Yes, AA50 takes very, very, very long time to setup and play FTF. I think it would be the same PBF. I have the game but have only played it twice as it’s very hard to get our group together and revised is still very fun to play.
Good luck.
Great … 1942, soviets have 2 aa guns in Moscow but zero ICs there :-P And commie flag covers part of the setup. Income the same for both scenarios, even if soviets start 1942 with less territories. Or a typo or Photoshop magic :-D And zero fighters in both setups :?
OMG its a misprint!!!
they meant to have 1 factory in Russia, not 2 AA guns.
Incredable…nobody proofs anything… what a joke. :mrgreen:
Something odd with the Russian setup:
Russia has 30 IPCs for both 1941 and 1942. Does this refer to starting IPCs or IPC level?
On the US setup, it starts with 40 in 1941 but it drops to 38 in 1942 to reflect the loss of the Phillipines. Shouldn’t Russia be down to 24 as well?
Oh and there’s 2 AA guns on Russia.
You are rigth. Seems they are not able to print correct set up charts. Russians owns 24 IPCs income in 1942.
…and I’m pretty shure they mean “… 1 AA Gun 1 IC” for russia in 1942.
Doesn’t matter! Give me the UK-set-up-chart!!!
Great … 1942, soviets have 2 aa guns in Moscow but zero ICs there :-P And commie flag covers part of the setup. Income the same for both scenarios, even if soviets start 1942 with less territories. Or a typo or Photoshop magic :-D And zero fighters in both setups :?
There is a figther in Karelia.
You would think after this delay they could at least have all the misprints etc. fixed. If there are mistakes with the units….its sad that 100 dollars can’t buy an error free axis and allies game.
Relax, guys. They screwed up and posted an old version of the USSR charts. The problems have been corrected in the final version (or so I’ve been told :wink:).
As a publisher I can sympathize with minor errors such as punctuation. But if my copy has 2 AA guns in Russia on the set up chart then that is completely absurd mistake. It is incomprehensible that they wouldn’t give Larry are print proof of the entire game and have him approve all materials.
Wow. :-o
There is a figther in Karelia.
Good catch! :-) At least that seems reasonable: AA Europe had 1 fig, 1 bomb as starting soviet airfleet
Awesome! Keep them coming!
Relax, guys. They screwed up and posted an old version of the USSR charts. The problems have been corrected in the final version (or so I’ve been told :wink:).
From the sound of it, there will be blood if they have not been corrected ;)
The good part of having to wait over a year before it arrives to my country is that all of the necessary fixes will by then be corrected :)
Relax, guys. They screwed up and posted an old version of the USSR charts. The problems have been corrected in the final version (or so I’ve been told wink).
yea but why would they give the guy the old version? Why would it still even be a file that still had to give anybody other than get erased?
Its just shows a pattern of aloofness and neglect for professionalism. No quality control results in this type of thing.
Good thing they caught their mistake. :-P
1 more allie and we will finally get to view the axis hopefully 8-)
That typo in the Russian set-up card is amazing. And by amazing I mean a real embarrassment. Not that a mistake was made but that it got out (and if it’s posted on the parent company’s website representing a finished piece… it’s out.) Who proofreads this stuff? As a person who has designed for print runs over a million… this is really bad. A board game is not text intensive!
WizO Mike says: “They have been corrected for the printed product.” But if we speculated why the game was delayed before I think this is a clue. Picture 3 shifts of Chinese workers frantically unwrapping AA50 boxes, pulling something or other out and stuffing something else in. It could be the Russian set-up card, it could be something else.
Its probably just the 2 missing infantry more discolored cruisers, and lead metal paint that were missing from the box.
Just checked the gencon setup (TripleA AA50 map) with the correct Russia 41 setup card and it seems they are just the same!
Why is China so less powerful in 1941? It looks like china will be a push over in the '41 scenerio. The '42 scenerio looks more like it. This setup for China makes me want to play the '42 scenerio more and I was really forward to the '41. You have to use national objectives I think too. The US less powerful in '42? The US is even less powerful than in revised. Yes, you lose the Phillipines but it the game doesn’t take any account of increased US production. I want a balanced game but it seems the US is always under powered. I will have to wait and play.
When in doubt, give the US a couple of automatic free units builds, or maybe give the US Long-Range Aircraft and Heavy Bombers to start with. That should help to balance things.
It’s been a while since I discussed bids, how high and what kind. I’m playing in the TripleA lobby, and there almost all players use preplace bids, that means all units are preplaced, not 50/50. When you are playing via forum, you use half cash - half amount in units? I thought you also used 100% preplace bid, and only 1 unit pr TT.
That rule if bid placement can be grouped is a minor one. I know good players have lost even if they placed 3 inf in Ukr…. :roll:I almost forgot this is the AA50 thread, not AAR :lol:
Wonder if ppl still will use all bids to Germany - Africa, and if the bids will difference from with or w/o NOs.
I can’t imagine bids for allies, but I’m not 100% sure yet. The biggest question is if AA50 bids will be higher than AAR.
I hope if they do get some tournament rules for AA50 (eg. LHTR), that they get rid of the 50/50 thing. It makes it a lot more confusing than it needs to be.
So far what I’m hearing and seeing is that Axis has the edge in a game with NOs. That would make bidding very awkward. Generally, most players prefer to play Axis, and are willing to lower their bid quite far to get them.
I’m trying to imagine 2 players bidding to play Allies, but trying to keep their bids as high as possible so that their opponent gets ‘stuck’ with them instead…
Player A and Player B submit secret bids to play the Allies…
Player A: “Well buddy, I bid 50IPC to be the Allies, so it looks like you’re going to ‘win’ the bid”
Player B: “Sorry pal, I bid a 100IPC. Looks like you’re stuck with them”
Player A: “Damn. I wanted Axis!”
I just find the 41’ setups to be ackward. Russia starts with 1 armor and no air fleet? Russia had more armor and airplanes pre Barbarossa then anyone. Then you might say if you gave them that it wouldn’t be balanced. All the setup would have to do to make it more historical accurate and balanced would be to have most of their armor and airplanes on the front line and give Germany a surprise attack on the first turn like AAP with Russians rolling hits on ones. This would make it have more of an historical feel plus keep the game balanced. The setup should be like Russia loses 75% of their armor, artillery, fighters, and Bombers on the first German attack. They have plenty of infantry still left that can hold on so they can rebuild and try to crush Germany. Not, we only have infantry and the Germans attack and then they decide to build armor and stuff. Just like the US, the Russian 42’ setup looks decent.
In AAR I prefered the Axis because of their light disadvantage.
If in AA50 maybe the allies are the underdogs.
It seems that we are all “super tactical players” and only the game balance judges about victory or defeat. But this is Bullxxxx.
In 1941 the axis overrun the world. The 1941 set up represents this. Congratulations Larry!
We dont need bids to play A&A. It is a random thing wich country marker you pick out of the box.
And if I pick up the allies in AA50, I will await the axis at Stanlingrad, El Alamein and Midway no matter if outnumbered or not. That is fun!