That’s the rub though. If you attack 5 aircraft and 2 supporting ground pieces and you kill all the ground forces in the first cycle of combat, the planes have to retreat.
From 20080724_AARHE
Land Combat: Retreat Decision
At the end of a land combat cycle, if only one side has land units the other side must retreat. If air units
can’t land they will be destroyed in Non-Combat Move. Defender declares retreat decisions before attacker.
It is just something to be aware of when you play. Normally, a high value country like Western Europe or Germany look pretty safe when there are 5 FTR buzzing around… but if there are no boots on the ground, they retreat after the first round.
I wouldn’t be griping about it if I hadn’t seen it happen to Germany while I was playing Japan.
I found it cheesy that by throwing away a bomber on a suicide mission UK/US managed to capture Germany even though it had 5 FTRs defending (n.b., the bomber was nothing but a tool to deny the 5 FTRs a combat roll – yes, the bomber did get shot down) . The FTRs never got a shot at defense because they were all tied up chasing the bomber… blood in the water!
The two ARM backed up by shore bombardment made quick work of the remaining defender, the Luftwaffe had to retreat by definition, and Germany fell.
Lesson learned. Defending FTRs need lots of ground forces to be effective.