• I was looking at the battle map for a bit the other day and I think that a Japan turn 2 taking India and turn 3 Persia would put huge amouts of pressure on russia by turn 4. If you waded though China with fighter assistance your forces would arrive at turn four on the gates of the Cacuses and if the Germams and I-Ties had done their jobs the Japanesse would attack ether Caucuses or moscow on turn 5 and if that did not work you would have India of a IC in turn 2?? or three.  Then you could make Tanks!

    I would not build a IC in Manchira but buy and extra trasport for 7. You can move 4 units a turn to the mainland and you could then have a thrasport fleet of 6 or enough to scare America to make ground forces for home and not the europe front.

    I dont no how this works with NO’s though you might be down a bit but I think if you make another 2 to three CV’s and as many Fighters as a buget allows that will keep the Americans at bay.

  • I was looking at the battle map for a bit the other day and I think that a Japan turn 2 taking India and turn 3 Persia would put huge amouts of pressure on russia by turn 4.

    Yes, I was thinking about making a post on this very subject. Looks like you beat me to it.  :lol:

    I think Japan’s no.1 priority should be pushing hard into India and the Middle East as quickly as possible. Japan nedds to mount some kind of threat on the Soviets, just as in previous editions of A&A, except now the quickest way to do this is via India -> Persia -> Caucasus rather than pushing through the Soviet Far East territories to threaten Moscow directly.

    If Japan takes Burma, East Indies, and Borneo J1 they can have 6-7 ground units plus 4-5 fighters ready to pound India on J2. Now, if Germany attacked Egypt (with the bomber!) on G1 as they should have, the Brits will be left with only 5 inf, 1 art, 1 aa in the Middle East - India region (possibly a fighter if Egypt went bad). Even if they put everything in Persia on UK1, Japan should have enough to hold India vs. any counter-attack. That allows them to build an IC in India on J3, meaning tanks will be threatening Caucasus as early as J4. Now, combine this with an IC in Burma on J2 and bombers from Japan, and the Soviets really have something to worry about!

    Additionally, Japan can help Italy out in Africa if need be, which is always nice.

  • I agree with this strategy, especially if the US maintains a KGF focus.  The faster Russia falls, the better chance Germany has to survive.

    If US forgets about Japan, having an IC in Manchuria and India is tough to counter as the Allies.

  • f US forgets about Japan, having an IC in Manchuria and India is tough to counter as the Allies.

    You don’t really need an IC in Manchuria, imo.

    Transports in the sea of Japan can get troops to Manchuria just fine, but its harder to get them to the southern part of Asia. I’d rather have an IC in Burma or FIC than Manchuria, even though Manchuria can spit out 3 tanks/turn instead of 2. Units produced in those territories are only one move away from threatening the Soviets, whereas they are several moves away if built in Manchuria. Yeah, you’ll have less tanks on the mainland, but they’ll be in better position. Plus you can spend more on bombers. ;)

  • I have found that it is fairly easy to get Japanese units to the Russian’s doorstep via Persia. What is more difficult to do is to get enough units there to be a real threat. Between attrition, taking territories to build income, and watching your back for the US, Japan can get spread real thin despite having perhaps the highest income of all the players.

    Depending on how hard the UK fights, Japan can be in Persia on J2 if they want and have an Indian IC building tanks on J3. Unfortunately, Persia can quickly become a dead zone until Japan has enough force to hold it. And just because they can hold PER doesn’t mean they can take CAU right away. A lot depends on how effective Germany has been on their side of the front. Unless they are very lucky, I don’t think Japan can assemble a worthy attack force in PER until at least J7, and that is a long time in this game particularly if the US is making threatening moves on the Japanese territories in the Pacific.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think BUR-IND-PER is a great way to go. But Russia needs to be pressured on multiple sides. Maybe some Japanese units coming through China (MAN or JAP IC builds), some coming from the south (IND, BUR, FIC, or SUM builds), plus some German pressure from the West. Otherwise, Russia can easily hold off any one of these fronts for quite a while.

    So far, I am finding AA50 to be a very fluid game. What works in one match, may not work in another. A lot depends on the decisions made by your opponent, and how you respond to those countermoves.

    There is a oft-repeated piece of military wisdom (variously ascribed to either Clausewitz or von Moltke) that goes, “No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.” Make all the plans you want, but be ready to throw the original plan away the moment it is no longer working for you.

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