• Moderator

    2023 Global 1940 League:

    Balanced Mod
    1 - Farmboy 🏆
    2 - Adam514

    2nd playoff Balanced Mod winner

    Path to Victory
    1 - Ghostglider 🏆
    2 - Daaras

    2nd playoff Path to Victory winner

    2nd edition out of the box
    1 - ArthurBomberHarris 🏆
    2 - Farmboy

    2022 Global 1940 League:

    Balanced Mod
    1 - Farmboy 🏆
    2 - Gamerman01

    2nd playoff Balanced Mod winner

    Path to Victory
    1 - GeneralDisarray 🏆
    2 - 666 (f/k/a JWW)

    2nd edition out of the box
    1 - ArthurBomberHarris 🏆
    2 - Myygames

    2021 Global 1940 League:

    Balanced Mod
    1 - Axis Dominion 🏆
    2 - trulpen

    2nd playoff Balanced Mod winner

    Path to Victory
    1 - Ghostglider 🏆
    2 - trulpen

    2nd playoff PTV winner

    2nd edition out of the box
    1 - AndrewAAGamer 🏆
    2 - jkeller

    2nd playoff OOB winner

    2020 Global 1940 League:

    1 - Axis Dominion 🏆
    2 - ksmckay

    2nd playoff champion - Farmboy
    3rd playoff champion - majikforce

    2019 Global 1940 League:

    1 - Adam514 🏆
    2 - Axis Dominion

    2nd playoff champion - Tizkit
    3rd playoff champion - Sovietishcat

    2018 Global 1940 League:

    1 - JDOW 🏆
    2 - Adam514

    2nd playoff champion - OwenToo

    2017 Global 1940 League:

    1 - JDOW 🏆
    2 - JuanSpain

    2nd playoff champion - Oysteilo
    3rd playoff champion - Amon Sul

    2016 Global 1940 League:

    1 - Rubioton 🏆
    2 - Me1945

    2nd playoff champion - Wittman

    2015 Global 1940 League:

    1 - Zhukov44 🏆
    2 - JDOW

    2nd playoff champion - rgp44
    3rd playoff champion - Wittman

    2014 Global 1940 League:

    1 - Gamerman01 🏆
    2 - Ghostglider

    2nd playoff champion - bmnielsen
    3rd playoff champion - Soulblighter

    2013 Global 1940 League:

    1 - Gamerman01 🏆
    2 - Hobo

    2nd playoff champion - MagicQ
    3rd playoff champion - Karl7

    2012 AA50-41/42 League

    2012 AA50-41 Minor League (8-13 games)

    1 - Yoshi 🏆
    2 - Tyzoq

    2012 AA50-41 Major League (14+ games)

    1 - DarthMaximus 🏆
    2 - dJensen

    2011 AA50-41/42 League

    2011 AA50-41

    1 - Gamerman01 🏆
    2 - Zhukov44

    2010 AA50-41/42 League

    2010 AA50-41

    1 - Yoshi 🏆
    2 - Zhukov44

    2010 AA50-42

    1 - Funcioneta 🏆
    2 - Gamerman01

    Iron Man Winner

    Zhukov44 (Overall 15-3) 🏆
    AA50-41 (10-1)
    AA50-42 (5-2)

    2009 AA50-41 League


    1 - TimTheEnchanter (11-2) 🏆
    2 - DutchmanD (12-3)
    3 - BigRedOne (8-2)

    Minor League (10 games or under)

    1 - Philippe (6-0)
    2 - Telamon (5-0)
    3 - Battlingmaxo (3-0)

    2009 Revised League


    1 - KGB (10-1) - 90 🏆
    2 - JWW (7-4) - 49
    3 - Uffishbongo (7-3) - 43

    2008 Revised League


    1 - Uffishbongo - 453 🏆
    2 - Tcnance - 295
    3 - Peruri - 268

    Minor League (12 games or under)

    1 - Mateo - 173 🏆
    2 - DarthMaximus - 132
    3 - KGB - 129

    2007 Revised League


    1 - DarthMaximus - 522 🏆
    2 - JWW - 415
    3 - Ncscswitch - 398

    Minor League (12 games and under)

    1 - Nix - 162 🏆
    2 - RisingDragon - 150
    3 - NoMercy - 143

  • Moderator

    2007 Results (all)



    Player - Total Points
    DarthMaximus - 522
    JWW - 415
    Ncscswitch - 398
    Wazzup - 282
    Gamer - 271
    Djensen - 264
    Akreider2 - 262
    Tcnance - 187
    Ajgundam - 182
    Randmacts - 171
    EM (Jsp4563) - 163
    Nix - 162
    RisingDragon - 150
    Jennifer -147
    NoMercy - 143
    Froodster (Ender) - 118
    Botider - 107
    Mateooo - 95
    EskimoJack - 82
    Rjclayton - 81
    Amon-Sûl - 73
    U-505 - 58
    Ezto - 52
    Balungaloaf - 50
    Sub Dude - 46
    Baghdaddy - 43
    4thmac - 41
    Imtdconv - 41
    Mojo - 39
    Perry - 38
    Sankt Hallvard - 38
    Peruri - 36
    Funcioneta - 33
    Torment - 20
    Sun Tzu - 16
    Coon - 16
    General_D.Fox - 15
    Shining Bowie - 11
    Gargantua - 8
    Ukcommander - 7
    Dezrtfish - 0
    Explodedmike - 0
    SSofficer - 0
    Tonez - 0
    Adonai - 0
    AdmiralThrawn - 0
    Bean - 0
    Kashtronomical - 0
    DrixDzanth - 0
    Frimmel - 0

    Minor League (12 games and under)

    Player - Total Points
    Nix - 162
    RisingDragon - 150
    NoMercy - 143
    Froodster (Ender) - 118
    Botider - 107
    EskimoJack - 82
    Rjclayton - 81
    U-505 - 58
    Ezto - 52
    Balungaloaf - 50
    Sub Dude - 46
    Baghdaddy - 43
    4thmac - 41
    Imtdconv - 41
    Mojo - 39
    Perry - 38
    Sankt Hallvard - 38
    Peruri - 36
    Funcioneta - 33
    Torment - 20
    Sun Tzu - 16
    Coon - 16
    General_D.Fox - 15
    Shining Bowie - 11
    Gargantua - 8
    Ukcommander - 7

    W-L Records


    W-L Records

    EskimoJack (3-0)
    Torment (1-0)
    JWW (16-2)
    RisingDragon (7-1)
    DarthMaximus (19-4)
    Akreider2 (11-4)
    Wazzup (9-4)
    Rjclayton (4-2)
    U-505 (2-1)
    Ncscswitch (19-11)
    NoMercy (5-3)
    Balungaloaf (3-2)
    Nix (7-5)
    Djensen (11-9)
    Gamer (14-13)
    EM (Jsp4563) (7-7)
    Botider (6-6)
    Froodster (3-3)
    Ezto (2-2)
    Mojo (2-2)
    4thmac (2-2)
    Funcioneta (2-2)
    Peruri (2-2)
    Gargantua (2-2)
    Baghdaddy (1-1)
    Sankt Hallvard (1-1)
    Sun Tzu (1-1)
    Shining Bowie (1-1)
    Tcnance (7-9)
    Mateooo (6-8)
    Perry (3-4)
    Ajgundam (7-13)
    Randmacts (8-16)
    Jennifer (6-12)
    UKcommander (1-2)
    Amon-Sûl (5-11)
    Sub Dude (3-8)
    Coon (1-3)
    Imtdconv (1-4)
    General_D.Fox (1-9)
    Dezrtfish (0-1)
    Explodedmike (0-1)
    SSofficer (0-1)
    Tonez (0-1)
    Bean (0-2)
    Adonai (0-2)
    AdmiralThrawn (0-2)
    Kashtronomical (0-2)
    DrixDzanth (0-3)
    Frimmel (0-4)

  • Moderator

    2008 Results (all)



    Player - Total Points (including penalty for losses)
    (No negative points)

    Uffishbongo - 453
    Tcnance - 295
    Peruri - 268
    TimTheEnchanter - 247
    Funcioneta - 247
    EskimoJack - 232
    JWW - 215
    Mateo - 173
    Gamer - 154
    Botider - 151
    Cmdr Jen - 133
    Perry - 132
    DarthMaximus - 132
    KGB - 129
    Gargantua - 122
    RisingDragon - 115
    Mr. Morden - 110
    Randmacts - 109
    F6FHellcat - 104
    Baxtard - 89
    CdnRanger - 88
    Ranor - 86
    A44bigdog - 82
    Petrucci08 - 78
    Emperor Mollari - 60
    Amon-Sûl - 55
    U-505 - 45
    Ncscswitch - 43
    Rhineland - 39
    Mojo - 36
    Tigger - 34
    Macroeconomics - 33
    Lmtdconv - 21
    Colsey - 13
    Complex - 12
    Bean - 11
    Tatccitw - 4
    Frimmel - 1
    Olver - 0
    Desert Journalist - 0
    AdmiralThrawn - 0
    Ajgundam - 0
    Bananaman - 0
    D142 - 0
    DezrtFox - 0
    Nix - 0
    Safe Passage - 0
    Sub Dude - 0
    Sudvicious - 0
    Oldsalty - 0

    Minor League (12 games or under)

    Mateo - 173
    DarthMaximus - 132
    KGB - 129
    Gargantua - 122
    RisingDragon - 115
    Randmacts - 109
    F6FHellcat - 104
    Baxtard - 89
    CdnRanger - 88
    Ranor - 86
    Petrucci08 - 78
    Emperor Mollari - 60
    Amon-Sûl - 55
    U-505 - 45
    Ncscswitch - 43
    Rhineland - 39
    Mojo - 36
    Tigger - 34
    Macroeconomics - 33
    Lmtdconv - 21
    Colsey - 13
    Complex - 12
    Bean - 11
    Tatccitw - 4
    Frimmel - 1
    Olver - 0
    AdmiralThrawn - 0
    Ajgundam - 0
    Bananaman - 0
    D142 - 0
    DezrtFox - 0
    Nix - 0
    Safe Passage - 0
    Sub Dude - 0
    Sudvicious - 0
    Oldsalty - 0

    W-L Records

    Macroeconomics (1-0)
    Bean (1-0)
    Gargantua (5-1)
    Uffishbongo (18-4)
    Randmacts (8-2)
    Peruri (11-3)
    TimTheEnchanter (10-3)
    F6FHellcat (3-1)
    Rhineland (3-1)
    EskimoJack (10-4)
    KGB (5-2)
    Funcioneta (12-5)
    Mateo (8-4)
    RisingDragon (4-2)
    Tigger (2-1)
    Tcnance (13-7)
    Perry (10-6)
    DarthMaximus (5-3)
    Botider (8-6)
    CdnRanger (4-3)
    Ranor (6-5)
    Gamer (7-7)
    Mr. Morden (7-7)
    Baxtard (6-6)
    Amon-Sûl (6-6)
    U-505 (1-1)
    Colsey (1-1)
    JWW (9-10)
    Petrucci08 (5-6)
    Emperor Mollari (3-4)
    Lmtdconv (3-5)
    Frimmel (1-2)
    Olver (1-2)
    Cmdr Jen (7-16)
    Ncscswitch (2-5)
    A44bigdog (5-17)
    Mojo (1-4)
    Complex (1-5)
    Tatccitw (1-7)
    Desert Journalist (2-16)
    AdmiralThrawn (0-1)
    Ajgundam (0-1)
    Bananaman (0-1)
    D142 (0-1)
    DezrtFox (0-1)
    Nix (0-1)
    Safe Passage (0-2)
    Sub Dude (0-4)
    Sudvicious (0-4)
    Oldsalty (0-10)

  • Moderator

    2009 Revised League



    Player (Record) - Total Points (including penalty for losses)
    (No negative points)

    KGB (10-1) - 90
    JWW (7-4) - 49
    Uffishbongo (7-3) - 43
    Funcioneta (3-3) - 28
    CrispyHaole (1-0) - 18
    DarthMaximus (1-3) - 10
    A44bigdog (3-5) - 9
    Jen (2-3) - 8
    Tarling (1-1) - 8
    Mojo (1-1) - 6
    CdnRanger (1-1) - 6
    The Desert Journalist (2-3) - 6
    Rhineland (1-1) - 0
    Ranor (1-1) - 0
    Botider (0-1) - 0
    Nix (0-1) - 0
    D142 (0-2) - 0
    F6FHellcat (0-3) - 0
    Mr. Morden (0-4) - 0

    W-L Records
    Value per win - Player (Record)

    19 - CrispyHaole (1-0)
    18 - KGB (10-1)
    17 - Uffishbongo (7-3)
    16 - JWW (7-4)
    10 - Funcioneta (3-3)
    10 - Mojo (1-1)
    10 - Rhineland (1-1)
    10 - CdnRanger (1-1)
    10 - Tarling (1-1)
    10 - Ranor (1-1)
    8 - The Desert Journalist (2-3)
    8 - Jen (2-3)
    7 - A44bigdog (3-5)
    6 - DarthMaximus (1-3)
    4 - Botider (0-1)
    4 - Nix (0-1)
    3 - D142 (0-2)
    2 - F6FHellcat (0-3)
    1 - Mr. Morden (0-4)

  • Moderator

    2009 AA50-41 League


    Major League (Minimum 10 games)

    1 - TimTheEnchanter (11-2)
    2 - DutchmanD (12-3)
    3 - BigRedOne (8-2)

    Minor League (under 10 games)

    1 - Philippe (6-0)
    2 - Telamon (5-0)
    3 - Battlingmaxo (3-0)


    Philippe (6-0)
    Telamon (5-0)
    Battlingmaxo (3-0)
    Uffishbongo (2-0)
    Commando Brado (1-0)
    Lynxes (1-0)
    Gargantua (7-1)
    TimTheEnchanter (11-2)
    DutchmanD (12-3)
    BigRedOne (8-2)
    Funcioneta (3-1)
    axis_roll (3-1)
    JWW (9-4)
    DY (4-2)
    Zygmund (2-1)
    ksmckay (2-1)
    Mistergreen (27-14)
    Botider (6-4)
    Hobo (21-15)
    Bardoly (7-5)
    The Desert Journalist (4-3)
    Mojo (4-3)
    Anchovy (7-7)
    P@nther (3-3)
    atarihuana (2-2)
    Fleshpile (2-2)
    Demolition Man (1-1)
    Pin (11-14)
    Yasha (7-9)
    Emperor Mollari (9-12)
    Joe Cold (5-7)
    PGMatt (4-6)
    Tarling (2-3)
    souL (4-7)
    questioneer (3-6)
    Mr. Morden (4-11)
    A44bigdog (5-14)
    Capt. Winters (2-6)
    Jen (1-3)
    bongaroo (4-14)
    Tcnance (2-7)
    DarthMaximus (2-8)
    U-505 (2-11)
    Nickiow (1-5)
    Danger Mouse (1-6)
    agutting (0-1)
    cinOxen (0-1)
    KGB (0-1)
    chunksoul (0-3)

  • Moderator

    2010 AA50-41


    Congrats to YOSHI & Zhukov44,who qualify for the single elimination playoff game. The winner of this game is our 2010 41’ League Champ.  - JWW
    Also, let me add that the 2011 League has begun. New rules will be posted shortly which provide for an extended PLAYOFF system.  
    As the records below indicate there are quite a few very strong players who just missed the playoffs! HOBO 40 games played! & a 63% winning %, akreider2  with an 11-3 record, DutchmanD posted an 8-2 record and Bardoly with an 14-5 record. Next season the top four will qualify for the playoffs. More details to follow.
    **IRON MAN for 2010 is: Zhukov44 with a combined 42’ & 41’ record of 15-3! A 10-1 record in 41’ and a 5-2 record in 42’. Congrats Zhukov44 ****2010 41” League season results **| Player | W-L | Pct |

    | Zhukov44 | 10-1 | 91% |
    | Yoshi | 9-1 | 90% |
    | DutchmanD | 8-2 | 80% |
    | akreider2 | 11-3 | 79% |
    | Bardoly | 14-5 | 74% |
    | Hobo | 25-15 | 63% |
    | Anchovy | 12 -7 | 63% |
    | ksmckay | 6-4 | 60% |
    | MisterGreen | 6-5 | 55% |
    | souL | 5-5 | 50% |
    | SAS | 1-0 | 100% |
    | BigBadGoo | 2-0 | 100% |
    | BattlingMaxo | 3-1 | 75% |
    | Amon Sul | 2-1 | 67% |
    | Axis roll | 6-3 | 67% |
    | Tim the Enchanter | 3-2 | 60% |
    | DarthMaximus | 3-3 | 50% |
    | cts17 | 4-4 | 50% |
    | Joe Cold | 1-1 | 50% |
    | Botider | 4-8 | 33% |
    | JWW | 4-9 | 31% |
    | A44BigDog | 4-10 | 29% |
    | PGMatt | 6-17 | 26% |
    | Pin | 1-4 | 20% |
    | Emperor Mollari | 1-6 | 14% |
    | Mojo | 1-6 | 14% |
    | TheDesertJournalist | 1-8 | 11% |
    | Panther | 0-1 | 0% |
    | cdranger | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Tarling | 0-1 | 0% |
    | BombsAway | 0-1 | 0% |
    | nix | 0-1 | 0% |
    | McShoo | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Bongaroo | 0-2 | 0% |
    | thechariot1x | 0-3 | 0% |
    | Spiral Architect | 0-3 | 0% |
    | Cmdr Jenn | 0-3 | 0% |
    | Gornsdorf | 0-5 | 0% |********

  • Moderator

    2010 AA50-42


    FINAL 2010 42’ results

    | Player | W-L | Pct |

    **Congrats Funcioneta & Gamerman01, you move on to the single elimination championship. ****| Funcioneta | 10-1 | 91% |

    ****| Gamerman01 | 13-3 | 81% |

    | Bardoly | 4-0 | 100% |
    | Hobo | 2-0 | 100% |
    | Tarling | 1-0 | 100% |
    | AKreider2 | 1-0 | 100% |
    | Amon | 1-0 | 100% |
    | Zhukov44 | 5-2 | 71% |
    | MisterGreen | 7-4 | 64% |
    | SAS | 1-1 | 50% |
    | JWW | 2-3 | 40% |
    | BigRedOne | 2-3 | 40% |
    | BattlingMaxo | 2-3 | 40% |
    | JoeCold | 1-2 | 33% |
    | Pin | 1-2 | 33% |
    | TheDesertJournalist | 2-3 | 33% |
    | PGMatt | 2-8 | 20% |
    | BoldFresh | 1-5 | 17% |
    | Anchovy | 0-1 | 0% |
    | cts17 | 0-1 | 0% |
    | ouchie | 0-1 | 0% |
    | CdRanger | 0-1 | 0% |
    | U505 | 0-2 | 0% |
    | SpiralArchitect | 0-2 | 0% |
    | CMDR Jenn | 0-6 | 0% |
    | mojo | 0-6 | 0% |

  • Moderator




    Final 2011 League Standings

    | Player |


    | W-L |


    | Pct |
    | Gamerman01 | 12-1 | 92% |
    | Tyzok | 5-1 | 83% |
    | Zhukov 44 | 9-2 | 82% |
    | DutchmanD | 8-2 | 80% |
    | LuckyLindy | 8-3 | 73% |
    | Rising Dragon | 7 -3 | 70% |
    | JWW | 9-4 | 69% |
    | BoldFresh | 15 -11 | 58% |
    | extrabilly | 6-5 | 55% |
    | Blood&Guts | 11-11 | 50% |
    | Anchovy | 1-1 | 50% |
    | SAS | 1-1 | 50% |
    | souL | 7-9 | 44% |
    | Akreider2 | 3-4 | 43% |
    | The Desert Journalist | 2-3 | 40% |
    | DarthMaximus | 3-6 | 33% |
    | Botider | 1-2 | 33% |
    | mojo | 1-2 | 33% |
    | BattlingMaxo | 3-7 | 30% |
    | PGMatt | 2-11 | 15% |
    | Bardoly | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Nix | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Joe Cold | 0-1 | 0% |
    | cow | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Sgt.Pavlov | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Manstein | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Hannibal | 0-2 | 0% |
    | TheChariot1x | 0-2 | 0% |
    | A44 Big Dog | 0-3 | 0% |
    | Desert Fox | 0-4 | 0% |
    | CdnRanger | 0-4 | 0% |
    | cts17 | 0-4 | 0% |

    Playoffs Round 1

    Gamerman (1) vs. LL (4)
    Zhukov (2) vs. DutchmanD (3)

    2011 Finals - Gamerman vs. Zhukov

  • Moderator





    Final 2011 League Standings

    | Player |


    | W-L |


    | Pct |
    | Gamerman01 | 12-1 | 92% |
    | Tyzok | 5-1 | 83% |
    | Zhukov 44 | 9-2 | 82% |
    | DutchmanD | 8-2 | 80% |
    | LuckyLindy | 8-3 | 73% |
    | Rising Dragon | 7 -3 | 70% |
    | JWW | 9-4 | 69% |
    | BoldFresh | 15 -11 | 58% |
    | extrabilly | 6-5 | 55% |
    | Blood&Guts | 11-11 | 50% |
    | Anchovy | 1-1 | 50% |
    | SAS | 1-1 | 50% |
    | souL | 7-9 | 44% |
    | Akreider2 | 3-4 | 43% |
    | The Desert Journalist | 2-3 | 40% |
    | DarthMaximus | 3-6 | 33% |
    | Botider | 1-2 | 33% |
    | mojo | 1-2 | 33% |
    | BattlingMaxo | 3-7 | 30% |
    | PGMatt | 2-11 | 15% |
    | Bardoly | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Nix | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Joe Cold | 0-1 | 0% |
    | cow | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Sgt.Pavlov | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Manstein | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Hannibal | 0-2 | 0% |
    | TheChariot1x | 0-2 | 0% |
    | A44 Big Dog | 0-3 | 0% |
    | Desert Fox | 0-4 | 0% |
    | CdnRanger | 0-4 | 0% |
    | cts17 | 0-4 | 0% |

    Playoffs Round 1

    Gamerman (1) vs. LL (4)
    Zhukov (2) vs. DutchmanD (3)

    2011 Finals - Gamerman vs. Zhukov

    Gamerman over Zhukov 2011 League Finals

  • Moderator

    2012 AA50-41


    2012 Final League Standings

    | Player | W-L | Pct |
    | Yoshi | 8-0 | 100% |
    | Tyzoq | 7-1 | 88% |
    | Darth Maximus | 12-2 | 86% |
    | Gamerman | 6-1 | 86% |
    | souL | 8-3 | 73% |
    | JWW | 9-4 | 69% |
    | Blood & Guts | 15-9 | 63% |
    | DizzKneeLand33 | 3-2 | 60% |
    | U-505 | 3-3 | 50% |
    | CdnRanger | 2-2 | 50% |
    | BoldFresh | 4-8 | 33% |
    | Mojo | 1-2 | 33% |
    | NIX | 1-2 | 33% |
    | Lucky Lindy | 5-10 | 33% |
    | djensen | 5-10 | 33% |
    | Extra Billy | 3-12 | 20% |
    | Amon Sul | 1-4 | 20% |
    | Karl7 | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Zhukov44 | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Gargantua | 0-1 | 0% |
    | Cmdr Jenn | 0-1 | 0% |
    | BattlingMaxo | 0-2 | 0% |
    | cts17 | 0-3 | 0% |
    | Botider | 0-3 | 0% |
    | Desert Journalist | 0-6 | 0% |

  • 2012 G40 final standings

    Zhukov   1-0 100%
        Anchovy   1-0 100%
    #1 AxisPlaya 3-1 75%
    #2 Karl7        9-4 69%
    #3 Gamerman 2-1 67%
    #3 Wheatbeer 2-1 67%
    #5 U-505       5-4 56%
    #5 MisterGree 5-4 56%
    #7 Jim010     3-3 50%
        Spoox       1-1 50%
    #8 Questionee 2-3 40%
    #9 Seththenew 1-3 25%
        Corriganbp 0-1 0%
        BoldFresh   0-1 0%
        Shin Ji       0-1 0%
        Cow           0-1 0%
    #10 Cmdr Jenn   0-3 0%
    #10 Odonis        0-3 0%

    MisterGreen defeated Karl7 in the championship game, in a 2 game, 4 member playoff

  • 2012 to present - annual league standings and tournament brackets and results are all available on the same spreadsheet, located at

    See original post for list of champions and runnerups

  • G gamerman01 referenced this topic on
  • G gamerman01 referenced this topic on
  • G gamerman01 referenced this topic on

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