Actually, Bugoo, they are saying build primarily nothing but submarines and let your surviving surface vessels carry the rest of the load.
My argument is that I’ll kill any kind of fleet designed that way in this game. It doesn’t have a chance. Air Power trumps navies now and submarines are absolutely worthless both against air power and against naval forces when they are attacked.
One person had a valid way to keep their submarines alive, RUN AWAY! Which, coincidentally, also happens to completely negate them as a fighting force and they can be ignored.
Look, I’m not saying to have a fleet with NO SUBMARINES. I can see utility in having like 1, maybe 2 and on the extreme end, 3 (proportional to fleet size, of course.) I’m just saying there are way better uses for that money!
I feel the same way with Battleships. I’m not saying you should never buy one, but I also think there are better uses for that money.
My honest opinion, if you have more submarines than battleships, you probably screwed up your builds. A properly built fleet should look similar to this, IMHO (In my honest opinion):
2-Aircraft Carriers
3-Cruisers (for bombardments)
6 to 12- Destroyers (your main trading unit, these can be used like submarines were used before, hence why there are so many)
1 to 2-Submarines
1 to 3-Bombers
Notice, there are submarines, just not as the main unit. They’re only present to take advantage of sloppy play by your opponent, not as any main combat unit and definitely not as any kind of fodder piece!