• I went the AH site yesterday and was just coming here to make a snide comment about them not having any info up.

    It sometimes seems like they don’t want to sell games.

  • @frimmel:

    I went the AH site yesterday and was just coming here to make a snide comment about them not having any info up.

    It sometimes seems like they don’t want to sell games.

    But of course, when sales are mediocre for the 100 dollar game that received no advertising, clearly it is a lack of popularity on the game type, not a lack of marketing  :roll:

  • Is November 18th confirmed? This displeases me greatly! :cry: I had a game day all set up for Thursday(Oct. 23rd) for getting together to play and now this! Now I have to try to reschedule everything. Are they going to give us an official reason why the game was delayed three and a half weeks!?

  • Wow just saw that on WOTC site……i really hate them…why on avalon hill web site they didnt corect it? i mean its october 23 evrywhere.

  • At least give us a info about this change of date holy god……aaarrggggg

  • '10


    By the way 1991 should be an MB Edition, also they had problems with units colours?

    Yes I got two MB games with a copyrigth from 1986 on the rulebook.

    Only the infantry unit models are different and they changed the colours of german and us infantry.

  • 2007 AAR League



    No rush. Now with the new Abattlemap feature, we can all play PBF game anyhow!  :wink:


    I only meant that the game is available right now
    As an Abattlemap module…
    No need to wait to whatever date that WOTC care to ship the physical game.

  • Ehm… Perry, I have already Pre-ordered the game. I have already paid for it. And now they re-schedule it to 18 November withouth even explain why.

  • If the game is delayed another month or so they will need to call it AA51

    Also, it was pretty obvious that i was making a joke. Nobody could know why the game is being released latter, but its a fact that the something always is missing in every game because they totally refuse to fire that guy who makes a similar mistake in every product. I would also make the stipulation that their is no way a different person each time had made mistakes of this type.

    2 Infantry missing in AH D-Day
    2 Infantry mission in Bulge
    Cruiser color gaff in Guadalcanal
    Too few Japanese tanks in Revised
    Paper thin national tokens in Revised

    I would really like to know the name of the guy who keeps doing this so i can pay him a visit and ‘discuss’ :-D

  • This sux. :x Shame on you AH. This is an embarrassment, and if it’s any sign of things to come with this release…

    It could be a delay in manufacturing. But I think it’s also just as likely that someone in AH marketing simply said “Wait a minute… we’re releasing this game a month ahead of the ‘holiday shopping season’… WHY?” ~ZP

  • @Imperious:

    If the game is delayed another month or so they will need to call it AA51


  • Arrrgh :?

  • I’m seriously reconsidering purchasing this game

  • why?  Perhaps they will include something more? or a surprise?

  • Customizer

    Where is everyone finding Avalon hill announcing that AA50 will be released NOV 18?

    I found in two places one their official site that the release date is oct 23.
    These are the two links

  • '10


    Where is everyone finding Avalon hill announcing that AA50 will be released NOV 18?

    www.wizards.com, move cursor over avalon hill

  • '10


    Ehm… Perry, I have already Pre-ordered the game. I have already paid for it. And now they re-schedule it to 18 November withouth even explain why.

    That is a point.

    I preordered it too and I want to play it on the original board, with the original setup-charts and complete rules.

  • @Perry:

    I only meant that the game is available right now
    As an Abattlemap module…
    No need to wait to whatever date that WOTC care to ship the physical game.

    I’ve seen the ABattlemapmodule
    Is that the actual setup for 1941 or is that just a best guess based on some of the pics and info already out?

  • @Imperious:

    why?  Perhaps they will include something more? or a surprise?

    I wish this was the case.
    You know… If I was Avalon Hill, and had the wherewithall to release another version of A&A so soon after Revised (2004), I would want to make sure it was not just a simple upgrade, but rather something that just totally blew the socks off of anything before it!!!

    So far, I’m not getting that.  Meh, you got Italy and China as playable in the game.  Meh, you got a new Cruiser unit.  Meh, you’ve thrown in some National Objectives.  You know, a lot of these are nice, but where is the Grand Strategy?!?  Where is the World at War?!? Where is the game of Global Warfare?!?

    This is how I see the game playing out…

    Subs are still too vulnerable and do no convoy damage, so Germany will forego navy and just attack Russia
    Russia as always, will fight Germany
    Japan will seek to expand and India is the most ideal target
    UK will see India as undefendable (ICs are so expensive), and will build up in SZ 6 to hem any German sea units in and trade Norway and NW Europe
    Now that KGF is on, Italy will try and do it’s best to expand in Africa while helping vs. Russia
    US, to support KGF most quickly, will ignore Japan, and buy BMBRs and bomb Germany and Italy into the stone age (-20 and -12 IPC/ROUND).  Tranports and troops will eventually follow
    on following rounds, Japan seeing they are ignored will seek to expand quickly while rushing to put some back pressure on Moscow

    Basically, the game is KGF with JTDTM playout all over again and nothing is fixed.   We’re back to the playout we had in Revised and Classic.  This game as is still has some serious flaws, and I honestly hope that the delayed release is an effort to fix things.  The board and the molds are fine, but they should certainly be able to make some last minute changes to the manual to save this game and give us the proper global playout and increased strategy we deserve.

    Last minute changes I would love to see…

    1. Some Convoy Raid Rules - ideally, the more subs, the more damage, but even something as simple as this would be nice…

    National Objectives:
    Germany: At least 2 SUBs in North Atlantic (SZs 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) = 5IPC
    Germany: At least 4 SUBs in North Atlantic (SZs 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) = 10IPC

    Japan: At least 2 SUBs off US W coast (SZs 44,53,54,55,56,57,65) = 5IPC
    Japan: At least 4 SUBs off US W coast (SZs 44,53,54,55,56,57,65) = 10IPC

    USA: At least 2 SUBS off Japan coast (SZs 58,59,60,61,62,63) = 5IPC
    USA: At least 4 SUBs off Japan coast (SZs 58,59,60,61,62,63) = 10IPC

    This would at least encourage the possibility of a German naval campaign as well as Japanese and American Pacific campaigns

    2. Cheaper ICs (15–>12IPC)
    -would encourage UK ICs in Aus/India again more likely to give global playout (and less likely for UK KGF)

    3. Interceptors as either standard or Tech
    -Let defending FTRs in SBR territories get a single 1@1 shot each to shoot down Rockets or SBR BMBRs
    -if Germany gets multiple ICs at game start (which they should), I’d say make it standard, otherwise make it at least a Tech to give Germany some chance of countering a cheap SBR+/-HB strategy

    4. Make Techs Directed
    -Random Techs are for kids.  There should  be no place for Random Techs in a game of Grand Strategy.  Make players outsmart their opponents, not outluck them.

    5. Give SUBs some added survivability
    -they are still too weak.  Presence of a single DD basically makes them autokilled.  Either let them at least dive after 1 round of combat regardless of DD presence, or make DD’s have to roll a profiency roll to detect them in the first place
    -added SUB survivability will go a long way to encourageing a naval campaign.  Right now, they’re still pretty useless… even at 6IPC.

    I think just these 5 simple changes will make this game more like the Global Playout Grand Strategy game it should be, rather than the old KGF and JTDTM we have seen too many times before  :-(

  • You guys just crack me up!

    Talk about whining. I have never heard so much whining about something so little as a 3 week delay in the introduction of a GAME, as I have heard here!

    For goodness sake lighten up!

    Look about you in this world today and see what’s really going on, and then don’t whine about a trivial game. We are lucky to be alive and to be grateful for what we have, much less whining about this.

    This site appears to be one big whinefest.

    I mean we haven’t even played the game and there are whiners here about how broken it is!

    I am a casual AA player and am not into the dead zone strategy and trading territories and the JTDTM and KJF or KGF of you self styled professionals and thank goodness.

    I played AA Pacific the other day with my two sons and we had a great time. No whining about how the game may or may not favor Japan, Japan did win BTW, we just enjoyed playing the game. The USA built 8 battleships. Why, I don’t know but one of the reasons was becz I could and those 8 battleships looked good out there. Probably not the best strategy and certainly not one I’ve seen or read about here as “The” strategy but I tell you it was fun!

    I’ve played AA Europe with my gaming group and AA Revised too and thank goodness we just sit and play. There is no choreography or predestination of how the game plays and ends. It is always new and fresh, I guess becz we are not experts or as professional as you all are.

    You all sound so jaded about AA. Sometime watch some “amateurs” play and you’ll probably be amazed at all the “mistakes” they make, but you will be amazed how “true” the game is and not so artificially altered so that the JTDTM or KGF options must be played to demonstrate superiority.

    I guess if all you got together for a game, from all the cauterwalling here I would expect it to proceed in a very scripted manner by everyone proceeding with their country’s scripted/expected response.

    Thank goodness we have not reached that state of petrification.

    It would take all the pleasure of playing AA and seeing always a different game before us emerge each time.

    I have no beef with any of you. I enjoy reading about AA and your ideas and “listening” to all the ideas about playing, but what has struck me is that it seems this intensity has lessened the simple pleasure of just sitting down and playing it.

    I hope no one takes this as an insult, “no harm, no foul” as I would say, but as a casual player I just wanted to point this out to this community as a whole.

    I am certainly looking forward to AA50. It will be grand in scope: the size of the board and all the pieces and the addition of Italy and just having that set up on the table in the basement is going to be great!

    Avalon Hill WOTC whatever you want to call them, is producing a great fun filled game that will divert us all for hours. I for one applaud them and I am looking forward to those Saturdays and Sundays gathering with friends to play this monster!

    It will certainly be fun and that’s the bottom line isn’t it?

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