@TheDude-0 Thanks for excellent reply. Noted and agreed on all points.
Why is enemy rolling dices without AA gun ?
I did an air raid on the enemy’s industrial complex in Moscow/Russia (captured by Germany) with some UK heavy bombers. He didn’t had any AA gun there, but he did roll dices as if he would had some AA guns. Is this a bug?
@salocinx An IC has its own AA guns. These defend against an SBR but not against an attack on the territory.
If an AA gun unit is present it does the opposite. It defends against an attack on the territory involving air units, but not against an SBR.
@Private-Panic Thanks for the quick and detailed answer. Learned something new :v: Does it matter for the IC’s own AA gun if the IC is partially destroyed? Or do these guns always have the same striking power?
@salocinx The factory’s air defense is not affected by damage.