• If USSR only had to pay 6 IPC’s for the heavy tank, then why would they ever buy the regular tank which now costs 6IPC’s.
    I think these are technological tanks…requiring a tech breakthrough.


  • As far as tech goes…… I think the countries who actually developed these technologies should automatically get them during the course of the game instead of spending money hoping to get lucky.
    Historically they were developed so ther should be no luck or chance involved in getting them. There should be a timeline board which indicates when each country gets its new technology.

  • Historically they were developed so ther should be no luck or chance involved in getting them. There should be a timeline board which indicates when each country gets its new technology.

    Well it’s not bad idea but we should have the choice get a new weapons before the timeline.
    Heavy tank and katioucha in 1942?
    Jet in 1944?
    Heayvy artillery in 1943?

  • Well then, maybe you could spend IPC’s to take the chance of discovering it early, but if you have no luck you will get it anyway when you should have historically.

  • Historical games are always great, but some of the fun is to develope technologies that historically were not there. I do agree , it is nice to be able to play someone like Japan and play with historical units and economy and have the rising sun all over the pacific.

  • I am all for spending IPC’s to speed up development or maybe develop something that was almost available at wars end but as far as spending IPC’s researching  something that already existed during the war, I am not for that.This is only my $.02 of course.

  • Well Brain you got a point.

    So forget weapon development for heavy tank,heavy artillery or long range aicraft.
    A simple timeline for each pieces?
    And keep tech roll for A bomb, V1-V2, jet fighter?

    Or free tech roll for each player?

    What about that?

  • Something like that….

    Let me use Germany for an example.

    Germany would automatically get V1,V2, and jet power just like they did in the war and along the same timeline. However if they want it sooner they could spend money on research. If other countries wanted rockets they would only get it by spending money on research. If Germany wanted the A-Bomb they would also have to spend money on research whereas the United States would automatically get it in 1945.

  • @Brain:

    Something like that….

    Let me use Germany for an example.

    Germany would automatically get V1,V2, and jet power just like they did in the war and along the same timeline. However if they want it sooner they could spend money on research. If other countries wanted rockets they would only get it by spending money on research. If Germany wanted the A-Bomb they would also have to spend money on research whereas the United States would automatically get it in 1945.

    Ok, but what do you think the timeline should be? in 1941 scenario, most of my games last beyond turn seven.

  • I am not sure what the answer is….

    Somebody would have to determine how long a turn is in war time.

    Are they 3 months long, 6 months long, 1 year… Maybe this has already been determined.

  • most people say each turn is 4 to 6 months and looking at the map in the 1941 scenario the game start somewhere in June-July.

  • I guess we would have to figure out which tech we were going to want in the game, then figure out when it was developed by each country and then we could figure out which turn that they would automatically get it  when using 4 or 6 months as the turn duration and see what makes more sense.

  • However if they want it sooner they could spend money on research. If other countries wanted rockets they would only get it by spending money on research. If Germany wanted the A-Bomb they would also have to spend money on research whereas the United States would automatically get it in 1945.

    Ya Good example. Seriously, I like that.

    We should start a new topic about that.

    On my world at war 1939 game. 1 turn = 3 months (1 season)
    A timeline chart….not bad.
    1943 = heavy tank and heavy artillery (Katioucha) for USSR and Germany player.
    1944 =  Jet for Germany,super destroyer for USA and UK + heavy carrrier for USA.

  • Just another spin on this idea, we could still require a country to invest a certain amount each turn, roll to see if they get lucky and develop it early, but if they do not theywould still get it at the normal time. If they choose not to invest the money then they will not get the techs that they would have been automatically alloted.

  • what if players straight up paid for Techs?

    like each tech could be worth so many research points and 1 research point costs 5 IPCS or something.

    you could still roll a die to see if you get it early, ie a breakthrough in technology occured.

    Jet power could be worth 3 research Points
    Super Subs could be worth4 research points and Etc….

    this is just an example and not the Actual costs of things, but hows that for an Idea?

  • If they choose not to invest the money then they will not get the techs that they would have been automatically alloted.

    • I prefer ‘’ Player discretion’'.

    like each tech could be worth so many research points and 1 research point costs 5 IPCS or something.

    • 5 IPC for each dice, it’s fine.

    I’m going to suggest this idea to our club members and gets their feelings.

  • I would certainly like to hear some more opinions.

  • Ok, every unit needs a unique position to warrent its inclusion into the game and we would like to try and make it semi accurate.

    Inf are the best defensive bang for your buck and all around cheapest unit.
    Art are the best offensive bang for your buck, although I honestly think they need modified (maybe not with 6 IPC tanks though).
    Arms have the 2 movement, that is there thing.  Although I feel with mec inf as a 1-2-2-4, and arm as a 3-3-2-6, your going to see alot more mec inf than you will Arm.  The new G1 buy (if art effect mec inf) will be all art, followed with waves of mec inf.  For this reason I believe arm should be 3-2-2-5.  Weak in the defense, but still offensive powerhouses.

    Now for a heavy tank.  Historically they were extremely expensive, extremely durable, a bit slow, and strong on the defense.

    3-4-2 or 4-4-2 would be my pick, without the blitz ability (2 movement yes, but no blitz, not a big detail, but still) but can take 2 hits.  Since this is modeled after a battleship so to speak, which is almost double the cost of a cruiser, they should be almost double the cost of a normal tank, 10ish IPCs.  But with the 2 hit, would be really good in a strafe, or against multiple invaders.  Would a ton of them be purchased? No, but some would be and they would have a nitch.

  • Bugoo: great points, but wouldn’t we be back to the Milton Bradley Axis and Allies if we go back to arms being 3-2-2-5, where infantry with artillery would be the best buy?  I like the heavy tank at 10, consider it as land fighters.

    Does anyone know if artillery would also support mechanized infantry or only infantry?  That would make artillery that much more powerful.

  • Honestly I feel the 3/3/2 tank at 5 ipcs is a fair value, esp with mech inf being added in.  If you think about it even on attack the mech inf would be a better buy as for 24 IPCs you could have 6 mech inf or 4 armor.  At face value armor is a better attacker, but lets add in 2 bombers with the attack.  In that situation I think the mech inf come out on top.  We will see a return to insane inf stacks in europe anyway with the mech inf unit, they’ll just be a mix of inf and mech inf.

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