Nice! thank you!
Is there somewhere you can buy more plastic pieces?
WOTC dont even listen to Larry Harris who design this games. What in the burning hell makes you think they will listen to some unknown kid ?
If one comes on here and makes a bold statement about how something should be done and does so in somewhat of an arrogant manner, then I would suggest that that person has assumed an implied duty to verify their statement; especially if such proof is as easy as writting a letter. Maybe Bardoly did not have a “burden of proof” before he decided to condescend to IL, but that changed when he decided to get on his soap box and to make the post that he did.
Ok ill take the leadership on this and write the damm latter.
It has come to my attention by many who own and regularly play Axis and Allies boardgames that players often find a shortage of pieces and require extra sets due in part to breakage issues and the desire to avoid using chips to designate quantity of what is on the game board.
It seems to be at least that many often this question has been raised repeatedly by phone calls and countless posts on the main Axis and Allies site and the basic answer we seem to receive is: 1) either were working on it and will offer it shortly or 2) we have no plans to sell pieces separately…so just buy another game.For such non-action from WOTC to accommodate players in this manner just shows a lack of consideration because the cost of developing the pieces was overcome and there is a genuine need and demand for them. So it stands to reason that WOTC could make a decent profit in selling them separately because you have already overcome development costs. Also, their is NO proven financial relationship to not selling pieces and instead selling another game. Many players wont buy another game, but they will buy pieces and you stand to make alot of money because you didn’t realize the potential.
I and many feel that the way you will handle this issue will again be met by some obstacle to its implementation, because frankly WOTC has seldom done much to answer its critics and has just done what it wants to do. Again this is what i have read countless times on all the various forums over the years.
I figure to sell the pieces at $10.00 rather than $5.00, with AA50 going for $20.00 to reflect the overall quantity in this game.
I would sell the following pieces:
Axis and Allies Revised $10.00
Axis and Allies Anniversary edition $20.00
Axis and Allies D-Day $5.00The other games all contain these pieces and are not needed. As you may know this is a very real need and as i said before people are not going to buy another game just so they can have more pieces.
blah blah blah…
Good effort.
Personally, I would rather coat my barbs with honey than vinegar.
I’m busy at the moment, but if this thread is still alive in two weeks, I’ll use this draft is the basis of my own letter to Wizards.Though, while I’m at, are you guys really running out of pieces or scared of running out of pieces? There’s a difference between “Shoot, I’m out of Japanese infantry!” and “Crap, I only have two more Japanese planes left – someone needs to do something.” Also some people like pieces instead of chips – for example, 2 planes on an carrier instead of 1 plane + 1 chip. It makes a difference.
For me it’s more of the latter because I try to consolidate my pieces as much as possible (forces are more powerful when grouped together), instead of having them scattered across the board. Granted there’s an exception to every rule and there always a game where Italy grows to insane proportions. But even in the long, protracted games where Japan is abnormally large, I still haven’t found myself running out of pieces.
So is it really worth it?
People want them and it does not matter why. If we got cash and WOTC can make a profit, then why not make both happy. But the problem with chimps is they are minimalist and do the least amount of work to get by, so likely the guy will file the letter in the “T” for trash and go back to eating bananas.
Personally, I would rather coat my barbs with honey than vinegar.
wouldn’t that still mean sticking somebody with sharp barbs?
“Ooowwwwww-eeeee!! But hey, is that honey? Aaaahh, how nice…”
Maybe I’ll write a play about it,
perhaps a tragico-comedy,
better still a historico-tragico-comedy perhaps?
I’ll make it surpass MacBeth or even Hamlet!
Entitle it the “Lament of the Avalon Hill Game Players”
I’ll bring back King Lear lamenting his condition;
maybe even bring back Henry V, a man of action who get’s things done!
Alas alas: “Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie”
Each of us can inform WOTC of our wishes
here’s how:
**Wizards of the Coast LLC
1600 Lind Ave. SW, Ste. 400
Renton, WA 98055Mailing Address:
Wizards of the Coast LLC
PO Box 707
Renton, WA 98057Phone: 425-226-6500
which ever way you feel comfortable with, let them know of your wishes
stealing and lying and cheating as a policy of this website is contemptible
Remember this saying, I wish I had said it first:
“A thief believes everybody steals.”
It is sad if you believe that.
No pussy letter will help. You must call them, in person. Tell them it is a bomb in the building, and you are gonna freekin blow them up if they dont make extras. And this kind of threat is not illegal, you yankees bomb people all over the globe every day, so you cant complain if the WOTC building blows up. WTF, they do make war games after all. Now this is my take on this issue. This is how we would do it in Norway.
or we could put a sex-bomb in their bed, now that would make things running, for sure.
hey, they are americans, we could bribe them
i think that it could be an idea if the axis and allies publisher’s made a set of expansion pieces,
individual national sculpt’s for all the unit’s, and new sculpt’s of different types of aircraft, land unit’s and ship’s,
i think that a box of unit’s of 100 - 150 pieces, would serve the game and player’s well,
all the national power’s would have individual and co-operative sculpt’s, defining the independence and co-operation of the national power’s, and the addition of new sculpt’s would enhance the scale and visual niceness of the boardgame
i have not yet purchased the axis and allies anniversary edition,
i could not determine what new sculpt’s would be needed, although from my experience of revised, russia needed ship’s,
the u.k. needed artillery and armor,and the allies needed individual transport ship’s,
i think that the addition of new sculpt’s, of battleship’s and fighter’s and armor, for all the national power’s could be worth buying
i have no idea how much that it could cost, although if it would be too expensive, i would not buy the set
i would like to get double the plastic pieces if thats even possible without buying another whole board game.Does anyone know where you can just get more AA50 plastic pieces?
Yeah, I have tons of pieces I can sell, what are you looking for and I can get you what you want fairly reasonably. I will actually have a ton for sale individually as well at the Spring Gathering VII in Cincinnati, Ohio next month…as well…
Contact me,
Peace :-D -
i would like to get double the plastic pieces if thats even possible without buying another whole board game.Does anyone know where you can just get more AA50 plastic pieces?
Yeah, I have tons of pieces I can sell, what are you looking for and I can get you what you want fairly reasonably. I will actually have a ton for sale individually as well at the Spring Gathering VII in Cincinnati, Ohio next month…as well…
Contact me,
Peace :-DGreg,
It says he wants Anniversary parts. Do you really have extra parts from the Anniversary Edition? :?
You are correct…missed that. Sorry. I really don’t have many extras for AA50.
GS -
lol :-D
I am quite shocked to read what IL wrote. Stealing from Toys R’ US and other retailers is just horrible.
I just gave him an option. Its not the best option nor the only option.
i will remove my suggestion.
christ, if the guy can open an AA50 and rifle around for all the pieces he needs AND THEN get away with them, all the while not being noticed by a store clerk or reported by a ‘paying’ customer, then good for him :lol: