Whether attacking or defending, the benefit from Z-4 Explosives applies only to the units of the power(s) with that technology. It does not apply to the units of an ally.
Merging A&A Classic with AAZ
Has anyone tried to do this? I did it with only a few adjustments and it was a lot of fun. Curious who else have tried and compared notes.
Thank you,
Greg Kamp -
Madam or Sir,
You refer to Axis and Allies 1942 first edition? Or the second edition for which there is a specific deck of cards included in the AAZ game?
Or… Axis and Allies Classic from the 2
1980s? Or Axis and Allies Reversed from 2004? https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/10093/axis-allies -
@thrasher1 I should have been more clear. I have merged AAZ with the classic 1942 and now doing the second play test. Seems to working out fine. I won’t say I have it perfectly balanced but at least it is a start.
@gregkamp said in Merging A&A Spring 1942 with AAZ:
@thrasher1 I should have been more clear. I have merged AAZ with the classic 1942 and now doing the second play test. Seems to working out fine. I won’t say I have it perfectly balanced but at least it is a start.
If you mean the classic A&A game from the 1980s, it is normally referred to here as A&A classic or the Milton Bradley version of A&A. This is because WotC, the owners of the rights to A&A, used the name, A&A 1942, and later, A&A 1942, Second Edition, to refer to other games. I assume that you mean A&A classic. Just so’s you know.
@Midnight_Reaper okay thank you. A&A classic is what I am using.
@gregkamp I have edited the title of your topic (was: Merging A&A Spring 1942 with AAZ) accordingly, to avoid confusion.
@Panther thank you.
Thanks for reply.
Yes, @gregkamp , the naming conventions for that I call the Axis and Allies ‘World Map’ games are rather confusing. As MR mentions Axis and Allies 1942 first and second editons. Actually, these two are different games. Different boards. So the second edition is not just an updated version of the ‘first edition’.
But MR explained this already.
Regarding Axis and Allies Classic meets AAZ: looking forward to seeing your rules. Keep this thread or create a new thread in the Axis and Allies Classic forum (house rules section?).
I leave this up to the powers that be :)Again: looking forward to trying your house rules.
I asked if people used AAZ with some of the older Axis and Allies games and the ‘theatre-specific’ games like AA-DDay, Bulge, Guad…
If you ever give one of these the AAZ treatment please let us know:
(Axis and Allies Classic (classic, duh!) of course has its own subforum: https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/category/6/axis-allies-classic )