The Italian tank is definitely new, but I’m not sure of the model.
The two most widely used Italian tanks were the M13/40 and the M14/41, see following web site.
The Italian tank has the correct suspension set up, I think, but the upper profile does not look right at all, almost have to see a profile picture. I guess you could call it a poor miniature of the M13/40 or M14/41.
The British looks to be the Matilda II infantry tank, a nice tank, but one that was used only up to early 1942. I can think of three better choices for a distinctive British tank: the Valentine and the Churchill, both infantry tanks, or the Cromwell, probably the best British tank in wide service. Alternatively, they could have used the Comet, available in time for the D-Day invasion.
As for the rest of the Italian sculpts, aside from the color being so close to the Russian, using the JAPANESE BETTY as the Italian bomber. Wizards/Hasbro could not spring for a new mold for the SM-79 Sparviero? New molds in China cost about $3500. Plastic costs, cutting them from the runners, and packaging is going to be the same regardless of what the piece looks like. Allowing for dealer markup, that is about the cost of 230 games, figuring about $40 cost to wholesalers, and probably $25 production costs and shipping from China to here. They did not believe that a distinctive Italian bomber would not sell at least 230 more games? Given the recycled molds, the profit margin to Wizards/Hasbro is going to be pretty good. Productioni costs probably will be lower for the other A&A games because of the run for Anniversary, and I suspect will be lower than $25 per game for Anniversary.
I think that I am going to cancel my preorder for 2 games, and hopefully, there will be one on display at the Chicago Toy and Game Fair which I will be at. Depending on how that looks, I might go back to writing my own rules to add Italy.