - and usually end Sunday at 16.00.
During such a weekend, we have planned more time per game - and usually plan for two games for each player.
The Two-Player concept is also used in those weekends.
We tried that also but it is a bit unsatisfying that you cannot complete the game until the end.
Usually we setup the game in the attic where it can stay untouched until we continue some other day (I have a very spacious attic) -
@snurkert hi…sorry my englisch is not very good, i got the mails in dutch so i thought you where writing in dutch. But yoy are right, after playing 8 hours yoy can predict whose gonna win, so we usualy stop then. I got al the versions exept guandal channal, mabye i buy it at amazon but still about 400 euro, i made a picture off all the games, but dont kniw how i send you a picture…greetings ron
It’s nice that you have an addict for your Axis & Allies.
I have the same - in the basement - with a fireplace and arm chairs in one end - and the Axis & Allies Game Table in the other end.
So, the Axis & Allies Game Board is always ready for a game.
Naturally, it is nice to determine who is winning the game
In order to be able to play the Global 1940 game within 8-12 hours we have set up some Winning Conditions.
I have attached these Winning Conditions here:
Winning The Game.pdf -
That is one cool Situation Room!
And I like the winning conditions. -
I hope that you can meet up with Cornelis & Jan from the Netherlands - they are constructing their own Axis & Allies War Room.They were inspired after their 4 Days visit to us, here in Denmark (6-7 hours drive by car).
@the-captain hi…i will watch the side if there are meetings…👍
You can share the photos if you like, always fun to see others collection -
@snurkert hi…i gonna look how too post, do you know how, any tips