• @thedesertfox You are absolutely right. When I play UK I normally choose one but never both option.

  • @marshmallowofwar

    With all do respect, I would have to disagree on that sediment.

    As I had previously stated Marsh, I am not saying that there is any right decision for the UK to do one, the other, both or none. I cannot tell you definitively that one is better than another. What I can tell you though is that of which doing one or the other or both or none can and will prove fatal to the UK in the event that Germany or Italy were to properly utilize either of these assets.

    As per the German battleship returning to the Baltic Seazone under 3 fighters, I’m not sure what you’re talking about here, because this is only G2 where I haven’t even attacked Russia yet. These 3 fighters will have more than enough time to provide ample assistance to the Bismarck, and then get over to the Soviet Union without the Bismarck being under any fire, so the airforce won’t be diverted away from Russia.

    Perhaps if an American fleet were to come across the water Italy couldn’t keep it for long, but that still takes time, 4-6 turns to be exact if America wanted to properly develop a strategical transport shuck to get units into Africa and then Western Europe. So, in turn, if the demise of the Italian fleet is inevitable, would you care to explain exactly how? British aircraft will be busy defending Calcutta and Moscow from the impending Germans marching toward the capital. The British won’t possess a large enough navy to take on the Italian fleet and if they are building a navy in India just to send over to take out Italy then that’s time and money wasted on what could be valuable units of both land and air that could’ve been built to protect Calcutta.

  • Any resources dedicated to fleet defense have to be in the area of the fleet. There is absolutely no way that German fighters can cover a German fleet from an airbase and participate in the attack Volgograd/Moscow at the same time.

    The Italian fleet cannot move out of air cover until it is sufficiently large to withstand the two CV, two CC, 5 DD, and Royal Air Force attack on it (plus any subs that I can get to the area) that I can muster on UK 3. At that point, Italy’s fleet is totally defensive and Italy must keep spending money to keep it alive.

    If Germany wants to build a carrier and send it to the Med, whoever is handling Russia should be dancing with glee and taking advantage of the breather to build another stack of infantry.

    UK1 is the most important turn for the Allies. Do it incorrectly and you lose the game. Options for making that turn incorrectly include overreaching your forces to make risky attacks when you can make the same attack a couple of turns later with little or no risk. Forcing both these attacks is overreaching.

    I am more than willing to back my position with a game via email. Make sure you’re running Triple A 1.9.

  • @marshmallowofwar

    Again, the Germans will pull the Battleship back to stay protected in the seazone with fighters to scramble on G2. G3 the Bismarck will move inward more to the point where British airforce can’t even hit it. Germany isn’t taking any fighters away from the fight, and frankly they have until G4 to properly get the fighters and bombers toward the Soviet Union since the Soviet player more than likely won’t have any actual units on the Soviet-German border meaning you won’t actually start fighting the Soviets until turn 4, this is cold hard factual evidence man, you wouldn’t even need a game to prove it, all it would take is to setup the pieces, test out the scenario and see that it’s the truth that the German battleship will be safe and protect by Luftwaffe early game, and mid game the luftwaffe will head East to fight the Russians.

    As I said before, I’m not saying the Italian fleet is unstoppable to beat. Obviously if the allies commit to building a proper navy than yah they’ll withstand the Italian consolidated fleet, but that’s mid-late game. Not to mention the fact that if I can get the UK to prioritize the Europe and Pacific economy on wasting their IPC’s on ships they will only use one time then I’ve done my job as Italy, because the British and Americans need to be getting actual ground units on the mainland continent of Eurasia. Again, I to include many other youtubers have seen this common trend countless amounts of times where if the US or UK dont get ground units mobilized, they will eventually lose the game.

    Germany building a carrier to send down to the Med to help Italy doesn’t get the Soviets off Scott-Free not even the slightest, because I’m not taking anything away from my Barbarossa attack. I usually like to spend the first 30 IPC’s on 2 transports and a carrier if I plan to do an Afrika Korps opening or as a backup plan do Sealion. On G2 I will have 71 IPC’s to spend which 60 of it will go to 9-10 tanks on Germany and spend the other 11 on whatever you want. Nothing is being taken away from the Barbarossa attack and Germany will still be attacking with the same monstrous force they usually do always, that’s the beauty of how well it works out for Germany.

    As per the UK, we both agree that it is absolutely imperative to have a good-standing UK player that knows what they are doing, or you lose the game. You and I both know that it’s gonna take a proper UK1 to set the stage for late game in attacking the Axis powers, they just have to do it correctly.

  • @thedesertfox Again, who cares about the German battleship (besides you)? The German battleship is useless after G1 unless Germany commits resources to protecting it and making it useful. If Germany wants to keep it, it can be the albatross you hang on Berlin.

    The UK can make a play for the Italian fleet as early as UK 3 unless it’s under air cover. That’s not mid-game.


  • @marshmallowofwar

    You’re absolutely right, who would care about a Battleship sitting in Dry dock not doing squat? I wouldn’t.

    What I would care about though and frankly what a lot of other players playing the UK would care about is if the Germans plan to utilize that alive battleship for a Sealion attack or an Afrikakorps attack, then the UK is gonna’ be caring. He’s gonna be caring a lot about the demise of that German Battleship if used properly by the Germans. That’s what this whole discussion is about, whether it’s better to destroy the German battleship or Italian fleet for what they can do against you in the long run if kept alive. Who would care about an Italian fleet that sits in dry dock and doesn’t do anything, who would care about a German battleship that participates in 1 fight then runs away back to dry dock? Nobody would. But people would care if either of these are properly and effectively used against them.

    And again, one would think that turn 3 would be the sweet spot to remove the Italian navy you did not destroy earlier, and frankly their ain’t any better time to strike at it then that time, if Japan didn’t exist, but they do exist, and they’re comin’ for Calcutta hard and fast so don’t expect to be diverting any fighters to go take out what is already a decently sized Italian fleet.

    Believe me when I say it, Germany and Italy really don’t have to spend much to keep these things alive, they genuinely just don’t. 16 IPC’s out of Germany’s turn 1 bank to build a carrier and maybe add a destroyer to that and you’ve already got a formable navy that won’t be easy to take down. Italy will already start with the battleship and cruiser that you didn’t destroy, to go along with another cruiser, sub and destroyer. With this navy, they’ll clear the Med out of Allied ships, the Axis will capture Gibraltar, Southern France and Greece, and conquer the entirety of North Africa from Morocco to Alexandria. What do all these things have in common? They all give Italy national objectives. 3 to be exact, coming out to a whopping 15 IPC’s to stack on top of Italy’s average 15+ IPC’s that they should be getting. (10 to start, 2 for Yugoslavia, 2 for Greece, and 1 for both Algeria and/or Tunisia.). Italy can be making 30 IPC’s every turn and the UK can’t even take this away that easily with all of Italy’s money in close proximity to the main capital of Rome and each of the National Objectives in same Axis hands, allowing Italy to pump out another Battleship or a carrier to put fighters on or whatever they need to increase the size of the navy, and if Britain is wasting their time screwin’ around playing patty cake with Italy’s navy than that’s valuable time and money lost.

    The Allies are gonna have to do a bit more than just lift a finger to defeat the Axis on this one.

  • @marshmallowofwar
    Marsh, what do you do then on UK1 if i may ask?
    And what do you buy?

  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    @cornwallis said in Bismarck or Taranto?:

    Marsh, what do you do then on UK1 if i may ask?
    And what do you buy?

    I rarely do Taranto. Killing the ground forces in Ethiopia and Tobruk is much more devastating to Italy than killing its fleet, but you can’t be too predicatable.

    First, the bid includes a fig in Scotland, a DD in sea zone 91, and a sub for sea zone 111. This makes it too risky for Germany to take out two sea zones on G1 and gives me one more surface ship to use in the Med on UK1.

    UK1 build Atlantic is pretty much always is a minor IC for Egypt, two infantry and a fighter for the UK. If Germany wants to do Sea Lion it will be very expensive (the US will liberate London and Russia will effectively kill Germany by R9 or so).

    I probably would kill the wounded German battleship, but again it’s not an absolute. If I’m stretched for resources, I’ll let it go.

    The UK Pacific fleet and two planes from India goes to support the Ethiopia battle in sea zone 76, along with the CV/CC from sea zone 96. The DD from sea zone 99 blocks the Italian fleet from reaching Egypt via sea zone 99 and the ship left in sea zone 96 blocks the Italian fleet from reaching Egypt that way. Italy’s strat bomber is not enough to take on the sea zone 76 fleet and in any event could not land. (If Germany prepositioned her strat bombers on Southern Italy, they might do some damage but that precludes them from doing many other fire missions on G1.)

    If Japan doesn’t kill it on J1, the BB for sea zone 37 will also wind up in the Med one turn after the rest of it unless I deem that I need it to head east to pair up with an Allied Pacific fleet.

    Italy now has a very low chance of clearing the Med on I1, since it must clear three sea zones of four units using only eight nine units and while there’s a reasonable chance for each individual battle, added all together Italy generally fails at one of the attacks. To make these three attacks, Italy must distribute it’s fleet and air force across three different sea zones. The Allied ships are certain to kill at least one of those eight units and have a reasonable chance of getting as many as three! (For those not counting, that means Italy’s fleet is not massed together for defensive purposes and can be severely damaged with air and ship attacks on UK2 – so much for the “massed” Italian fleet.)

    The UK2 build drops a CV and two DDs into sea zone 96, and the sea zone 76 fleet moves to sea zone 96. The UK now has two fully loaded CVs, two CCs, and three DDs in sea zone 96.

    The surviving Italian fleet is now totally defensive on I2, with the survivors forced to retreat to the sea zone 95/97 where it has air cover. If it ventures out, it will die. If it doesn’t go back under air cover on I2, it dies on UK3.

    The factory on Egypt now begins pumping out ships to make the UK fleet large enough to at least take the entire Luftwaffe with it, moving to sea zone 97 when it’s large enough (typically UK4 or 5). Fighters in the UK can now use sea zone 97 as landing zone one for a three step jump into Moscow.

    Italy now has the unfortunate situation where it wants to protect its fleet but has to spend its paltry income to continue building ships for as along as possible to keep its paltry income. Any money spent on ships is money not spend defending Europe and not spent attacking Russia.

    Defensive thinking is Axis death. If the Axis players want to protect their fleets, let them spend their time and resources doing so. They’ve lost the initiative at that point.


  • @marshmallowofwar said in Bismarck or Taranto?:

    @cornwallis said in Bismarck or Taranto?:

    Marsh, what do you do then on UK1 if i may ask?
    And what do you buy?

    I rarely do Taranto. Killing the ground forces in Ethiopia and Tobruk is much more devastating to Italy than killing its fleet, but you can’t be too predicatable.

    First, the bid includes a fig in Scotland, a DD in sea zone 91, and a sub for sea zone 111. This makes it too risky for Germany to take out two sea zones on G1 and gives me one more surface ship to use in the Med on UK1.

    UK1 build Atlantic is pretty much always is a minor IC for Egypt, two infantry and a fighter for the UK. If Germany wants to do Sea Lion it will be very expensive (the US will liberate London and Russia will effectively kill Germany by R9 or so).

    I probably would kill the wounded German battleship, but again it’s not an absolute. If I’m stretched for resources, I’ll let it go.

    The UK Pacific fleet and two planes from India goes to support the Ethiopia battle in sea zone 76, along with the CV/CC from sea zone 96. The DD from sea zone 99 blocks the Italian fleet from reaching Egypt via sea zone 99 and the ship left in sea zone 96 blocks the Italian fleet from reaching Egypt that way. Italy’s strat bomber is not enough to take on the sea zone 76 fleet and in any event could not land. (If Germany prepositioned her strat bombers on Southern Italy, they might do some damage but that precludes them from doing many other fire missions on G1.)

    If Japan doesn’t kill it on J1, the BB for sea zone 37 will also wind up in the Med one turn after the rest of it unless I deem that I need it to head east to pair up with an Allied Pacific fleet.

    Italy now has a very low chance of clearing the Med on I1, since it must clear three sea zones of four units using only eight nine units and while there’s a reasonable chance for each individual battle, added all together Italy generally fails at one of the attacks. To make these three attacks, Italy must distribute it’s fleet and air force across three different sea zones. The Allied ships are certain to kill at least one of those eight units and have a reasonable chance of getting as many as three! (For those not counting, that means Italy’s fleet is not massed together for defensive purposes and can be severely damaged with air and ship attacks on UK2 – so much for the “massed” Italian fleet.)

    The UK2 build drops a CV and two DDs into sea zone 96, and the sea zone 76 fleet moves to sea zone 96. The UK now has two fully loaded CVs, two CCs, and three DDs in sea zone 96.

    The surviving Italian fleet is now totally defensive on I2, with the survivors forced to retreat to the sea zone 95/97 where it has air cover. If it ventures out, it will die. If it doesn’t go back under air cover on I2, it dies on UK3.

    The factory on Egypt now begins pumping out ships to make the UK fleet large enough to at least take the entire Luftwaffe with it, moving to sea zone 97 when it’s large enough (typically UK4 or 5). Fighters in the UK can now use sea zone 97 as landing zone one for a three step jump into Moscow.

    Italy now has the unfortunate situation where it wants to protect its fleet but has to spend its paltry income to continue building ships for as along as possible to keep its paltry income. Any money spent on ships is money not spend defending Europe and not spent attacking Russia.

    Defensive thinking is Axis death. If the Axis players want to protect their fleets, let them spend their time and resources doing so. They’ve lost the initiative at that point.


    Well this assumes OOB since a 24 bid is high for a BM game. That said, I would buy a carrier and still attack both fleets in 110 and 111. If you want to scramble then go ahead. I’ve still got over 70% wins on both battles even with them.

    If you scramble and the dice go bad, you cant go through with your Egypt IC. If you dont scramble then the attacks aren’t even a risk.

    I also think it would be foolish for the Italian player to throw away the fleet you just gave him trying to chase a first round bonus. Far better to wipe the french fleet (assuming no Vichy) and work on getting bonuses on the second turn.

    I’m sure you’ve won games with this. But I think its poor strategy to just give away the IT fleet.

  • @squirecam I don’t play “Balanced Mode”. I refuse to address any issues you raise regarding that particular house rules variant, which has its own sub forum and should not be discussed here.


  • @marshmallowofwar said in Bismarck or Taranto?:

    @squirecam I don’t play “Balanced Mode”. I refuse to address any issues you raise regarding that particular house rules variant, which has its own sub forum and should not be discussed here.


    I assumed OOB as stated.

  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    @squirecam It would be better for Italy to not divide its fleet on I1, but then doing so would mean it never gets it’s NO other. Again, the primary job of the UK to secure the Med is done – Italy’s income is nerfed and Italy is on the defensive.


  • @squirecam said in Bismarck or Taranto?:

    Well this assumes OOB since a 24 bid is high for a BM game. That said, I would buy a carrier and still attack both fleets in 110 and 111. If you want to scramble then go ahead. I’ve still got over 70% wins on both battles even with them.

    To this I will add a “Yippee” from the Russians, since that’s four mechs/four art/five infantry not coming to attack Russia. And I assume since you build a carrier you are planning to keep planes on it, and to also probably put a DD with it. Russia happy! I can now go for Iraq and other Axis territories in Africa, hold my territory longer and keep the Axis out of the Middle East.

    And if Germany builds a carrier, I will probably not use this build for UK 1. I would probably go 5 infantry and a minor IC for Egypt, and you can be darned sure that the US is coming to liberate London and that the Russians start advancing towards Germany.

  • @marshmallowofwar

    Well that explains why it’s so easy to win then as the Allies for yourself. The British don’t need that high of a bid to beat the Germans, and even with the bid they’re still likely to lose both 110 and 111 with the scrambles.

    I also don’t know if I need to mention this but the carrier cruiser and destroyer you previously did not use to take out the Italian fleet will be destroyed unless moved out of the Mediterranean which you did not mention whatsoever in your post, in turn these ships will be immediately destroyed by the Italian battleship, 2 cruisers, destroyer, sub, 2 fighters, and bomber.

    To me it seems most of this UK strategy you’ve got going is just forced to happen, in other words you’re basically relying on Italy and Germany to do certain things in order for it to work.

    Tobruk or Taranto have been incredibly controversial topics on whether one is better than the other and to me Taranto is because who cares about units on Tobruk? They’ll be replaced with new units on the spot and all those units you had previously sent in to Tobruk are now dead in the desert.

    Like I previously stated, as far as Im concerned I dont think aircraft carriers or cruisers could grow 2 legs to walk straight for Berlin, so spamming out ships really isn’t going to get you anywhere as Italy will just continue to destroy these ships over and over again until you run out of airforce to put on carriers. And it doesn’t even matter if Italy loses that fleet at the end of the day, them having gotten you to waste money on ship after ship to get one over on them in the Pacific means they’ve already won. Ground forces, the British and the Americans NEED ground forces, you’re not getting yourself anywhere by investing in a huge navy only for it to sit in dry dock for the rest of the game pal.

    Finally, if the UK is to put an industrial complex on Egypt turn 1, then Sealion all the way. I don’t care if Russia will get one over on me, I don’t care if America will try to liberate the British Isles, it’s Sealion all the way, and having poorly spent your turn 1 money on a complex in Egypt, you’re gonna lose London because 2 infantry and a fighter isn’t enough to protect it, it just isn’t, and with such little territorial gains made by the UK and such little forces being built up on Britain than I’ll have units left over from Sealion to either keep there for defense or turn them around to attack Russia.

  • @marshmallowofwar

    I’m not sure if you’re joking here or if you’re actually being legit in what you’re saying.

    Who cares about 4 mech or 4 artillery not going to Russia? If you think that’s going to be the difference maker on the Eastern Front, then I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you’re sadly mistaken my friend. Because who cares about 4 mech and/or 4 artillery going to Russia when Im about to have 15+ tanks moving in for Moscow that all roll 3 for attack and defense?

    Building a carrier and 2 transports for heaven’s sake wouldn’t even be taking away from your Barbarossa attack. Because quite literally everybody that first played Germany, spent their first 2 builds on nothing but ground units, sent them over to Russia, completely obliterated them and said “That was too easy, I could do that blindfolded and spend half as much money on units.” And they were correct. Because your turn 1 build you can pretty much build whatever you want to impose your will on the UK or the Soviet Union. But hey, that’s just what literally everybody else says.

  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    @thedesertfox I’ve won many, many games this way and lost only a few. If you’re not willing to throw dice (PM me your address and we’ll do a game. I’ll take the Allies with a 30 bid.), I’m done with this thread.


  • @marshmallowofwar

    I guess we won’t be playing then because I don’t play with bids pal. Bids should only be used for people of different skill level and as far as I’m concerned you nor I played this game yesterday for the first time. (that could be questionable for you but I have no intent to inflict conjecture upon you)

    I’m glad you’ve won many games buddy, that shows a sign of understanding and veteran style of playing from you, but that only proves your opponents to be pretty skimpy and weak at A&A 40’.

  • @squirecam

    So I’ve done some test rolling and found some good results out of the Taranto Raid if both were to bring in the max amount of forces.

    The UK, having brought in a destroyer, cruiser, carrier, 2 fighters, a tac bomber and strategic bomber against a cruiser, battleship and 3 fighters can honestly typically go 2 way for either side, though I’ve found that the Axis do have a small advantage.

    Having done multiple test rolls, I’ve found the UK is likely to only score around 2 to 3 hits on the first round combat, maybe 4 or 5 if they get some lucky dice rolls, but 2-3 is around what happens for the most part.

    The Axis tend to score themselves 4 hits (either the cruiser missed and the BB and fighters hit or the cruiser hit and 1 fighter missed) or even 5 hits which is definetly on the more lucky side for the Axis but not unheard of to happen since they’re rolling 1 for 3 and 4 for 4. I’ve found with the average roll around either 2-3 hits from the UK and 5 hits from the Axis would ultimately stop the Taranto Raid in it’s tracks. Like I said this is speculation for what kind of dice rolling an Axis player would want for the Taranto Raid to go their way and it surprisingly isn’t that farfetched of dice rolling. With 5 hits landing on the UK they’d be left with a fighter, tac bomber and strat bomber while their 2-3 hits would leave Italy with the battleship and 2-3 fighters reamining rolling 3 at 4 or 4 at 4. And with that the battle is still pretty much a coin toss with the odds favoring the Axis in a 3 on 3 with the UK rolling 1 at 3 and 2 at 4 and the Axis rolling either 3 at 4 or 4 at 4 so it all really depends for what goes on but the Axis can’t really go wrong in dice rolling when they’re rolling 4 at 4 for dice, where as the UK can.

  • @thedesertfox said in Bismarck or Taranto?:


    So I’ve done some test rolling and found some good results out of the Taranto Raid if both were to bring in the max amount of forces.

    The UK, having brought in a destroyer, cruiser, carrier, 2 fighters, a tac bomber and strategic bomber against a cruiser, battleship and 3 fighters can honestly typically go 2 way for either side, though I’ve found that the Axis do have a small advantage.

    Having done multiple test rolls, I’ve found the UK is likely to only score around 2 to 3 hits on the first round combat, maybe 4 or 5 if they get some lucky dice rolls, but 2-3 is around what happens for the most part.

    The Axis tend to score themselves 4 hits (either the cruiser missed and the BB and fighters hit or the cruiser hit and 1 fighter missed) or even 5 hits which is definetly on the more lucky side for the Axis but not unheard of to happen since they’re rolling 1 for 3 and 4 for 4. I’ve found with the average roll around either 2-3 hits from the UK and 5 hits from the Axis would ultimately stop the Taranto Raid in it’s tracks. Like I said this is speculation for what kind of dice rolling an Axis player would want for the Taranto Raid to go their way and it surprisingly isn’t that farfetched of dice rolling. With 5 hits landing on the UK they’d be left with a fighter, tac bomber and strat bomber while their 2-3 hits would leave Italy with the battleship and 2-3 fighters reamining rolling 3 at 4 or 4 at 4. And with that the battle is still pretty much a coin toss with the odds favoring the Axis in a 3 on 3 with the UK rolling 1 at 3 and 2 at 4 and the Axis rolling either 3 at 4 or 4 at 4 so it all really depends for what goes on but the Axis can’t really go wrong in dice rolling when they’re rolling 4 at 4 for dice, where as the UK can.

    I wouldn’t count on those dice. If you scramble you should get 3 hits. Which to me isnt worth it.

    If I want to play risk/reward then I’ll do so with the Germans. They should wipe the UK fleet in one round during their counter. The italian fighters are needed for Italy to kill the french fleet with minimal risk.

  • @squirecam

    True that, though I can do that easily with the bomber.

    As Italy I like to go for that NO of no boats in the Med, clear out any British ships that attack Taranto, its fine if airforce is left, and more than likely the cruiser that attacks the destroyer and transports near Malta will survive unless you’re lucky so what I do is I send the bomber to that cruiser and the destroyer sub and cruiser at the French ships to clean em up which should do the job, are you risking the bomber? yeah, but granted what else are you really gonna use it for atleast for that time being.

    And then I’ll attack Greece on turn 2 since I don’t want to put the transport at any risk to the British airforce.

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