• And let the Chinese walk out of China.

    But if they make bigger changes than a couple of extra Chinese infs in the 41 setup, it should be thoroughly playtested before any decisions are made.

    Even if I don’t care so much about China, b/c it’s only minor country, even much less important than Italy, the game designers screwed up China in the original version, that is, the one we are playing… :-)

    A few simplicity changes will do good, and a couple of extra Chinese infs in the 41 scenario, along with same buy/placement rules as other nations.

  • I hope that they talk to Field Marshal Games and implement their cool dices in the next reprint edition or perhaps supplement with a deluxe edition and perhaps some axis and allies pokerchips instead of ipc notes.

  • I hope this can be the beginning of more Axis and Allies games coming on a continual basis. (Let’s keep Larry empolyed!)  Its a victory for strategic boardgames all around- which don’t get the attention they deserve even with the great demand for them.

    Let’s wait for the offical word from WOTC before we start celebrating though.  Thanks to everyone though who participated especially Von M and some influencial people at the AH forums.  Let’s not stop here but make a claim for all AA games and historical strategic boardgames by filling out the survey at AH- VERY IMPORTANT- don’t complain- voice your opinion.

    Here’s the link:

  • Yes, will the reprint AA50 have the new AA42 sculpts?  What about Italy and China- new scuplts also?  Probably a question for Larry.  I would like to ask him when we can expect the a new AAEurope/Pacific and Stalingrad, Iwo Jima, Midway, WW1 game etc. :-)

  • So now I have to buy it again to get the Ultimate A&A?  This is more of an investment than I thought  :|

  • From WolfStart at the AH site who announced the AA50 reprint news to us:

    If you feel there are issues with the game that need to be addressed (especially from a balance/playability standpoint) I’d strongly encourage you to let them know via Customer Service - especially now that we know we have a window of opportunity before a reprint actually gets printed.

    You can contact Customer Service here: http://www.wizards.com/customerservice

    I would just call the number at the site and talk to them- its more effective- I did it already.

  • Great. :-D :-D
    My buddy bought the first AA50 and I never bought it becasue I have every other version plus Xeno games versions as well and it is $ 135.00 CAN to buy. I wanted to play his version a bunch first to see if it was worth it. Now that I really like it and they probably will fix and add a little, it will be worth getting. Looking forward to the new version.
    The one change I would recommend is not having the three seperate boards or somehow coming up with a “locking” system for them or go with one large folding board. They come apart while your playing and keep shifting. That was the one thing I did not like as much.

  • oh that’s great for AH, they put out the first version at $100, then come back a year+ later with the revised anniversary edition, with better pieces and revised rules and they will get everyone who bought it the first time to buy it again, only they’ll buy 2 because we’ll all be afraid it will go out of print too soon… but they’ll be smart this time, they’ll make more and they’ll sell it a bit cheaper to help lessen the burden on everyone who previously bought.  Or they’ll raise the price, now that’ll be great.

    (ok, my rant’s over… :mrgreen:)

    it’s a good deal all around to reprint, yay!

  • This is GREAT news!

    I will definitely be getting one.

    Already pre-ordered AA42, too.

    A lot of AA games! What to do with all the obsolete versions. I’ll just keep them as collectibles.

  • @eaglex72:

    This is GREAT news!

    I will definitely be getting one.

    Already pre-ordered AA42, too.

    A lot of AA games! What to do with all the obsolete versions. I’ll just keep them as collectibles.

    No AA game is obsolete!

    AA classic is great if you only have a short amount of time and want to play for fun (with a bid of course).

    AAE/AAP is great for more naval and land battles.

    AAR is still great to play.

    If anything, the extra copies are great for the pieces!!!

    I’m thinking I could use all my pieces and play a real game of AA (no chips!) on a giant map, like you see in the war movies with a giant table with the map and units moved around on those stick things (any idea what the proper term is for those sticks; or where I could buy some)?

  • @gnasape:


    This is GREAT news!

    I will definitely be getting one.

    Already pre-ordered AA42, too.

    A lot of AA games! What to do with all the obsolete versions. I’ll just keep them as collectibles.

    No AA game is obsolete!

    AA classic is great if you only have a short amount of time and want to play for fun (with a bid of course).

    AAE/AAP is great for more naval and land battles.

    AAR is still great to play.

    If anything, the extra copies are great for the pieces!!!

    I’m thinking I could use all my pieces and play a real game of AA (no chips!) on a giant map, like you see in the war movies with a giant table with the map and units moved around on those stick things (any idea what the proper term is for those sticks; or where I could buy some)?


    You would need a LOT of space for a board that big, it would be sweet though!

  • you can get a major board to play on and it just great :)

    you can find it here e.g.: http://www.aaclubdk.dk

    -Size 88 x 150 cm (34,65 x 59 Inches)
    Full scale print covered with flexible laminate to transport and store easily

  • @Imperious:

    AA50 will be reprinted after all!!!

    This is bad news. They should combine A&A Europe with A&A Pacific. Two maps in the same box. Then you could choose to play the European theather, or the Pacific theather, or the global war. Like 3 games in one box. That would be nice.

  • @Adlertag:

    This is bad news. They should combine A&A Europe with A&A Pacific. Two maps in the same box. Then you could choose to play the European theather, or the Pacific theather, or the global war. Like 3 games in one box. That would be nice.

    Now you bring this idea to the table?  quick, maybe there’s time for a petition for that!!  Wouldn’t it have been nice if they had just split it down the middle instead of thirds to have given the opportunity to do that to start, even without any comments or rules to do it?  woulda been great… alas…

  • @LuckyDay:

    Now you bring this idea to the table?  quick, maybe there’s time for a petition for that!!  Wouldn’t it have been nice if they had just split it down the middle instead of thirds to have given the opportunity to do that to start, even without any comments or rules to do it?  woulda been great… alas…

    We must ask Questioneer to start  new petition threads at all the major A&A forums of the world.

    We could also mail von Manstein at AH forum, since he seems to be familiar with Greg Leeds.

  • LOL  :-D

    yea that Von Manstein guy will have to make an appearance with more bananas to placate the hungry chimps.

  • @Adlertag:


    AA50 will be reprinted after all!!!

    This is bad news. They should combine A&A Europe with A&A Pacific. Two maps in the same box. Then you could choose to play the European theather, or the Pacific theather, or the global war. Like 3 games in one box. That would be nice.

    I asked Larry this very question to Larry on his site a few weeks ago.  He said that it was a great idea and that he is working on it right now.  I’m thinking its coming on 2010.  Here’s the whole thread- you can read it or file through the whole thing.


    confirmation from Larry is on pg.7 of this thread.

  • @questioneer:

    I asked Larry this very question to Larry on his site a few weeks ago.  He said that it was a great idea and that he is working on it right now.  I’m thinking its coming on 2010.  Here’s the whole thread- you can read it or file through the whole thing.


    confirmation from Larry is on pg.7 of this thread.

    Larry said - " What a great idea, I’ll get right on it." He is only joking. He tell you this to anything you post there. Besides, Larry dont make the call. Greg Leeds do that. Greg is the decision making boss. Larry is the designing employee. Of course Larry love this idea, and want to make it happen, but he need our help. We, the A&A community, must start petition threads over at AH forum, we must talk to the FOG’s, KIA’s and FOE’s volunteers, and they will forward our begs, pleeds, bribes and threats to the chimps at WOTC. And then, maybe in 2010 if lucky, we might get our clummy paws on this game.

  • I talked to my distributor a couple of days ago.  He said rumor has it that WOTC will update and reface all the AA games- Europe/Pacific (combo), Dday, Bulge, Guad and of course Revised- now AA42.  Take what you can from that.

    WOTC/AH doesn’t like petitions on there forums- against regulations, they were nice to accept the AA50 one.  However a bombardment of communication is needed to get the point across.  I’ll try to get a Europe/Pacific interest column started soon and see what happens.  I already started one on Larry’s site so I will make a similar one on the other sites.

    It seems like AAEurope/Pacific and AAStalingrad are really in the lead for the wish list for a while now.  I say we push these first and then go from there.  Maybe I will just create a poll- that’s it, I’ll do that first to see what the interest is.


  • Finally…the reprint is coming

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