if you count the regular income from all nations together you come up to 149 IPCs. With the national Objectives you get an possible additional income of somewhat around 90 IPC at maximum. So if noone saves any money ever the maximum you’ll need at one point is somewhere around 240 IPCs. Now you might want to count in some savings and the possibility to change between the different denominations.
I guess to be on the sure side you should have about 350 IPCs. How many of which denominations depends a bit on what you and your buddies prefer. Would you want to have more then 10 1-IPC-bills? Or do you change those anyway to a 5 or 10-IPC-bill? And so on :wink:
Strategy I've been working on
In my recent games as the allies, I’ve been working on a new plan that seems to be working. What I do is try to stop the naval growth of Germany and Italy, and then have the Americans send in forces into German occupied France. This will distract Germany, and then the USSR will just send in mass amounts of infantry and tanks. Not sure how this would work combined with Pacific 1940 2nd edition. Let me know if you think this is a good plan, and if not, if there’s any other strategies I should use.
Not the G40 Savant that others on this site are, but at the bare minimum, throwing in the Pacific board means you’re going to have to deal with Japan somehow. That puts additional strain on the US Economy, which means you’re going to have a tougher time bringing a critical mass of US/UK Navy to bear in the Atlantic. You can’t just send 100% of USA’s income after the Europe map or Japan will win on the Pacific map with minimal difficulty (UK Pacific and Australia are pathetically weak without US Support).
Additionally, you don’t get the free Russian INF that you do in E40 anymore, so that’s going to result in your Russian stack being a bit weaker.
@DoManMacgee Yes, that is true. This could be reworked for Pacific by amassing infantry in far east Russia, and U.S. naval buildup on the west coast.
DoManMacgee 2025 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18last edited by DoManMacgee Aug 20, 2019, 1:07 PM Aug 20, 2019, 1:06 PM
@ari236 That’s the problem people have struggled with for 10 years or so with this version. How do you evenly distribute the Russians/Americans to deal with Japan and the European Axis simultaneously without getting Moscow killed by the Italy-Germany can-opener or letting Japan’s income reach a critical mass on the Pacific board?
If you miraculously had the answer to that question you’d be the best G40 player out there.
@DoManMacgee That’s a good question. I’ll have to think about it