I know you want to play, so don’t be a wanna-be-player!
Be a PLAYER! :mrgreen:
I think i will repaint the Soviet Battleships orange and make them Japanese battleships. They look like 1916-1920 UK battlecruisers which latter became the backbone of the Imperial Japanese navy battleship fleet. Then you just take the Yamato’s and turn them into 3 hit dreadnoughts at 5-5 ( limit 1-2). I am sick of that Yamato thing, when japan only made 2 of these and the other 16 battleships looked like the Kongo.
Why re-sculpt the pieces and make most of them virtually identical? Where are my tiger tanks and mustang fighters?
Seems like a wasted opportunity to me.
If they wanted to cut out the money why not use the collect income at start of turn idea that most of us favour anyway?
Same old map, same problems (you know the ones).
Pile everything into Moscow/Caucasus ASAP. JTDTM; are there enough orange tanks this time?
Not sure there’s anything for me here, even at this price.
Edit: Ho for the return of Rio de Oro! A territory that doesn’t have a single reason to exist on this map, as it cannot be entered and affects no borders. And is in entirely the wrong place anyway.
Back to square one for the map designers. Have they ever even seen a map of the world?
Seems like a wasted opportunity to me.
I think it was a deliberate lie to generate preorders. The pieces are the same in 90% of the cases.
Yea and Moscow is behind the Caspian sea again.
They didn’t even bother to look at the comments regarding the borders and how its hard to see them. It wont take me but a few hours to make this map using the AA50 map.
Why did they make China sooo big, and India sooo small ? Looks like the official map artist is not very talentet. Thank God the A&A community have its own artists that can improve the lame products.
Well i already got the new map about 98% done. The first one will be to spec. Latter i can change thing around toi make it look more realistic.
i really don’t think i’ll be buying this game, sorry
here is the map file in PDF
Note this is a new version minus charts
After looking at the pictures and reading available information, this game looks like a step down from AA50. Smaller map, fewer territories, fewer powers (no Italy and China), etc, etc. Maybe it will take less time to play? Moreover, instead of reproducing what appears to be AA Revised in prettier form, I would have preferred another battle-specific edition, like the Battle of Stalingrad or the North African campaign…
In all fairness I think this edition should be treated as an introductory version for A&A virgins.
Perhaps they’re too aware that the likes of us veterans all customise our games anyway, so nothing they can produce will really satisfy us. So, go for the new market with this one and hope to cash in selling A&A Miniatures to another generation.
But still, producing new sculpts of the same old pieces makes no sense. I would have bought this for the new pieces alone, so how much more expensive would it have been to sculpt a tiger tank than to re-sculpt the panther of which I already have more than enough? Potty.
In all fairness I think this edition should be treated as an introductory version for A&A virgins.
Exactly. This game is a replacement for Revised, using the new rules introduced in AA50 to form a “base platform” for future A&A games. People who have AA50 may have no interest in it, but Revised players may find it to be a step up.
Is the map smaller then the Revised Edition map?
I’m wondering if this game is worth it or should i just go with the original Gamemaster’s Milton Bradley version?
Wow, thanks for the pics. I was gonna buy 3 of these, now I will only buy 1 for a cheap price. I will mainly use it for extra new sculpt pieces for my AA50 game.
I am pretty disappointed, I will probably try this game here at the forums with the new rules but I am afraid to say this is a real debbie downer from AA50.
This AA42 game looks absolutely pathetic. It is a very “cheap” version of AA50.
New sculpts- hardly. The map is ugly (country sizes and borders- not art).
If they keep this up WOTC is going to run AA into the ground. :|
The only things I like is the sz around Japan is separate again, and Phill is worth 3 ipc’s. The rest is kinda drab.
After reviewing this game and it’s pics, people can see why the Reprint Petition for AA50 is important.
Now I know why they call the people at WOTC- chimps.
This AA42 game looks absolutely pathetic. It is a very “cheap” version of AA50.
Indeed, it’s a very cheap version of Revised. Almost the same territories, no tech, no NOs … not deserve buying even if it’s your 1st A&A (buy Revised instead). The pieces are not valuable for me, I have more that I need after buying Europe, Pacific, Revised, AA50 and Bulge
I may be wrong, but probably it doesn’t deserve even being played by mail
For God sake let me post some pic of the plastic, mate
are we happy now ?
the russian battleship looks like it has already taken a hit mid-ship
the russian battleship looks like it has already taken a hit mid-ship
Why waste money making a new mold of a Russian battleship, a unit no one will ever buy except as a joke??
Why waste money making a new mold of a Russian battleship, a unit no one will ever buy except as a joke??
I dont know ? That or “Nice Rack”.
Please everyone do not buy this game. Its painfully obviouse they dont give a rats ass about putting out a good quality product so dont reward them for it. If its the last Axis and Allies game so be it but dont help them!!!