Fair enough! And thanks very much for the writeup. If anyone tries this again, consider adding:
2 German subs in SZ 10 (Greenland)
2 German subs in SZ 12 (west of Morocco)
1 Japanese carrier with 1 Japanese fighter in SZ 62 (east of Tokyo)
Is the 1939 map available in .ai download?
yes of course its under tekkys files. Is it not?
I looked in AARHE map files and the main files for AARHE maps and player aids. The 1939 maps were in png and pdf. Not .ai
After much digging, these are the only .ai files I found from one of your posts on January 10.
1939 Map with setups
I opened the Jan 10 files and they look fine. If there are no changes after that, I’m good to go.
Let me look at my file.
oh heck ill just repost a new link from the last version.
This is awsome and more updated than the one I was working with. Love the lakes you added. Without making the map too gaudy, how would some custom mountains look? You could then take out the ‘mountains’ text.
Another +1 for your efforts
I guess i can do this, but give me a few more days… perhaps a week.
Look at 1939 and A50 and compare what was done. Even the water color is very close.
I have redone my 1939 map but i don’t know how to send the image.
Sign up here. Its free and easy. This is where most of the users set up their downloads for these posts.
Let me look at my file.
oh heck ill just repost a new link from the last version. with set up:
There are major differences between the 1939 map set up and the 1939 rules set up - particularly with Germany (France now has less units and Germany more) No wonder Germany was struggling the first few rounds against France and Poland/Russia.
Can I assume the map is correct and the set ups should be changed to feflect this? Was this changed due to play testing?
1939 kicks ass. Germany has no issue wiping out France. compare the set up and note German bombers.
they take out POland and scandanavia and benelux turn 1
france turn 2
IL, I have no arguement against that now.
My point is that the current set up map is not the same as the 1939 AARHE set up charts in the rules. If the current map is currect then the set up charts in the rules need to be updated. I just wanted to know which is the right one to follow.
go by the set up over the map that has the icons. The set up is what i use and its correct.
If i have errors on the file for 1939 you may be looking at an old file actually… anyway if you find a mistake let me know but the setup is what you use officially.
I noticed that Japan has at least 1 AC, 1 BB, 1CC and 1 navy plane less on your map than what’s on the latest set up chart. Was this intentional? Did you find Japan’s navy starting too strong even though they only start with 14 IPCs?
Again go by the set up. Thats official.
once you find all discrepancies ill fix everything so its correct.I have no idea why these errors exist but we will fix them.