• One thing I want to try is a 5 inf/3 armor build while leaving only 5 inf in karelia and caucaus, 2 inf + 4 armor in Moscow, then 7 inf + 1 art + AA in Belorussia and Eastern Ukraine.  Yes you leave your factories exposed but you also force the german tank stack to pull back or get destroyed.  Not sure if it would work but it would be nice to have a nice big stack on east poland R2 or atleast the ability to deadzone it.

  • I always wanted to see if i could make a 3 Fighter buy work.

  • Woah Imperious Leader!

    I actually intended to ask the question with respect to 1942 scenario. I realize however how many of the responses were to the 1941.

    It’s cool, no worries.

  • 1942 is a different matter.  In 1942 you have a fighter and a bomber.

    With the 24 starting IPC, I would probably say 3 Infantry, Armor, Fighter which would give you 2 fighters, bomber, 5 armor for real combat units (as opposed to infantry/artillery which I view more as fodder.)

  • Three fighters is a bit much, you are going to need some infantry to soak up the hits from the Italians and Germans.  What do you expect to do with 3 fighters on R2? The Germans and Italians wipe out your front line on turn 1 which means on R2 you have to make some sort of counter attack which further bleeds your ground forces.  Is R2 builds just infantry and maybe an armor to make up for this lack of numbers.  Also, where do you deploy them? 2 in Karelia or all three in the Caucasus?

  • Italy’s too busy to bother Russia for the first couple of rounds anyway.  Germany has nothing it can bring to the fight on Round 2 that it did not already have on Round 1.  Therefore, it seems like an opportune time for Russia to get some fighters and save cash. (Saved cash comes from not using tanks and artillery to trade territories, instead, like Germany, using fighters to trade.)

  • Exactly Nickiow, I’ve seen this in both of the games I’m currently in.  I did build 2 ftr’s and place them on Karelia on R1 while moving as much equipment as I could there as well in one game.  Then made a counter attacker on the Ukraine and took that back. this left Germany facing a well defended Karelia and left Italy being forced to take the Ukraine back on their turn to help the Germans out.  I’m not sure how this will al work out yet, but I’m hopefull this may end the flee Karelia strategy or force the Germans to take it on G1 which can be costly as well.

  • Russia can simply take Finland, and either take Norway as well the following turn or let Britain have it.  Doing so means you can still counterattack next turn, but you’ve killed a couple Infantry, got some more IPCs, and are 2/3s of the way to Russia’s 10 IPC NO in no time.

  • From the few games I’ve played, I believe that the Germans simply must take Karelia on G1 or face a long and bitter struggle with Russia. Germany doesn’t start without alot of forces, so they need to knock out as many of Russia’s as possible. The Karellia attack on G1 is risky, but it must be done.

  • It depends on what the Germans do in Turn 1 and attack E. Poland, Ukraine and make a heavy play for Karelia via Baltic States. And don’t take Karelia in Turn 1, I like to move 2 Inf from Archangel into Karlia, 2 Inf from Russia into Karelia, along w/2 Inf builds in Karlia for 11 Inf in Karelia Turn 1. Then move 3 Inf from Russia into Belorussia, then 1 Art from Karlia to Archangel for counterattack and 1 Art from Russia to Archangel for counterattack. Makes it hard for the Germans to take Karlia Turn 2 w/out heavy losses. And you have a counterattack force for Turn 2, if the Germans attack Karelia from the Baltic States Turn 2. Plus, by then you might have English forces to land in Karelia(Turn 2) as well and take it back.


  • It works, except i like to setup for a push at ukraine instead of a counter-attack at Karelia, let the UK retake Kar, this will give you a huge unit advantage in the south as almost off of G’s units are destroyed in Kar on the UK counter-attack and you will have a stack of 10+ in ukraine waiting to take your 2nd NO.  This is also a fun time to take US/UK figs and land them in ukraine to backup your russians and if G put most of it’s tanks, as it usually will to kill 11 inf, in Kar you dont even have to worry about a can opener from italy and can place 4 more armor in Cauc for the turn 3 hit of Romania and even a fig in Moscow if you desire.  If they don’t take the bait simply move the Kar stack into Belorussia on turn 3 as you move into Ukraine while placing previously stated armor and let the UK drop its 4+ units into Kar.  Then G is really in a pickle.  :-D

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