I think it will be random, because that the fun way to go about it. So lets say for each IPC the neutral is worth you roll a d6
1= 1 infantry
2= 1 infantry
3= 2 infantry,1 artillery
4= 2 infantry,1 art, 1 tank
5= 3 infantry,1 art, 1 tank, 1 destroyer
6= 3 infantry,1 art, 1 tank, 1 fighter
Allies are invading Spain, and so German player just places the pieces in spain ( using his own pieces)
cards would cost too much, but i like them better.
So in our example: Allies invade Spain, Its now German controlled, German rolls three sixes…. and Allied invasion force is totally destroyed. I like that because it defeats the strategy guides that tell you “you must invade Spain by turn 3” based on that bogus analysis.
Id like to see the A bomb back in the game so i can nuke the neutrals one after the other… " nuke then invade"
its the old idea of “sweep and clear”