Convoy Raid Attack: Each qualifying warship or plane in range can elect to attack a nation in addition to other attacks in the same sea zone if other ships are also present (subs can only attack transports in this manner with or without ASW units defending).
Procedure: move warship or plane in qualifying sea zone and d6. (See above)
1-2= 1 IPC lost
3-4= 2 IPC lost
5-6= 3 IPC lost
Following the Convoy Raid each submarine has the option to attack enemy transports located in the sea zone.
Lets start bit by bit> each submarine can attack a convoy box. The convoy boxes are discussed latter. Each sub that ends its move in a box rolls one die and the owning player loses the IPC to what was rolled as per above.
This is similar to AAE, except these boxes can CHANGE OWNERSHIP depending on whether the attached land territories are controlled by you or another player. For example: if the Soviets take Manchuria, the japanese convoy center in Sea Zone #62 changes hands as a new Soviet convoy zone. The wording perhaps is not correct as i have it, but the idea is the loss of control of your original land territories effects the convoy boxes you had and can change ownership, allowing for new enemies to wage submarine warfare against you. If Japan gets too large the US player buys subs and starts attacking the boxes, which in turn takes off IPC from japan.
Wolf pack rule: 2+ German subs attacking together gain a +1 attack modifier on convoy raid attacks. This modifier lasts until the Allied player under attack develops ASW technology. This is a standard rule.
German Submarines cost 5 IPC.
This is a historical motivation for Germany to naturally buy subs and starve UK. Other rules balance out this advantage
Convoy Zones: Each nation begins in control of specific sea zones that can be attacked by enemy naval forces or bombers. When the listed territory attached to the convoy zone is occupied by the opposing side the convoy is replaced with a new convoy token of the controlling player. Anytime the enemy enters this sea zone with a warship (not transport) they roll one D6:
The following convoy centers are in the game:
Sea zone #5-Convoy removed if Germany loses two of the three: Sweden, Finland, or Norway.
Sea Zone #14- Convoy removed if Italy loses Libya or Balkans.
Sea Zone #62- Convoy removed if Japan loses Manchuria.
Sea Zone #36- Convoy removed if Japan loses French-Indo China.
Sea Zone #61- Convoy removed if Japan loses Kiangsu or Formosa.
Soviet Union:
Sea Zone #4- Convoy removed if Soviets lose Karella S.S.R.
United Kingdom: (9)
Sea Zone #8- Convoy removed if UK loses any part of Canada.
Sea Zone #2- Convoy removed if UK loses England.
Sea Zone #28-Convoy removed if UK controls less than 6 IPC in Africa.
Sea Zone #35-Convoy removed if UK controls loses India.
Sea Zone #12-Convoy removed if UK controls loses Egypt or Gibraltar.
Sea Zone #39-Convoy removed if UK controls loses Australia.
Sea Zone #38-Convoy removed if UK controls loses East Indies.
Sea Zone #49- Convoy removed if UK loses Borneo.
Sea Zone #46- Convoy removed if UK loses Australia.
United States: (8)
Sea Zone #10- Convoy removed if USA loses Eastern USA.
Sea Zone #56- Convoy removed if USA loses Western United States.
Sea Zone #65- Convoy removed if USA loses Alaska.
Sea Zone #50- Convoy removed if USA loses Philippine Islands.
Sea Zone #53- Convoy removed if USA loses Hawaii.
Sea Zone #20- Convoy removed if USA loses Panama or Mexico.
Sea Zone #18- Convoy removed if USA loses Brazil.
Sea Zone #19- Convoy removed if USA loses Panama or West Indies.
Note: In each case when the sea zone listed and its attacked land territory is conquered, a new convoy zone is established by the side that captures the listed territories and the new player can now be attacked in the same manner on your own next turn.
Example: Japan takes Alaska so the former convoy in Sea Zone #65 is now a Japanese convoy that the American player can attack.
This could be reworded but understand the convoy boxes are just like territories in the way that the enemy can attack them and occupy them and take IPC from you.