How to stop the site requesting desktop notifications?? Please explain
Site unresponsive
I don’t know if it’s just on my end, but I assume everybody is experiencing this. Every so often, the site goes unresponsive for a period of a minute or two. It was quite sporadic in the past few weeks, but it seemed to be much worse today. Making a turn via PBF took twice as long as it usually does due to the time I had to wait before the site became responsive again. Is there anything going on? Is it just temporary?
It’s annoying, but I just wait for the browser to time out and then I go back and try again. Not sure if this is just a browser issue or a server issue.
I can’t even use the Search feature here! I never get a response from the site when doing so. Then it goes unresponsive for a couple of minutes. Me thinks the Search feature is the culprit… :x
Yeah, I’ve been getting the same problem too. The worst is when you write an ultra-long post, only to have the server time-out when you click submit (erasing the post). It’s happened more than one.
Most of the time, when I get a time out message, I can use the browser’s back button and recover the post. Sometimes you can only copy it because it’s grayed out, but usually you can get it back.
Then again, the majority of the time, I have pasted the post anyway, after typing it in notepad!
Welcome to the world of small websites in the cloud.
One problem, that I can’t seem to make go away, is how hard this site gets hammered by yahoo. Look at the guests viewing the site and you’ll see that most of them are yahoo crawlers and they are always between 4 and 20 of them. Ugh!
Well, I suppose, we do have a large number of “guests”.
Do you let them view it all, or do you limit them to only a couple forums? Limiting them might help, might not, unsure.
I could probably set the crawl rate slower. I don’t get very much traffic from yahoo anyway.
A few updates:
- Increased the size of the upload attachments directory meaning that you can upload again. Sorry about the delay.
- I discovered that there were 20,000 files in the upload directory. That is not bad but not good.
- I have an idea for fixing some of the performance issues on the site. It will require downtime.
Cool! Thanks for the update!
Can you give us a bunch of head’s up time so we’re aware when the down time will be?
It will probably be late tonight sometime.