I agree some with ya but that’s all I’m gonna say.
It could come back as a movie but I’m sure be a lot of different actors. Just not the way most wanted the to end that way from all the responses.
The Mandalorian ( Spoilers possible!)
With the ending of season 2 and the reveal of many following SW Series comming up in the following years, I would be interested in your thoughts about:
Did you watched it?
Did you like it ?
Are you ready and up for more?
Did Jon Favreau save the Star Wars Universe (SWU)? -
@aequitas-et-veritas Well I must say that I was quite disapointed, good storyline, but since Disney is in charge of it, not much wrong or hurt happening to the heroes, the stormtroopers were useless like any of the vilan, really hope that ', the book of Boba fett, will have a different tone but I am not keeping my hopes high.
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