Or give all 5 nations 2 NA’s each, but let the Axis have ONE random technology, and once selected the option to determine which nation (Japan or Germany) would receive that technology.
That would pretty much even out the NA issue.
I have to agree…
The SZ16 Naval Buy is a looser for the Allies.
However, remove that from the equation and go back to the original question…
A conservative Russia that preserves their ARM, stacks their INF, gives ground grudgingly and with frequent counter-attacks can buy many, many turns for the Allies… turns that the USA sorely needs to get into the fight in a major way.
And once the USA is geared up with 8+ TRNs and 8+ units per turn into Africa and/or Europe, and the UK is unloading 8 units a turn in Europe, then Russia can even afford to expend some of those carefully husbanded units to knock back the Axis forces, let the Allies reinforce behind them, and start the grind out on the Axis.
I agree with Switch. Russia is no pussy cat if played correctly. It’s actually a very vicious Siberian Tiger. It just starts as a cute widdle pushy cat.
However, if Russia puts 24 IPC in naval units into SZ 16 (or even 16 IPC worth) resulting in 44 IPC loss to the Russians (24+20 in fighters) no matter what the losses are to Germany in Africa it’s going to make life extremely hard, if not impossible, for the allies to win.
LMAO, I thought the russian AC build was a joke, you guys seem to be discussing it like someone would actualy do it!
LMAO, I thought the russian AC build was a joke, you guys seem to be discussing it like someone would actualy do it!
This is my year of weird strategies, darling. You never know!
I dismissed the Russian naval build, then proceeded to discuss the original precept.
That’s what I get for reading the MBs before having my coffee and taking my meds. :oops:
No way I think you are an official playtester, come clean Craig, you dont have Ann ed.
Talk about coming out of left-field?!?!?!?!?
What does this comment have to do with my comment? I was just saying that I hadn’t gotten focused on what the thread was really saying since I hadn’t fully woken up yet.
You buzz right by that and hit me with an Anniversary Edition inquiry.
Even if I am on the “inside” ( :wink: ) concerning the new game, I wouldn’t be able to talk about it. Them’s the rules! :-o :x :cry:
the Viking gets his topics confused sometimes.
As for Russia, if Russia plays smart, I have started abandoning africa to push harder, it’s a tough ballance
This is all just crazy talk!
Any fool Russian player that builds an AC and a sub in the Baltic just signed his own death warrent! Occasionally, I may only build a sub to deter that BB shot on G1,( depending on who I am playing) but an AC is begging for a Panzer dash.
IMHO, Just not good economics for Russia. :wink:
Mmm, Panzer dash. What could be better. The Axis is just so much more fun.
A year back I might have said Axis.
Now I’d say that I prefer Allies. Why?
-> you loose less number of games playing them :-D
Well, if your looking for stats Allies is the best choice, if you want to improve your game you play axis.
Ok, you might win more games with the Allies, but a victory with the Axis is sooooooo much more fulfilling.
What can I say? I’m a man who loves a challenge :roll:
And I really like play the evil guy :evil:
It depends if how I feel. I like Japan and Russia the best so it depends on which on who i’d rather be at that moment. i should be more active on these boards after school ends on the 21st.
Axis. I got a thing for Germany :evil:
though japan does bore me…
I supose I like Germany because I’m a narcissist and I want everyone looking and paying attention to me :wink:
Germany is definitely the more fun to play of the two Axis powers. However, Japan poses more of a challenge when dealing with troops spread across so many islands and also having to deal with main land Asia.
With the Allies, you get corn-fed wholesome American girls, sophisticated British girls, spicy Indian girls, hot Ethiopian girls, aboriginal hotties from Australia, Chinese girls, and Russian supermodels.
True, with the Axis, you get French, German, and Italian hotties, plus Japanese girlies.
But I think the Allies just have so much more to offer . . . I’m going to have to go with Allies . . .
you naughty bunny, come ride my lap
Well, I never thought of it that way. The Allies are starting too sound a bit more interesting.
Do not belief what bunny says! It’s all propaganda, it is :wink:
Damn long ears. :-D