• Hello All,

    Winter is falling upon us again.  In my neck of the woods it’s in the form of several feet of snow.  Currently the temp. is -13* F.

    I was wondering how winter in y’alls backyards.

    Please keep this from turnig into a global warming / PD.


  • He, winter is coming to Spain too. Here in Cordoba … it’s raining!  :lol: About 15º C. (not idea about the ºF) At 8:00 AM we even need gloves! It’s a frozen world!  :-D :lol: :mrgreen:

  • @Funcioneta:

    He, winter is coming to Spain too. Here in Cordoba … it’s raining!  :lol: About 15º C. (not idea about the ºF) At 8:00 AM we even need gloves! It’s a frozen world!  :-D :lol: :mrgreen:

    Sorry I don’t feel to bad that’s 59* F.

    My -13* F = -26* C

    But you wouldn’t feel bad for me in the summer I don’t like it over 90* F / 32* C.  :-D

    How hot does it get in Cordoba?

  • 2007 AAR League

    right now its 37F.  it was much colder earlier, but the first storm is on its way this week.

    i live in the great plains.  its as hot as 104 in the summer with almost total humidity in august, and as cold as 50-60 below zero wind chills in the winter.

    the four seasons baby.

  • I didn’t count windchill, but it was calm yesterday when I posted.

  • He, Cordoba in summer reaches 45º C (at shadow). Probably we get more than 50º C (at sun). I saw the 50ºC a time in a public termometer  :-D

    We get 32º C in early April. Go figure  :-D

  • Give General Paulus my regards. Winter clothing is on the way!

  • IL, what is the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Geez, you people should try to live a year in Norway. We have 6 months of winter, and 6 months of autumn. No spring, no summer. Now gimme some chees.

  • When my Uncle was in the US 82nd Airborne he went to Norway and got his jump wings there.

    He said that you would be shivering on the plane dressed like an Eskimo.  He said that then the light would turn green you would get out of the plane it would be -40* F/C and you would be so happy just because the sun would be hitting your face.

    No thanks.

  • 2007 AAR League

    so did you guys know that nebraska is now cold as shit?

    it went from 45F on saturday night, a perfect warm night, beautiful, to in 24 hours -25F.

    24 hours.  thats how quick that happened.  the -25 is with wind chill, and the next day got colder.  and then it finally snowed.  awesome, might as well be snow on the ground for it being this damn cold i figure.  they call it an “arctic blast”, well to hell with that jive.

    and its warmed up to 20F.  oh boy.

  • In Janurary of '03 we had a stint of -30*F.  It was very sunny, calm no wind and no snow (minus what was already on the ground.)  The weather guy said it was to cold to snow.  He explained that the moisture in the air would hit the dew point long before it would get to us.

    It stayed that way for almost 6 weeks.  I got a lot of ice fishing done.  8-)

    I wouldn’t mind that again for a few weeks. :-)  But only a few weeks I would rather not have to spend the nest egg keeping the house above freezing.

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