So my idea is that Japan will have a naval coup (supported by Britain maybe, the IJN always had strong links to Britain), and when that happens (at the start of the game), these are the new rules:
“Allied Japan” will control the entire navy at setup, all islands Japan controls at the start (and all the units on them) and Siam and the units there.
“Axis Japan” will control Japanese occupied China and Korea, all of the units on those territories, and it’s capital is Shanghai.
Both sides start at war with one another, with Axis Japan also at war with China, but all other powers are neutral in this “Japanese civil war”.
The US and Japanese neutrality rules to each other (the US cannot end naval units in sea zones next to a Japanese territory, and Japan not being able to end naval units within three sea zones of North American mainland US territories) no longer applies to Allied Japan (but still Axis Japan) and whenever either side captures an original Japanese territory, it is considered liberated and given to that side’s Japan.
Chinese territories are considered liberated and given to China if liberated by the Allies, but given to Axis Japan if captured by the Axis.
If Tokyo is taken by the Axis, then Axis Japan’s capital will move there.
Both Axis Japan and Allied Japan may declare war on the other members of the other side on any turn (except the Soviet Union).
Pacific victory conditions will change, as I will explain later.
National objectives:
Due to this “civil war” never happening in real life, I cannot give an explanation of each national objective’s historical context in italic font, because it never happened.
Axis Japan:
10 IPCs if Axis capture Tokyo (first time only) Theme: national prestige.
5 IPCs if Axis Japan controls Manchuria, Kiangsu and Korea. Theme: major power centres.
5 IPCs if no convoys next to Axis Japanese territories are being attacked. Theme: access to vital shipping lanes.
Allied Japan:
1 IPC every time Allied Japan liberates a territory for China. Theme: “treaty with China” commitment.
10 IPCs (first time only) when Axis Japan is defeated (this means that Axis Japan does not control any territories or units). Theme: national prestige.
5 IPCs if Allied Japan controls 5 non Axis Japanese territories originally controlled by the Axis powers (only territories originally controlled by Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union count). Theme: commitment to the Allied cause.
All national objectives for Japan in the normal rulebook are not used.
Whenever the rules mention another nation’s relations to Japan, it will refer to Axis Japan.
I know that this could never have happened in real life, but it could make for an interesting game, maybe a bit like World War 1 (easy win for the Allies in the Pacific, but maybe not that much if the Soviet Union joins the Axis rule).
Rules for the Soviet Union joining the Axis:
We will assume that the membership will last towards the end of the war.
Soviet units may not be moved to German controlled territories, as the conflict between Germany and the Soviet Union will still exist.
None of the Allies may declare war on the Soviet Union until the respective power’s third turns.
The Soviet Union may only declare war on the third turn.
New victory conditions: All victory cities on both maps will be counted the same. In order to win the game, the Axis have to control 15 victory cities in the game for one full turn (they need not be the same cities) ending with the end of the turn of the Axis power who captured the last victory city required.
Two minor Axis (Italy and Axis Japan) capitals have to be taken, and one major Axis (Germany and the Soviet Union) have to be held for one turn (they don’t have to be the same capitals).
Finland becomes a strict neutral territory and will be treated as such.
National objectives (replaces the old ones):
When the Soviet Union Is At War:
6 IPCs if the Soviet Union controls Eastern Persia, Persia, Iraq, and Northwest Persia. Theme: access to the open sea and ocean.
1 IPC if the Soviet Union controls Bulgaria. Theme: Soviet desire to have access to bases in Bulgaria.
15 IPCs if the Soviet Union controls Turkey. Theme: long time desire for control of the Turkish Straits.
2 IPCs if Finland is not pro Allies, controlled by Germany or the Allies. Theme: important exports of resources to the Soviet Union.
Germany’s “when at war with the Soviet Union” national objectives will not be in effect, whilst Germany’s “not at war with the Soviet Union” national objective will increase to 8 IPCs, representing massively increased economic offers the Soviets gave to Germany in historic German-Soviet Axis talks. This will take place after the Soviet Union’s second turn.
The Soviet Union-Mongolian pact acts the same as normal, although it now applies to all Allied powers, instead of just Japan.
Germany can move troops into Finland in their first turn-Germany therefore gains the IPCs from the territory. At the start of Germany’s second turn, Germany must move any units moved into Finland out of the territory, if possible (if possible, that action must be done). All mobilised Finnish troops will stay in the territory, and Finland will become a strict neutral, and Germany will no longer control the territory. If Finland is attacked, Germany will gain control of the territory for the rest of the game (the Soviets still don’t get their national objective relating to Finland).
If you have any questions, please ask them.