Anybody have any liks to non HBG World War One naval and air units in Axis and Allies scale???
Need Konig Class Dreadnoughts and iconic ships of the period
Nice paint jobs! Where’d ya get the F4Us?
@655321 thanks, I bought them from Historical Board Gamxes.
The F4U Corsairs can also be bought by themselves: HBG Link for F4U Corsairs.
@655321 I purchased mine from PICOARMOR
they are metal and I love them…
Oh man, RIP my wallet.
@655321 true but once painted … u wont regret… cant have p38’s landing on a US aircraft carrier, right?
@655321 yep
How’d you get the arrows and roundels looking so sharp? Is this all freehand or did you use decals?
I always thought the big white arrows painted on Corsairs were amusing, as if they are instructions, “This side up” or “It goes in this direction.”
Looks like the HBG Marines expansion set is sold out, but they still have sets of dark green Corsairs. Decisions decisions…
@655321 decals very small decals and I bought 3 of those sets so there is that. Lol