1. In the box rules it never states that a fighter is stationed on a specific aircraft carrier.
2. The rules make it clear that carriers can choose to keep the fighters on board and move with them, or launch the fighters and move without them.
3. The rules also very clearly stipulate that fighters can land on any carrier in that specific sea zone provided room for the fighter is available.
4. The rules are also very specific that fighters CAN move when it is not their turn, when no available room to land in a sea zone is left after combat has concluded (presumably because the carrier they were on originally was destroyed.)
5. The rules very clearly state that ALL fighters are airborne in the combat move, conduct combat and non-combat phases which allows fighters on aircraft carriers to defend against attacks.
6. The rules are very specific in regards to using allied transports, stating very clearly that you first load the transport, then wait for the owner to move or not move it, then you can unload the transport. But no such description exists when it comes to landing on allied carriers - therefore, no such rule exists for allied carriers!
However, in LHTR 2.0, as was posted, the rule DOES SPECIFICALLY state that Fighter AB-1209 IS on the USS Deadmeat and CANNOT change aircraft carriers until the owner of Fighter AB-1209 moves it on THEIR turn.
That’s the difference. So in LHTR 2.0, fighters ARE assigned to specific carriers chosen by the fighter’s owner and can only be changed when the owner of the fighter so choses to change carriers. However, in the box rules, fighters are NOT assigned to specific carriers, they are present in the sea zone and may choose to land on any carrier present, even if it was not the carrier it was originally on - likewise, carriers can choose to “launch” allied fighters and move without them, provided it does not result in the death of said fighters, and thus be available to “recover” their own fighters.
It’s interesting to note that in BOTH set of rules, launching and recovering fighters does NOT constitute movement on the part of the fighter. Movement does not occur until such time as the fighter crosses a territorial boundary such as from Hawaii to SZ 52 or from SZ 52 to SZ 45 or from E. USA to C. USA. Moving from Aircraft Carrier 1 to Aircraft Carrier 2 in the same sea zone, in BOTH sets of rules, does not constitute movement on the part of the fighter.
All LHTR 2.0 has done is to clarify that the owner of the fighter has to designate a new carrier for a landing zone on that player’s turn; whereas the box rules state that the owner of the carrier can choose to bring allied fighters along as cargo, or leave them behind - but in either case, the carrier owner makes the choice - not the fighter’s owner.
It’s a very significant difference! No longer, under LHTR 2.0, can you just move your carriers and fighters out and forcing the allied fighters to move to their own carrier, now you have to move your fighters to a land territory, then move the allied fighters, then move your fighters back. A significant delay.